[tantek]KevinMarks it is absolutely relevant, and debunks a bunch of the "but as a writer you *should* learn how to natively write HTML/CSS/Markdown++" etc. crap
[tantek]There's something about the (clearly false) sense of control that leads even "expert LaTeX users" into thinking they are producing a higher level of quality than they are
KartikPrabhuI know there are a lot of Latex "fanatics", I have just found it more useful t use Latex for what I do which is not writing an essay but actual math
[Michael_BeckwitI now have pseudo-check-ins for my coffee consumption in that i installed some plugins, created a form, and just manually create a post from the frontend of my website.
[jeremycherfas]I don’t know about Latex, but I do know that yesterday I finally took the time to create my own reference.docx for Pandoc and it will make it even more likely that I never again originate anything in Word.
[jgmac1106]Because they get to a university where hardware still underwritten by MSFT in exchange for site licenses... And taught by old people qho can't get fired and thus don't use new things
jeremycherfasMy question,. I guess, is how to students submit their work these days? And I'm guessing, based on what you say, that it is as Word files, rather than paper or PDF.
[Rose]Have they completely stopped the standalone packages now? I seem to remember they had some officially 3 years unofficially until it breaks deals for students.
[manton]Catching up on yesterday's discussion about pointing new people to the best IndieWeb-friendly place to start a blog... WordPress.com is still a good choice for a completely "free" (with ads) option. I'm biased on paid hosting, but Micro.blog will have more IndieWeb-related features for the same price as premium WordPress.com. So I think a mixed approach is fine, where the recommendation varies based on what the user needs.
[manton]I guess that's the only catch with free WordPress.com. If the user outgrows it, they will need to upgrade to the $25/month business plan to get plugins, or migrate somewhere else.
[snarfed]right, that's the biggest difference. micro.blog is almost "fully" indieweb, free wp.com is only a little, and that's only with bridgy helping
[manton]Another thing I just discovered looking at this: it appears that you can't map a custom domain name to a free WordPress.com plan without paying an extra $13/year. Still much cheaper than $5/month but I didn't realize they charged for that.
[manton][snarfed] Good question, I need to refresh my memory on what is still missing. 🙂 I think a lot works now. (We can take that into #indieweb-dev.)
[snarfed], KartikPrabhu, [jeremycherfas] and [tantek] joined the channel
[tantek][manton] based on real world experience of WP.com users trying to RSVP for IWS in June, I can no longer recommend WP (in any form) as a place to get started. Simply put, all their default themes are too broken
[tantek]I think it's great we provide paths for people already on (or committed to) WordPress to join the IndieWeb with plugins and such, because it's likely they're already familiar with all the inconveniences / admintax and thus emotionally prepared to deal with plugin config pain etc.
gareppa, dougbeal|, Tsukimaru and rrix joined the channel
[manton][tantek] I think I missed hearing about the RSVP problems (although I can imagine, having done an RSVP manually back when I used WordPress a few years ago). It's an interesting problem... WP.com is easy to start but too limiting. Self-hosted WP is powerful but too much work for new users.
[arush]Hey all. I'm wondering if there's somewhere I can donate specifically to Indiewebcamp NYC to help cover costs for things like transcribing keynotes/talks.
[arush]I would say wpcom is good for the having your own domain step and the getting a quick website up and running step of Indieweb. But at this point i'm recommending Micro.blog with a third-party client for people who need accessibility.
[schmarty]arush: we typically offer a "donate" option for registration where you can choose an amount to donate towards the event. I think in this case we have it covered but as tantek said jgmac1106 knows for sure!
LoqiIt looks like we don't have a page for "Trip Advisor" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Trip Advisor is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[tantek]!tell [manton] I remember your post about migrating from WordPress to micro.blog, do you know if anyone has done (especially written about) migrating from Medium to micro.blog? I stubbed a section here that could use more detail / links: https://indieweb.org/Medium#How_to_migrate_away
LoqiMy first attempt at blogging regularly was on my Squarespace site while I was trying to “go indie” in 2016. If you’ve ever heard a podcast episode you probably already know the benefits of Squarespace but what drew me in was getting a high qual...
jbove, KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative and [manton] joined the channel
[manton][tantek] Thanks! Sure, I'll add something on that page with details for importing from Medium. I don't remember who has moved from Medium to Micro.blog but I know some people have.
aaronpkokay i'm coming around to the idea that event times should be both stored and displayed as "floating" times (not specifying the timezone offset because that's implied by the location.) thoughts?
aaronpkbut it seems like for the most part, for events like indiewebcamps or conferences, the date is the most important thing, and you're going to go visit the event listing or website to find the actual time later anyway