#Loqi[[jgmac1106]] "As part of the required connection to WordPress.com, Jetpack syncs your site’s data to a shadow site on the WordPress.com servers." I mean I trust automatic and all but a "shadow site" I just want the syndication features, but I think I trust Auto...
[manton], [tantek], jgmac1106, electronicmaji and KempfCreative joined the channel
#RuxtonOh yay, the great medium has pay wall now? and it's on by default? :/
[Rose], KartikPrabhu, sl007 and [frank] joined the channel
#[frank]Good morning IndieWeb! First things first, offloaded my rambling wake-up brain with a list of “stuff to bring with me to IWC that I might otherwise forget because it’s so trivial”
#[frank]I look forward to see some of you in person again tonight!
#[frank]As in: not everybody on these channels will be there and I love to see all those that will.
#[Rose]Yes, that's exactly what I was referring to
#[Rose]Aaron built it last Sunday, it's only in the prototype stages, but I'm going to be using it anyway 😄
#jeremycherfasI got that, and I was being personal about it, wanting to be able to replicate it myself, on my site. Compass could well be my hackday work.
#Ruxtonmy biggest annoyance is servers that have plussing turned off :(
#cweiskemy biggest annoyance is input email validators that do not allow +
#RuxtonI sympathise wth that as a + user, but as a manager of communities, you either lock it out, or make sure to validate emails without it (so ruxton+dog is the as ruxton+err) otherwise people multi-account too easily
#[Zegnat]Unless you also maintain a block list of free email forwarder domains, I am really not sure limiting on + would ever keep actual bad actors out. One email one person methodology is simply not a good concept, imo.
#cweiskesince I run my own mail server, I can also use catchall to get unlimited addresses that look non-related
#[frank]What is the rationale to turn off plussing in email?
#LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "rationale to turn off plussing in email" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "rationale to turn off plussing in email is ____", a sentence describing the term)
#[Zegnat]I think something like this: The assumption that one person only uses one email address, therefor you can make sure a single person only gets a single account on your service by requesting unique addresses. Then Google added plus labels and everyone suddenly had unlimited addresses breaking the earlier assumptions of service providers.
#[frank]Ha. So with my own domain(s) I have virtually unlimited addresses because of the catch-all. But even Gmail works with variations like frank.meeuwsen@gmail or fr.ankmeeuwsen@gmail or put that dot anywhere... Old assumptions from service providers that don't work anymore in the internet of today.
[calumryan] and catsup joined the channel
#ZegnatHa, here is one who does not support + labels: the captive portal I have to login to for free airport wifi!
jgmac1106, gRegorLove and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]a lot of freemium services do not support +, when I taught and kids didn't have email addresses I made 100s of + accounts off my email
[Rose] joined the channel
#[Rose]Does anyone have experience with moveabletype? I'm installing it on a subdomain out of curiousity, but the lack of English documentation is driving me up a wall.
#[jgmac1106]foget about the fact that folks stopped caring about quality pumping their low bit rate stream thoruh their low quality wireless bluetooth 400 headphones
gRegorLove, tobiastom, [Zegnat] and [calumryan] joined the channel
#steven[m]3Hi IndieWeb. I'm getting my blog up and running and don't want Google scraping it. Would installing a robots.txt file break any of the features I want from the IndieWeb?
#[Rose]The IndieWeb way: I promised Jeremy Keith to let him know our dinner plans for tonight. Didn't exchange contact info. So I just sent him a webmention and am hoping for the best 😂
#Loqimigration in the context of the indieweb refers to the process of moving your indieweb site from any one or more of one CMS / web host / DNS provider / URL design / domain name to another https://indieweb.org/migrate
#[Zegnat]It is interesting, Instagram has basically the opposite name policy to Facebook.
#Loqi[tantek] has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (126 in all channels)
snarfed joined the channel
#jackyjgmac1106[m]: yeah re: events, I've been reviewing some of their stuff
#Loqijacky: [jgmac1106] left you a message 8 hours, 41 minutes ago: I know you are into events and the fediverse saw this in the Mozillian Telegram channel: https://joinmobilizon.org/en/
#LoqiA scrobble (AKA a listen) is a passive type of post used to publish a song (music or audio track, including concert recordings or DJ sets) or podcast that you have listened to https://indieweb.org/music