gRegorLove_, kraftbj, KartikPrabhu, nitot, pd09041999, techlifeweb, kyl, wolftune, snarfed, botka, [Rose], istrk and jihaisse joined the channel; techlifeweb left the channel
[chrisaldrich]!tell kisik21 I use IFTTT to PESOS some data to my site and find it pretty reliable. You may want to be careful with high velocity posting cases where I've seen issues in the past and some data gets missed.
[Rose]I have noticed the same issue as you in quill [frank] - the latest photo showing. I'll ask Aaron about it this weekend if he doesn't reply before then
[tantek]right now I just braindump them all into a text file, which makes it hard to find a specific post when you want to iterate on it, and hard to find a set of related posts when you want to split / merge one or more posts into one or more related posts
[tantek]I kinda want a three pane view where there's a top horizontal pane that's a search box, with a list of hashtags underneath in descending order of frequency (most to least frequent in existing drafts), and clicking them adds them to the search filter. panes 2 & 3 are side-by-side and are the classic list of drafts vs content view of a draft (or multiple if you select a range on the list side)
GWGI would defer to aaronpk on why. But aaronpk didn't clarify till after I added it to WordPress that his implementation only pulls photos from the last five minutes
[tantek][frank] yes Notational Velocity is close to what I want. Having the automatic surfacing of frequent hashtags would be a big help for me though, instead of having to think of what to search for to bring up the "set" of things that are related. Also I'm very "note only" biased now, this part of many posting UIs trips me up / slows me down: "If you’re creating a new note, you just *type a unique title* and press enter"
[tantek][aaronpk] as an NV / NValt fan - do you think if would benefit from Micropub support? Would/could it be a good Micropub client? Maybe consider adding a feature request?
jeremycherfas!tell [tantek] The Archive is a note app very like nvALT that has saved searches that are very useful when looking for specific tags. Not sure it could do dynamic sorting of tags, but until Ultra comes out I'm making a lot of use of it.
LoqiPrivacy is “the ability of an individual or group to seclude themselves or information about themselves and thereby express themselves selectively”
jackjamiesonI made a post that should be syndicated to, but it hasn't shown up. Does anyone have advice for troubleshooting? The post is
Loqi[Jack Jamieson] IndieWeb Book Club: Ruined By Design (BoffoSocko)
I’ve been wanting to read Mike Monteiro’s Ruined By Design, so I’m happy that @chrisaldrich suggested this book for an IndieWeb Book Club.
My first impression (based on the publisher’s blurb...
jackjamiesonI verified that webmentions are working (plus also submitted the post manually). Also checked the mf2 structure with, and it seems accurate to me
gRegorLove__, nitot, wolftune and leg joined the channel
[chrisaldrich][jackjamieson] sometimes I'll use manually to check for simple errors. Also sometimes I've seen xyz have a delay of posting depending on whether there was or wasn't a trailing slash on the stub