2019-05-27 UTC
nloadholtes, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
electronicmaji, yar, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, wolftune, [tonz], cweiske, jihaisse and strk joined the channel
# 06:55 strk who was the author of indieauth/index.phar ?
# 06:57 strk I broke my deploy so will need to bring it back up
# 07:12 strk cweiske: what's the "phar" thing ? instructions in README don't say
# 07:12 strk just git-clone and web-map doesnt' seem to be enough in my case (as it loosk like I was pointing apache to a .phar for some reason)
# 07:17 strk so... maybe that README should be expanded ?
# 07:17 strk because "If you're using the .phar file" isn't clear
# 07:17 strk I mean... I'm reading the README because I've no idea what I'm doing :)
# 07:18 strk so... why should I be "using the .phar file" ? I don't even know what does that mean :)
# 07:18 cweiske .phar is a zip-based file format for php, just like .jar for java
# 07:18 cweiske so you can integrate all dependencies and assets into one file
# 07:18 strk so no, I'm not even mentioning a .phar in my apache config
# 07:19 cweiske if you just git-cloned the repo, you are not running the .phar
# 07:19 strk according to the README that should just work ?
# 07:19 strk unless, well, "youre using the .phar file"... which I'm not ?
# 07:20 cweiske ok, where is your installation, and what error do you get?
# 07:21 strk I suspect it's a default config for your php
# 07:22 strk shows me the help page for your script
# 07:22 strk but suggests I use authorization_endpoint ... "/" (while I want "/indieauth")
# 07:25 strk PHP Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'Net/URL2.php'
# 07:25 strk (the recommended authorization_endpoint is still bogus)
# 07:26 cweiske and then follow the dependency installation instructions in the readme
# 07:28 strk is yours the only openid-indieauth proxy ?
# 07:30 strk openid-alpha ?? alpha for a technology that's dying ?
# 07:32 strk cweiske: PDOException: could not find driver
# 07:33 strk Error verifying OpenID login: Invalid or already existing response_nonce
# 07:33 strk this issstill a problem after php7.0-sqlite3 install: PDOException: could not find driver
# 07:35 strk maybe you could look again, dev was fast
# 07:36 cweiske which doesn't help me if I'm the only dev on git.cweiske.de
# 07:36 strk how about an apache rewrite rule to map ?
# 07:36 strk although, then you might have problems reacing other endpoints, like /api/
# 07:37 strk which is useful for tools like CLI (tea) or such
# 07:37 cweiske I only need a bug tracker, and for that "simple" requirement, losing my URLs (or hand-mapping them) is a too high price
# 07:38 strk so, "need a bug tracker".. but you still don't have one ?
pd09041999 joined the channel
# 07:48 cweiske a set of web-based tools for source hosting: git, wiki, todo, ci, mailing lists
# 07:48 cweiske "sr.ht is a hosted instance of sourcehut provided for your convenience."
mauz555 joined the channel
# 08:01 strk you're not planning to use the hosted instance, are you ?
# 08:02 strk no OpenID or IndieAuth login supported by sr.ht
# 08:02 strk gitea.com exists for "your convenience" if you want :)
AkyRhO joined the channel; pd09041999 left the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
rEnr3n joined the channel
seekr, ejw, swentel, catsup and jeremych_ joined the channel
# 09:30 jamietanna|wwwjv Morning folks! Once I resolve the display issues with p-content on my site, I'm starting work on building my Micropub endpoint
neceve, [tonz], ejw, loicm and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[tonz] joined the channel
# 11:04 [tonz] [Zegnat] yeah, see #wordpress , trying to solve authorisation header issues. Current status: unsure what to do / uncertain about diagnosis.
# 11:05 Zegnat I know about the header, but I know nothing about WordPress otherwise; sad I can’t help :(
# 11:07 [tonz] the odd bit is that what solved it last time in my blog’s WP, actually doesn’t solve it now 🙂 So when I first encountered the issue, I was all confident swagger ‘hey I know how to solve this’ and then it didn’t work. So now back to an approach with more humility 😄
# 11:15 cweiske strk, which openid server are you using the proxy with?
ejw joined the channel
# 11:42 Zegnat No reason to think it couldn’t make a come-back
wolftune and anotheryou joined the channel
[Rose], [grantcodes], loicm, ejw and yar joined the channel
electronicmaji, [frank], [grantcodes], KempfCreative, jackjamieson, snarfed, cambridgeport90, IRCsum, ejw and ejw_ joined the channel
ejw_, [tonz], dougbeal|mb1, wolftune and cambridgeport90 joined the channel
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[cleverdevil] joined the channel
[schmarty] and [frank] joined the channel
# 17:06 [frank] Hahaha... I clicked the link but I found out I had to get my kid to bed. Also almost no time for vHWC because I'm struggling with weird `dyld: Library not loaded:...` messages in my commandline
snarfed joined the channel
leg, wolftune, jnoh, ejw, [tantek], seekr, [eddie], loicm, [tonz], ramsey_, voxpelli, willnorris, bigbluehat, jbove, [grantcodes], ejw_, [Rose], [manton], gRegorLove_ and sl007 joined the channel; leg left the channel
jjuran joined the channel
# 21:19 [tantek] sl007 oh my goodness I want to use that on my trail runs. Though it will cause me take A LOT more photos 😂
# 21:19 Loqi sl007 has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
KartikPrabhu, seekr, [Rose], yar and wolftune joined the channel