LoqiLurking is the quiet watching/listening that what many people of the web do in chat rooms in order to begin gauging culture, learning jargon or lingo, and other community norms or unspoken principles before diving in to interact on a more direct level with other participants https://indieweb.org/Lurking
LoqiNest is a wholly owned subsidiary of Alphabet that sells an eponymous thermostat, and smoke alarm both of which are connected to their centralized servers over the internet; whereas the indieweb approach would be to have such devices connect to your personal site https://indieweb.org/Nest
[jgmac1106]Ohh I wonder if a recommended reading list could be developed for the hypothes.is api... I always check the firehouse for interesting things
[smerrill]as of this weekend, I seem unable to post photos via Quill. No thumbnail is displayed to me when i select a file; and my micropub endpoint shows no POST connections to the media endpoint.
jmacI will never remember that if you cram more than one POSSE link into a single tweet, Bridgy will happily send webmentions at all of them when anyone reacts to any of them. (This is not a complaint! Bridgy is awesome, and it has no way of knowing otherwise! I just keep doing this aghhh)
[jgmac1106], [eddie], jihaisse, eli_oat, eli_oat1 and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]annotating using hypothesis rather than just posting quotes on my own website for the first time in quite a bit....love it but missing reading on my own site
jmacNod... and even that wouldn't address the particular issue I had in mind (I think?) which is when I tweet "Here are two posts from last week: URL URL" and someone replies to that tweet in reference to one of the posts. Bridgy can't do anything but shrug and share that reply with both as a webmention
snarfedthere have been a few historically, eg mailchimp's and keyring social importers, but afaict basically no one uses them for backfeed, at least in this community
[jgmac1106]a ton of email notifications...but I don't know of any other community even trying to backfeed.....Google+ got closest but well we know how that ended
LoqiEncouraging a plurality of projects with a self-motivated incentive to interoperate is a key principle of the indie web, in contrast to monoculture efforts which require or even encourage everyone to install the same software, or use the same online service, in order to interoperate https://indieweb.org/plurality
[Ian_Forrester]Hi Indieweb people... I'm trying to convince my note taking app (standardnotes) which happens to have a mini-blog feature (wish it was a micropub) to add rel="me" to their profile link.
[Ian_Forrester]> I'm not seeing consensus on this topic. Search results are really sparse. It looks like it was a proposed standard but never gained steam? Also, does this have negative implications given a user can enter whatever value they want for their custom url, especially a url that doesn't actually belong to them but someone else?