KartikPrabhu, jolvera, patterson, ben_thatmustbeme, IWSlackGateway, Maggie[m], KempfCreative and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy][snarfed] oh yeah the reply is absolutely reasonable, it’s just disappointing. I was hoping I could get ersatz private posts by just having the private post threads not discoverable.
#[fluffy]Disqus is trying to build a universal public forum, not a comment embedding system.
#[fluffy][Lewis_Cowles] and neither of those things. I want it where a thread on a page doesn’t appear as a discoverable thing on another page.
[prtksxna] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
#[Michael_Beckwitone detail I can appreciate about Disqus…they do offer support to sync with your WP install, so you don’t lose them if you don’t want to
[tantek] joined the channel
#[fluffy]Yeah their import/export is reasonably good.
#[fluffy]I’m getting tempted to just make comments a direct part of Publ. But that opens up another gigantic can of worms.
#[fluffy]Like Publ’s overall design is that what’s checked into your site’s source repository is the ground truth, rather than anything in a database.
#LoqiExpiring content is content that is only temporarily (ephemerally) relevant, and also part of a larger post, that can and should be (preferably automatically) removed once a particular datetime has passed (the expiration date) https://indieweb.org/ephemeral
#[Rose]I have an essay due tomorrow for my Masters and it's not really close to finished yet unfortunately. Silly "real life" stuff taking precedence over IndieWeb
mauz555, [tonz], catsup, [jgmac1106], seekr, anotheryou and jgmac1106 joined the channel
wolftune, gxt, loicm, fourtonfish_, KempfCreative, IWSlackGateway, fourtonfish, [tantek], quite, [snarfed] and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]okay wow Isso is flexible. It’s a pain in the butt to configure, but worth it.
wolftune and [fluffy] joined the channel
#[fluffy]Oops, ran into my first major problem with it: there’s no way to decouple the thread ID from the URL. Guess I have a fun project to work on over the next few days.