[eddie]aaronpk that sounds great. I’ve thought of similar things. I experimented with tagging all of my posts of a trip with a single tag, but it doesn’t allow for inclusion in a feed or custom display like a collection would
aaronpkYeah the problem with tags is it pretty much requires displaying in chronological order rather than a curated order to tell a story. Also if the tag is reused it won't have a single start/end
LoqiAn edit (AKA diff, change) is a special type of reply that indicates a set of suggested changes to the post it is replying to. A collection of (presumably related) suggested edits in open source is often called a patch or pull request https://indieweb.org/edit_post
aaronpkLet's rephrase that without the jargon. A collection post has things like a name or content or featured image, in addition to the list of posts in the collection. A tag page is just the list of posts matching the tag.
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[kevinmarks]So a collection has a designed order. Makes sense. Could you add commentary on or between the collected items? The classic Buzzfeed list post model?
[kevinmarks]The buzzfeed post editor is quite interesting - it's like the medium/quill insert UI, but it asks you for title and provenance for each thing you embed
[jgmac1106]Yeah I publish tag posts, but in my attempt to make a collection ai did not make the collection its own post with a name but a feed. Some people want to subscribe to my collections
ZegnatI think these may be two different collections, [jgmac1106]. A collection that is subscribable sounds like a collection that changes over time, and is thus much closer to a feed. A collection post is a single post that contains a number of different items (e.g. multiple photos that have gone out as one unit). I am not sure one expects a collection post to change over time?
[jgmac1106]Yeah that distinction makes sense. I am gonna make the two collections I published as feeds into posts. My other collections are already a single post containing other posts
aaronpkI don't think I want to do the inset thing and also extend the white background to contain it, because that'll end up with two vertical lines running down the page
[jgmac1106], eli_oat, [pfefferle] and [kevinmarks] joined the channel; strk left the channel
[kevinmarks]could you extend the white background to contain it, but give them different background shades (one of the subtle ones like aliceblue or ivory)
[kevinmarks]your photos view in dev has that bento box look. Maybe if you styled the flights to look more like tickets or boarding passes they could be a scrapbook
aaronpkhttps://aaronparecki.com/trips will always show just the summary view, and future plans will be easily read because they will only contain plans, so I guess I can pack them full of stuff after the fact
@jsmarr@kevinmarks They morphed into "smart albums" in Google Photos...no longer with that unique side scrolling UI, but you can still add maps, locations, and large captions between photos in any album now. This way it works with shared albums too and you can control/edit it better. (twitter.com/_/status/1105861979464323072)
LoqiHemingway App is http://www.hemingwayapp.com/ a website (and accompanying native apps) that provides an interactive text editor that highlights bad grammar, readability difficulties, and other areas of potential editorial improvement as you type; a simplified reverse-engineered version is available that could be used to enhance any indieweb post creating UI https://indieweb.org/Hemingway_App
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