#jgmac1106sweet good luck all on trying to pull it off
KempfCreative and [grantcodes] joined the channel
#petermolnariws Amsterdam doesn't look too promising right now, I got rejected when asked my ams based company to sponsor it with a venue :(
snarfed, jgmac1106, wolftune and [dougbeal] joined the channel
#[dougbeal][gRegorLove] I’m about ready to call a do-over with my RSS feeds and start over with microsub. I think being star/liking a post auto-archiving to archive.org or a private store would be the killer feature for me.
[fluffy], Mikaela|XMPP, [eddie], [schmarty] and [kevinmarks786] joined the channel
#Loqi[indienews] New post: "Marty makes a quirky grin while staring into his phone
It looks like I will be speaking at IndieWeb Summit! Specifically, I’ll be giving a keynote about how to “Own Your Mobile ..." https://martymcgui.re/2019/06/19/152602/
#[grantcodes][dougbeal] when you like a post via your own website is that not a private store?
#[grantcodes]I suppose you want the actual content of what you liked, not just the url
#[dougbeal][grantcodes] yeah. Archive for personal use irregardless of robots.txt settings... though anything I like one website should probably got to archive.org as well.
#Loqi[schmarty] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (69 in all channels)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106][dougbeal] must be existing WP plugins
wolftune, jgmac1106 and chrisaldrich joined the channel
#chrisaldrichI'd bookmarked it a while back, but does anyone have experience with Piratebox? PirateBox https://piratebox.cc/doku.php is a DIY anonymous offline file-sharing and communications system built with free software and inexpensive off-the-shelf hardware.
#jgmac1106There are some things that money can't buy, and PirateBox is one of them! .....awesome
[tantek] joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]Image and Message Board for 4chan-like functionality.....not awesome...makes me suspect of motives
#snarfedhttps://thehelm.com/ is a more polished, mainstream alternative. i have one and know the founders, they're extremely competent
#[jgmac1106]odd the annual service but not the device is sold out...shouts scaling issues.. but yeah I want one badly....idea of garage saling looking for old towers not appealing
#[tantek][schmarty]'s alt text does make me wonder about what the overall and/or summary plain text experience should be for a photo post.
#[tantek]In particular, should the alt text go into the name of the window (e.g. <title> element) and be part of what is bookmarked etc.?
#[tantek]or in a classic feed reader, the item "name" that shows up in the list view?
#[schmarty]i did indienews dirty by not putting a `name` on the entry but including a `featured` image up top with an alt to see what would happen.
#[tantek]hence why I asked about "part of what is bookmarked"
#[tantek](assuming posting/syndicating to IndieNews is effectively "bookmarking")
snarfed joined the channel
#[jgmac1106]accurate->describes what is in photo, succinct->one modifier describing grin->not redundant->no where in post does Marty say, look at me in this photo making quirky grin
#[jgmac1106]going to dev if foks want to answer but I would assume if p-content, p-name, or p-summary were the same you would leave alt="" as you violate redundancy test
#LoqiA directory on the web lists websites or pages typically grouped by topic or areas of interest, sometimes using categories or tags, often useful for finding niche communities and discovering new websites https://indieweb.org/directory