[adam]Morning all, I’m sure this is covered somewhere in the vast Wiki, but something I’m finding a real drag with POSSE is interacting with Twitter _on_ Twitter. In particular, from the native app.
[adam]In part, I could make my ‘reply to’ in my own CMS a bit easier to use (e.g. pre-populating the usernames from the reply to link), but generally, I can’t imagine ever moving ‘like’ to my site in POSSE because I just just want to hit the damn heart. I can add an extension in browser I guess, but I don’t want to replace the native Twitter app just because I want to track stuff on my own site.
[Rose]Adam, have you considered Microsub? I am slowly adding the people I want to follow on Twitter/Mastodon there, and interacting with Monocle or Indigenous.
[jgmac1106]..but I don't keep the Native app on my phone, try to keep all social media off my phone for mental well being so hard for me to know the use case
[jgmac1106]hey all @internetarchive redid their uploader, it is no longer a mess of flash...if you do Public Domain or Creative Commons license you can see good bye to YouTube much easier now
lmorchard, swentie, mickael, swentel, markoong, nitot, [Vincent], iasai, [kevinmarks], tbbrown, [schmarty], nloadholtes_, zero-gravitas, [jgmac1106], eli_oat, grdryn and [adam] joined the channel
[adam]Hi Rose, thanks, I’ll take a look - I’m slowly building things up. but yes, I think part of the solution is going to not interacting with Twitter directly, which, by definition, keep things to the silo I guess.
aaronpktwo, I use Indigenous on iOS which provides a share target, so from the Twitter app I can "share" the tweet to indigenous which lets me "like" it
ZegnatI wonder if it is possible to get a share sheet action that posts a like and skips the gui completely? That would then be a two click and visually never leave the Twitter app
[Rose]Hmm, I wonder if talking about things already patched in the wiki is helpful, it might give people the wrong impression - and most iOS users have auto update on for their apps.
@m_ott✍ I'm writing an article about personal websites and need your help! What website/RSS feed directories do you know of that should be included in the article? Thanks for your help and every RT! 🤗 (twitter.com/_/status/1094653858943508481)
LoqiMercury is a suite of reading related tools featuring an API that takes any web article and returns only the relevant content — headline, author, body text, relevant images and more — free from any clutter https://indieweb.org/Mercury
snarfedyeah i'm using the term liberally. i know the data is graphql under the covers; i parse it out of html myself. but it changes semi regularly. not an API, just slightly nicer scraping.
gRegorLoveI haven't thought about purging them, snarfed, but I have noticed a lot of "spam" likes from businesses if I include a location on my IG photos. I've been manually hiding those on my site after the fact.
snarfedaha, figured out the president of india bug. someone plugged those IG post URLs into the "Resend for post" box on https://brid.gy/instagram/snarfed . no clue why.
[schmarty], [Rose], [jgmac1106], [kevinmarks], [manton], leg, mickael, mcverryj1 and eli_oat joined the channel
nitot, fourtonfish, nitot_, gRegorLove, [tantek], iasai, [schmarty], [Rose], afrogeek[m], [jgmac1106], chrisaldrich and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
snarfedyes! ...but re getting lower generations onto the indieweb, micro.blog is arguably as good or better now than blogger, wp.com, etc. the only caveat is wms to/from external sites, and they're supposedly working on those. https://indieweb.org/web_hosting#Custom_domain_silos
chrisaldrichsnarfed, I'm on board with your modifications there too, but I don't think we'd ever documented some of the other pre-existing options the way Greg is.
chrisaldrichsnarfed: as a quick fyi, the example link you use under https://brid.gy/about#user doesn't exist anymore. If you don't have another quick one handy, I can try to make one as part of some experiments I'm planning.
chrisaldrichNo, the example of how to create a secondary WordPress user for receiving webmentions so one doesn't get the pseudo-UI issues seen on kevinmarks' blogger site where it looks like all the comments come from him.
chrisaldrichSnarfed, you're probably seeing the wrong segment because that fragment targets the last paragraph in the page so it doesn't scroll down far enough.