[Glenn_Dixon]Not sure which channel this belongs to - but - I implemented IW on my WordPress site almost a year ago. Now I am attempting to port my site over to Hugo.
[Glenn_Dixon]Unfortunately, most of the webmentions and things coming in from outside sources (notes, Instagram posts, etc.) now has most of the content in the YAML frontmatter. It's an ungodly mess.
sknebelLots of those things *are* metadata to posts commonly though. I don't think there's a specific exporter for a different Hogo-compatible format (GWG was working on one that produces mf2 json I think, but that doesn't sound like it's what you want either)
LoqiZegnat: [jgmac1106] left you a message 17 hours, 55 minutes ago: the tutorials on Getting Started for Known on Reclaim hosting are up to date, but it is more than one press install
LoqiZegnat: [jgmac1106] left you a message 17 hours, 57 minutes ago: yes but it installs 0.92, you then need to update Composer using Terminal, and then push 0.9.9a. Just did it for my youngest son this morning at https://legomaster.jgregorymcverry.com
ejwHi everyone, I recently started my IndieWeb journey. I have a question about writing webmentions. I dont want to manually markup html responses for each webmention. The solution I´m trying now is 1) having a Hugo template for the markup, 2) and a self-written script for producing markdown files with the correct yaml metadata to be read out. Is this an OK solution?
ZegnatThough for most people who write responses on their own sites and send webmentions from them, I think they have a theme/template of their CMS make sure the microformats come in correctly
ejwRight, that makes sense. Because some people with support with webmentions seem to send out microposts all the time, which to me suggests they have a very smooth integrated solution with some app or something.
ZegnatThat is often done by having a micropub endpoint for their website, that way they can use different clients. Like Indigenous (feed reader that will let you instantly reply) or Omnibear (browser extension that lets you write replies).
LoqiMicropub is an open API standard (W3C Recommendation) for creating, editing, and deleting posts on websites, like on your own domain, supported by numerous third-party clients and CMSs https://indieweb.org/Micropub