#indieweb 2019-07-19
2019-07-19 UTC
bleb, wolftune and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek] social media << 2019-07-03 Stanford Engineering Newsletter: [https://engineering.stanford.edu/magazine/article/what-different-about-how-democrats-and-republicans-talk-online What is different about how Democrats and Republicans talk online?] <blockquote>Researchers examined 4.4 million tweets posted in response to 21 different mass shooting events. […] help understand the causes and consequences of social media polarization?</blockquote>

Loqi ok, I added "2019-07-03 Stanford Engineering Newsletter: [https://engineering.stanford.edu/magazine/article/what-different-about-how-democrats-and-republicans-talk-online What is different about how Democrats and Republicans talk online?] <blockquote>Researchers examined 4.4 million tweets posted in response to 21 different mass shooting events. […] help understand the causes and consequences of social media polarization?</blockquote>" to the "See Also" section of /social_media https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=63749&oldid=63677

jgmac1106, wolftune, fauno_, KempfCreative, Matias and patterson joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[Michael_Beckwit it’s their mobile app…on desktop
[Michael_Beckwit more or less
KartikPrabhu oh judas priest! I have it too and it is filled with ads aka "promoted tweets" :(

[Michael_Beckwit promoted/sponsored content is the sludge of social media
KartikPrabhu it seems my ad-blocker has hasn't caught up with the new twitter

swentel, gutierri, [Rose], kensp, [KevinMarks], jgmac1106, blassin278262, [jgmac1106], catsup, [kimberlyhirsh] and j4y_funabashi[m] joined the channel
j4y_funabashi[m] morning all

jgmac1106, KempfCreative, [KevinMarks], [Rose] and KempfCreative1 joined the channel
j4y_funabashi[m] What is archive

Loqi archive in the context of the indieweb refers to date-grouped (often monthly) sets of posts (AKA personal historical archives, a common form of navigation), but can sometimes mean archival copy, a copy of a web page made (often by someone other than the author) at a particular point in time https://indieweb.org/archive

j4y_funabashi[m] What is summary

Loqi A summary is short text that conveys a post's main point(s), a small representative section, a post excerpt, or a plain text equivalent for kinds of posts like likes and RSVPs that use other properties to convey their meaning https://indieweb.org/summary

nikivi what is this group for, Im a bit confused
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "this group for, Im a bit confused" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "this group for, Im a bit confused is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] welcome nikivi

[jgmac1106] this group is for people who like playing around and hacking ont heir website in order to help build a better web

[jgmac1106] and sorry for the strange bot response, if you want to ask about on the page on the wiki "What is," is a trigger. Then if there is no page you are prompted to make one

[jgmac1106] What is IndieWeb?

Loqi The IndieWeb is a community of individual personal websites, connected by simple standards, based on the principles of owning your domain, using it as your primary identity, to publish on your own site (optionally syndicate elsewhere), and own your data https://indieweb.org/IndieWeb

j4y_funabashi[m] what is aggregate?

Loqi aggregate is an overly formal way of saying collect or make a list, and like method, should be avoided in indieweb wiki page definitions; sometimes aggregate refers to what an aggregator does https://indieweb.org/aggregate

nikivi any UK meetups happening soon?
nikivi Im in London and would love to meet the community
nikivi Im building an open source website to learn anything https://github.com/learn-anything/learn-anything
[jgmac1106] When is the next HWC?

Loqi Join us for an evening of IndieWeb personal site demos and discussions!
Any questions? Ask in the chatroom! More… https://indieweb.org/next-hwc

nikivi so maybe its relevant :D
[jgmac1106] I have an open source course template I am building so yeah it is relevant

[jgmac1106] Here are all the meet-ups: https://indieweb.org/Events

j4y_funabashi[m] hmm wonder what triggered Loqi there?

[jgmac1106] I know [KevinMarks] and [calumryan] organize a London HWC event every so often

[jgmac1106] we try to keep jargon out of the main channel, my guess word template did ut

[jgmac1106] it*

[jgmac1106] nikivi IWC Brigthon is coming up in October right before MozFest...def go to MozFest... https://indieweb.org/2019/Brighton but any more event related questions we may want to head to #meta channel

[jgmac1106] What is discuss?

Loqi Join the #indieweb discussions via the web, Slack, IRC, or Matrix interfaces now with additional channels for dev, wordpress, and meta specific chat! https://indieweb.org/discuss

nikivi is this group related to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chaos_Communication_Camp
[jgmac1106] no, but I believe there have been presentations there

[jgmac1106] we are associated with no group, want to be IndieWeb? Have a personal website, that makes you a member and includes all the rank and privileges associated with the joys of your own website

[jgmac1106] happy to talk in #chat or #dev about what others have been doing around curated learning pathways, been involved in Open Badges for long time,

[calumryan] joined the channel
[calumryan] HWC London is next week, every 2 weeks

[KevinMarks] Calum organises it, I drop in if I'm in London that week

[jgmac1106] ahh here it is: https://indieweb.org/events/2019-07-24-homebrew-website-club

[jgmac1106] I like the search and discovery idea for "Learn Anything" part of the reason I turned to IndieWeb for my open source stuff is I didn't like the nondirection OER was doing in terms of schema and discoverability

[jgmac1106] while having a website is IndieWeb enough many of us add additional building blocks to make our sites more connected.

[jgmac1106] these building blocks are all organized around a bit of data in your HTML called microformats, huge learning potential....any more discussion would be too in depth and should move to #dev

wolftune, [fluffy], KartikPrabhu, [David_Bryant], gRegorLove, [grantcodes], fauno_, [tantek], [jgmac1106], [snarfed], kensp and eli_oat joined the channel
Loqi [indienews] New post: "Jacky Alciné
Getting started with Webmentions in Gatsby
Let's learn how to implement Webmentions friendly markup,..." https://www.knutmelvaer.no/blog/2019/06/getting-started-with-webmentions-in-gatsby/ (from https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/9b7ff9f9-29e2-4e5a-b62b-b2b6147b56db)

wolftune, leg, [KevinMarks], [fluffy], [benatwork], KapiX, [manton], drkokandy, kensp, [j12t], [schmarty], KartikPrabhu and jjuran joined the channel; leg left the channel