#LoqiURL shortener is a service that turns a typical longer URL, like a permalink, into a much shorter URL, typically using a short domain, often per-site both for some silos, and several indieweb sites https://indieweb.org/URL_shortener
#Loqiasuh has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (4 in all channels)
#Loqi[Micah] It’s fun to think I’m back here writing occasionally, but my personal interests to come back here are more broad. Getting back to a website where I control everything is empowering and the ultimate satisfaction. The kickstart to get this point wa...
KartikPrabhu, [grantcodes], [eddie], [asuh], jihaisse, nitot and mickael joined the channel
#sknebelthat's one of the problems with the current "all hwcs for a day on a page": they share the time in hte markup
#[Rose]That is a problem, but I added HWC to my calendar for now.
#[Rose]And I also booked flights for Berlin and Düsseldorf, just looking for somewhere to stay in Berlin
KartikPrabhu, [pfefferle], mickael, mickael_, [grantcodes], nitot, stratis[m] and markoong joined the channel
#ZegnatI think I am going to shoot for Berlin rather than Düsseldorf. Still need to see.
#sknebelright, I could probably start looking for a cancelable hotel for DUS
#ZegnatI no longer have a by-default place to sleep in DUS. And I think I would rather visit Berlin again than DUS. Though I can be persuaded otherwise
#ZegnatIn Berlin? Yeah, room was great. Breakfast was good too, though maybe on the expensive side
[svandragt], [Vincent] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Trying not to use Slack this semester to reduce number of tools and spaces but I am gonna miss DMs....so many more emails in my future.....
#[jgmac1106]may look for a paid upgrade chat room that offers it
KartikPrabhu, nitot and [kevinmarks] joined the channel