#indieweb 2019-02-22
2019-02-22 UTC
ajft, KevinMarks, eli_oat1, [jgmac1106], snarfed1, [manton], [davidmead], electronicmaji, limiting-factor, [eddie], wolftune, snarfed, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], curiouserandcuri, kisik21 and cowglow joined the channel
jeremycherfas That sparkling font is pretty amazing.

iasai, nitot, jihaisse, Hory, barpthewire, anotheryou and friedcell joined the channel
swentel, rhgg[m] and j605 joined the channel
jgmac1106, nitot and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] Good morning

[Vincent] joined the channel
[Vincent] I quite like the font, but I’m also concerned around accessibility. It’s probably better to go with inline SVG’s that you can mark up correctly and feed the data in to. Semantically it’s probably better
[Vincent] The font is super useful for mocking up a “thing” quick though!
kisik21, swentie, swentel, apophys, friedcell, blassin, nitot and [Vincent] joined the channel
[Vincent] https://paulrobertlloyd.github.io/indiekit/
[Vincent] It looks like a similar approach to mine and Voxpelli. Push in to Github API and regenerate the website. But his is a lot better documented than mine!
voxpelli [Vincent]: Looks similar indeed, thanks for pointing it out :) I asked for collaboration opportunities: https://github.com/paulrobertlloyd/indiekit/issues/1

aaronpk Sparklines are not meant to replace a full table of data, and also are not supposed to have things like multiple axes or other complicated things you might see in larger charts. They are explicitly an inline visual representation of data. So it seems like

would be a reasonable textual fallback of a sparkline generates by that same text using that font. Am I missing something?#
[Vincent] @voxpelli Mine is here: Heavily inspired by yours, but my JS quality is questionable! https://github.com/vipickering/mastr-cntrl
[Vincent] [aaronpk] I suppose its use case specific, so if a screen reader read out that aloud would it make sense to a user?
[Vincent] It’s probably fine to use them then and I’m just being over cautious. especially as your readers are probably more technical, its nothing that is unexpected
[Vincent] [sknebel] via ARIA?
[Vincent] sounds like a sensible approach to solve it then
[Vincent] I’m playing around with doing some sparkline stats at the moment and slowly inching towards SVG myself.
electronicmaji joined the channel
[Vincent] haha! thanks 😛
[schmarty] joined the channel
[schmarty] IMO reading numbers is definitely not accomplishing the same thing as a sparkline (small visual trends display)

[schmarty] i am really into the idea of an alternate description that conveys the trend info.

[schmarty] wow i am having trouble parsing out whether WCAG has any specifics on this.

[schmarty] sknebel: maybe, but there are ways to demonstrate trends through audio! 😄

jgmac1106 and [kevinmarks] joined the channel
jgee left the channel
[schmarty] voxpelli that's an interesting approach!

[kevinmarks] Would the audio equivalent of a sparkline be a little tune? Map values to pitch?

[kevinmarks] So if your investments sound like ascending scales things are good

xtof, friedcell and jeremych_ joined the channel
jeremycherfas Good morning IndieWeb

eli_oat joined the channel
jeremycherfas !tell [Vincent],aaronpk The way I think of sparklines, it would almost be better if a screen-reader whistled them, going up and down according the the numbers. That would give a quick auditory verysion of the numbers, much like a sparkline gives a quick visual version.

jeremycherfas Hello voxpelli. I see that (as usual) I should catch up with logs before adding my two cents worth.

[chrisburnell] joined the channel
[chrisburnell] Jeremy Keith maps his sparklines to audio (https://adactio.com) and I do the same thing (https://chrisburnell.com) but instead of a chromatic scale as Jeremy has done, I map to a pentatonic scale so it sounds a bit more pleasant; although, admittedly, pentatonic does a worse job at accurately conveying the actual values

Loqi A sparkline is a small, simple, data-dense graphic with typographic resolution that is shown inline and in-context with relevant text https://indieweb.org/sparkline

jeremycherfas How does one get to hear them if one does not normally use a screen reader? Out of interest.

[Vincent] [chrisburnell] Interesting!
[chrisburnell] [jeremycherfas] Haven't thought that far through 🙂

jeremycherfas Cool.

[chrisburnell] [sknebel] I don't see why not—I'll get something up as soon as I can

petermolnar aaah that was loud

petermolnar clicked on the adactio sparkline

Loqi aaronpk: jeremycherfas left you a message 26 minutes ago: The way I think of sparklines, it would almost be better if a screen-reader whistled them, going up and down according the the numbers. That would give a quick auditory verysion of the numbers, much like a sparkline gives a quick visual version.

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] if you talk to people who use screen readers they care not so much about if the content appears in the alternate text so long as if important info is displayed visually then the exact info appears somewhere in text

[jgmac1106] alt text, a caption, a <p> same info arranged semantically for reader is first priority

jeremycherfas adactio's articles is the best. I'm sure someone proficient in Morse could tell me what it **really** says.

