snarfed, andrewxhill[m], rEnr3n, [cleverdevil], KartikPrabhu, electronicmaji, jgmac1106, [xavierroy], KempfCreative and KempfCreative1 joined the channel
Loqi[tantek]: snarfed left you a message 1 day, 9 hours ago: updated stats at . key pieces of news since last year: facebook backfeed shut down in august 2018, google+ in march 2019, and estimate of total webmentions sent in the wild as of june 2019: 1.44M!
glenn[m]2<jgmac1106 "I gave up on IRC on Android, mai"> You could use an Android Matrix client and access the chat via the matrix bridge:
jgmac1106that is what I do, honestly end up hopping back and forth because too many communities on too many platforms, move between Slack, IRC, and Matrix
glenn[m]2<jgmac1106 "that is what I do, honestly end "> That's one of the reasons I'm trying out Matrix myself - to minimise clients and see if I can use them all (or most) through bridges.
[jgmac1106]"We want to ensure we provide any and all options available to help. So we can better assist, please tell us more about what you're trying to connect to. What specifically is an IRC?"
mmm, yar, mapkyca_, jgmac1106, rEnr3n, eli_oat, snarfed, KartikPrabhu, [benatwork] and [Lesley_Sim] joined the channel
[slack_indiewebcNot sure how to add other things though like a form where people can enter their mentions, or how to display those mentions on my own site.
[frank]It depends on your setup. With you can add some Javascript to your template to collect the incoming replies. Also you need to add the correct endpoint to your templates.
[slack_indiewebc[aaronpk] One bit I don’t understand about is whether I need a form where people type in their reply URL. If not, how does it find the mention on other sites?
aaronpkthe webmention forms you see on peoples' sites is just a convenience for people to send webmentions manually, but most of the time they are sent automatically
[slack_indiewebcI have already added the link for webmention to the site header. I will add the JavaScript according to Amit’s tutorial and see how that goes.