[jgmac1106]jacky I can post a reply to Kevin's tweet clarifying if you want, again my apologies, still think the artist crowd on fediverse might be a good Koype niche
cjwillcock, snarfed, wolftune and kraftbj joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
[Vincent]Here’s a fun thing I’ve been toying with today. Disabling Webmentions for certain posts. Just as you might disable comments on an article If you wished. Anyone else done this? And if you did disable a post and someone still sent you a webmention, is it good manners to ignore it? Or should you collect it anyway and not display it?
aaronpkis your intent that a post is receiving too much noise and you don't care about ever seeing responses to it again? then maybe drop everything on the floor and/or remove the webmention endpoint from that page
aaronpkmy understanding of why most people disable comments on old posts is the post either is getting only spam comments because it's been around for so long, or it sparked some particularly contentious debate and they want to not create a space for that debate anymore
[Vincent][aaronpk] yeah my thought was, what happens if I post an article and then the comments go bad. How do I handle that? And how easily could I sort it out. I save webmentions individually so if I got a single mention that was offensive I can just delete it. But if the conversation goes in a strange/unexpected way. I should probably have a way to handle that.
[Rose]Look how many tweets get dug up years later and taken out of context, and the person who posted it just gets covered in hate messages. Being able to at least stop replies showing up on your own website will be useful at some point.
[tonz]Are there any indieweb people on Prince Edward Island (.Ca) that you guys know of? I will be attending an unconference a friend is organising there in June (for the 20th anniversary of his company, copied from me and my wife’s habit of doing (un)conferences for our birthday so friends from all over can get permission from their employers to come)
[jgmac1106].. Part of reason I want to add BlogCon style research posters to some IWC so more academics can go.. Without messing up unconference format
[tonz][jgmac1106] it’s also a lot of fun. We’ve done it 4 times in the past 10 yrs. Last August the most recent one, for my wife’s 40th. Had about 45 people from all over Europe, and some from NA and SE Asia. As well as people from next door. We wrote a little e-book some years back as a how-to (see https://zylstra.org/blog/How_to_Unconference_Your_Birthday.pdf )
[tonz][cjwillcock] great, do you perhaps know Peter Rukavina? (He’s the one doing the unconference in June. He organised the Zap your PRAM conferences some years ago. His site is at ruk.ca )
cjwillcocktonz: I know Peter by reputation only, and as a sometimes reader of his blog. From your description ^^^ it was my guess that he was behind the plans though! We haven't had the pleasure of meeting.
[tonz][cjwillcock] cool. Will ping Peter about it. Btw, google tells me you were involved with starting a makerspace in Summerside in 2015? (I have been deeply involved in building a network of fablabs in the Netherlands in the past)
cjwillcockYes indeed. Makerspace is still going strong - I'm the Treasurer these days. I sold the idea to the local municipal gov, and they agreed to in-kind sponsor a space (2000 sq. ft, heat and lights). I put out a call members of the public to join an organizing committee and lined up 5 business owners including myself. We funded the startup costs (lawyer, insurance) and voila, Summerside Makerspace.
cjwillcockThe space follows the interests of the members - in Summerside it's very hands-on, not so much software / electronics that I normally associate with makerspace. We have an agriponics/hydroponics thing going with an indoor greenhouse and a dozen tilapia cycling nutrients into grow beds, a busy woodshop with a couple retirees who frequent.
[tonz][jgmac1106] yeah, it all sounds very overhead heavy. The minutes of the international committee read like that too. (In NL we started a separate membership org that ‘is’ the CC chapter’ but focuses more on promoting makers. )
Loqijackjamieson: [jgmac1106] left you a message on 2018-11-27 at 12:49pm UTC: here is a citation for the vita: McVerry, J.G., Jamieson, J. (2018). Open Pedagogy: Comparative Case Study of #indieweb and #ds106. A Paper presented at the 68th conference of the Literacy Research Association, Palm Springs, CA. finishing up paper now...need to pick journal for when it is done
jeremycherfas!tell tomasparks Absolutely the easiest right now is a paid subscription to micro.blog. Second, requiring some technical savvy, would be @withknown.
Loqitomasparks: jeremycherfas left you a message 5 minutes ago: Absolutely the easiest right now is a paid subscription to micro.blog. Second, requiring some technical savvy, would be @withknown.
[jgmac1106]can not wait until I am using a social reader rather than rss for all my classes, proper formatting is going to make the plumbing for teacher dashboards so easy
[jgmac1106]but will move to dev, tried to write that in the most undevy way...but it would be getting my students to add the h-card to wordpress.com...or even just there author info....taking someone online for first time is very anxious moment for students
[jgmac1106]I keep this spreadsheet and cut and paste links for inoreader...my students are all in my indigenous account as well...inoreader just to embed an html clip of the feed to create planet like feature
[jgmac1106]OPML or feed import to aperture be nice know many people don't want to move all their sources..but that is waay too much work for you..wait for you to start charging people
[jgmac1106]but I see this vision of my read, listen, watch posts, and a grade book with student names parsed from their h-cards and everything just being populated...basically whats missing all my students on blogs with proper mf2...thats pretty much it
[eddie], cjwillcock and electronicmaji joined the channel