[chrisaldrich][Michael_Beckwith] while you're waiting for new episodes you might try [macgenie]'s Micro Monday which is great and very indieweb in flavor. https://monday.micro.blog/
[Jeannie]Also, if you already have a blog outside of micro.blog, you can use that feed with micro.blog by going to account>feeds and crossposting and adding your existing feed to your account.
[schmarty], dhanesh95__, [KevinMarks], kensp, wolftune, mavidser, kaniini, nekr0z, [jgmac1106], leg, [cleverdevil], chrisaldrich, dhanesh95, gRegorLove, [tantek] and Microsoft_techni joined the channel
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "conference mode" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "conference mode is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpkconference mode is when you make your home page temporarily show different content than normal during an event, such as showing only posts with the conference's hashtag