ketudbHey folks, I'm wondering if anyone has any recommendations - I'm looking for a good CMS/platform to build a searchable/filterable database of resources, something on-prem hostable.
ketudbI'm aiming for low coding necessary to do it, so preferably something where the team can add the columns and datasets via GUI, but I'm not sure what's good for that these days.
sl007, patterson, craigo, [Michael_Beckwit, wolftune, rainmanj_, IWSlackGateway, rainmanjam and [asuh] joined the channel
jgmac1106going through these old blogtalk talks it was amazing how many different types of *logs people thought there would be…glad these were reduced to hashtags and post types
[tonz]In ’06 I think I presented what I called ‘the patchwork portal’ there together with my wife. Which was a practice example of how we let webtools develop alongside the community using it, by writing code to patch existing blog (internal and external), forum, wiki and static site tools together, with single sign-on for community members.
jeremycherfas!tell [jgmac1106] Yeah, those were the days. And not so much has changed. I keep meaning to being that into my website, but then I think, why? I have the accompanying visuals, somewhere. It was fun to give, and I got into very hot water afterwards.
jgmac1106yeah my class website was launched in 2001 and my teaching union wanted to to shut me down for establishing a precedent of “unpaid labor for ework”
[manton]Catching up on some of the Tumblr discussion... If y'all haven't heard it, this interview from Matt Mullenweg on The Verge podcast is excellent. Very relevant to the IndieWeb, although it's not mentioned by name exactly. [tantek] gets a mention, too.
[tantek]Second that. Definitely give it a listen. I get the sense that Matt is maybe looking for a bigger strategic impact here that "just" the obvious combinations of WordPress + Tumblr
[manton]Yep. There is so much they could do... Opening up the Tumblr dashboard so it can work with non-Tumblr blogs, Webmention between Tumblr and's reader, etc.