[TimApple]I was thinking of setting up Known on Reclaim... I looked at their list of available applications known doesn't show up..wanted to double check before I fork out the $ Of course I wonder if I should just do a blank HTML page with 0 features and work from there.
Zegnat[TimApple], oh, interesting, I recall Reclaim as one of the few hosting companies to have 1-click Known installation. Maybe some Reclaim user could verify?
LoqiWeb hosting can be the primary regular cost in maintaining an IndieWeb site; this page lists several options from free on up depending on your publishing needs, like a static, shared, private, or dedicated server https://indieweb.org/hosting
[TimApple]Now worries [jeremycherfas], I litteraly just got done reading everything on that link when you posted it @doubleloop , I think I will probably do a VPS
doubleloop[TimApple]: using a VPS will likely mean configuring a lot of the server yourself, which might be overkill if you just want to begin with a simple HTML/CSS/JS page. It does give you the most flexibility and room to grow over time however. Entirely up to you!
snarfedagreed. if it's really just html/css/js, nothing backend, personally i'd go the other direction and a static file host like github pages, AWS S3, Google Cloud Storage, etc
snarfedin general, for any given project, i usually try to start at the highest level (ie least sysadmin tax) and work down, instead of bottom and work up
chrisaldrich[TimApple] when I looked last week, Reclaim Hosting still had Known in their one click dashboard in cpanel. They may not advertise it anymore on their primary site since their once click version is 0.9.2 from about two years ago and current is 0.9.9.
todrobbins, snarfed, neceve, benwerd, snarfed1, [Rose], KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106][chrisaldrich] started my testing of Kirby can follow along here: https://github.com/jgmac1106/starterkit/blob/master/mynotes.html think it will be the approach I take to learning PHP, their documentation is written well for learning, up to date, and has an active community forums. Three things LinkedIn Learning PHP courses lacked
[jgmac1106]wouldn't be a formal curriculum...more weekly or biweekly subjective goals we hold each other to and then bounce ideas off each other...think it would be best way to level up PHP skills....could do the same forking WordPress theme
[jgmac1106]!tell Zegnat yes but it installs 0.92, you then need to update Composer using Terminal, and then push 0.9.9a. Just did it for my youngest son this morning at https://legomaster.jgregorymcverry.com
[jgmac1106]yeah I am not built for correspondence course whether through the mail or LinkedIn...even worse when there is no correspondence...like a PHP nobody takes anymore
[jgmac1106]!tell [Khurt] if you ever wanted a simple photo collection UI you could add IndieWeb building blocks check out Kirby. The photography UX is spot on out of box and adding the bits and pieces has been manageable so far for me
[jgmac1106]plus [chrisaldrich] if we get really stuck we can hire [Rose] as a PHP tutor...but the Kirby docs.. spot on....I never say that..documentation is always horrible
[jgmac1106]there we go added a bit of identity will need to caress my stylesheet a bit https://testkirby.jgregorymcverry.com think I am gonna stick with it so will password protect tomorrow and then when I have enough money purchase a license
electronicmaji, snarfed and wolftune joined the channel
[jgmac1106]without getting too devy check out how the recipe for adding blog post is written: https://getkirby.com/docs/cookbook/templating/create-a-blog gives you the step by step you could copy and past but then breaks down what each bit does..sorry to gush,,its just rare to see a company put this much effort into it...super helpful as a learner