[chrisburnell] Bit of a mess but you may be able to follow my mostly undocumented code here https://github.com/chrisburnell/chrisburnell.com/blob/master/src/js/sparklines.js

[jgmac1106] had a wonderful discussion with [arush] and other's about this on micro.blog when I had a blind student in my #ds106 class for the first time and got to learn about how blind write for the blind

[jgmac1106] want to learn how people read? Watch them write

apophys, bkardell, snarfed, aalmazan, [kevinmarks], iasai, beacrea, [eddie], wolftune, [tantek], brian2, KartikPrabhu, swentel, nitot, mvk, seekr, [schmarty], [jgmac1106] and jamesdasher joined the channel; brian2 and friedcell left the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Launching #IndieWeb Textpattern" https://mrkapowski.com/2019/02/launching-indieweb-textpattern.html

snarfed, [gRegorLove], [davidmead], tbbrown and chrisaldrich joined the channel
chrisaldrich jgmac1106, did you change your name to Gary? ^^ ;)

chrisaldrich What is Textpattern?

Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "Textpattern" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Textpattern is ____", a sentence describing the term)

chrisaldrich Textpattern https://textpattern.com/, is a [[content management system]] that can be used to create a personal site and be part of the IndieWeb.

chrisaldrich oops wrong syntax apparently

chrisaldrich Textpattern is https://textpattern.com/, a [[content management system]] that can be used to create a personal site and be part of the IndieWeb.

Loqi ok, I added "https://mrkapowski.com/2019/02/launching-indieweb-textpattern.html" to a brand new "See Also" section of /Textpattern https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=57078&oldid=57077

[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] Wow, blast from the past.

[cleverdevil] I didn't even know TxP was still around 🙂

[cleverdevil] I used it for my website way back in the day, and had a lot of fun talking to Dean Allen about it.

petermolnar [cleverdevil]: hey; I tried to get your ditchbook working, but it fails on numerous entries on a facebook page export

[cleverdevil] Ah, I am not too surprised .)

[cleverdevil] Happy to help fix [petermolnar_]!

[cleverdevil] The scripts really have only been run on two or three different people's data, and it was a game of whack-a-mole each time.

petermolnar I'm not going to bother you with this, I ended up parsing it in python, writing a bash file with wp-cli commands, it works

petermolnar just wanted to mention that FB probably broke the export format

[cleverdevil] Ah, that's possible 😕

[cleverdevil] I wouldn't be surprised if they constantly change it in subtle ways to make it useless.

petermolnar neither would I

[cleverdevil] If you still have the stack traces around, it would be helpful to know specifically which things were breaking.

petermolnar the fact that they don't even give you a url to the post is enraging

[cleverdevil] (And [snarfed], I generally use the same approach, but must have missed a few spots!)

petermolnar snarfed: think of the wordpress XML export, that's barely ever changed

petermolnar sure, and nothing works anymore :(

wolftune joined the channel
j605 ok found this, https://indieweb.org/Hugo

mro_name, leg, snarfed, [eddie] and nitot joined the channel
chrisaldrich What is Hugo?

Loqi Hugo is a static site generator written in Go https://indieweb.org/Hugo

chrisaldrich j605, you can ask basic questions in chat to get some answers from Loqi, sometimes searching the back history of chat can be useful

chrisaldrich for example: https://indiechat.search.cweiske.de/?q=hugo

[Rose] joined the channel
chrisaldrich j605, in case you haven't heard there's an IndieWebCamp this weekend in Austin (Sat/Sun) that will give you a lot of overview and some general ideas. Should be a lot of remote participation if you're available/interested.

chrisaldrich What is the next IndieWebCamp?

Loqi IndieWebCamp Bellingham 2017 was the first IndieWebCamp held in Bellingham, WA 2017-05-04 through 2017-05-05 https://indieweb.org/next_IndieWebCamp

chrisaldrich That obviously needs updating to /2019/Austin

chrisaldrich When is the next indiewebcamp?

Loqi IndieWebCamp Austin 2019 is February 23-24, 2019 in Austin, Texas; the second IndieWebCamp in Austin https://indieweb.org/next_IndieWebCamp

chrisaldrich 72 hours until chrisaldrich should update https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?title=next_IndieWebCamp&redirect=no to redirect to /2019/Online

chrisaldrich j605, the introduction material around 10am Austin time may be the most beneficial if you're just starting out. Otherwise feel free to stop in as you can.

chrisaldrich j605++ for indieauth and wiki login

chrisaldrich What are microformats?

Loqi microformats are extensions to HTML for marking up people, organizations, events, locations, blog posts, products, reviews, resumes, recipes etc https://indieweb.org/microformats

[manton] and [dave] joined the channel
nloadholtes_, snarfed, [tantek], [jgmac1106], KartikPrabhu, electronicmaji, eli_oat, [schmarty], [dave], nitot, wolftune, [grantcodes] and [eddie] joined the channel
j605 ok using https://webmention.herokuapp.com/ instead