#indieweb 2019-10-18
2019-10-18 UTC
[asuh], GWG, wolftune, akierig, gRegorLove and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] What are groups?

Loqi group in the context of the indieweb (also "indie group" or "indie groups") is a place where people can deliberately share content with each other, not necessarily on their own domain (though likely copied from via webmention etc.) https://indieweb.org/groups

[chrisaldrich] What are Yahoo Groups?

Loqi Yahoo Groups is a silo for discussion forums and mailing lists https://indieweb.org/Yahoo_Groups

Loqi ok, I added "https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2019/10/yahoo-is-deleting-all-content-ever-posted-to-yahoo-groups/" to the "See Also" section of /Yahoo_Groups https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=65594&oldid=65591

KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], patterson, KempfCreative1 and [Lewis_Cowles] joined the channel
[snarfed] reposting for different time zones: mastodon users, feel free to try bridgy's new mastodon support! https://brid.gy/
[xavierroy], [snarfed]1, KartikPrabhu, [tantek], krychu, jihaisse, AkyRhO_, [Rose], gxt_, [frank], [Lewis_Cowles], jeremycherfas and vika_nezrimaya joined the channel
KartikPrabhu and [fluffy] joined the channel
gkmngrgn joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[tantek] fluffy++ have you written those down on /Publ#Principles ?

marcusr joined the channel
marcusr joined the channel
Loqi It looks like we don't have a page for "routing" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "routing is ____", a sentence describing the term)

[Rose] For me this is what I think of as routing. https://symfony.com/doc/current/routing.html

[grantcodes], kingpapa, gkmn1, gkmngrgn, kingpapa_, treora, [Zegnat], [KevinMarks], gRegorLove, [calumryan], [xavierroy], gxt_ and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] It uses the Open Badges Spec (JSON-LD) but a friend built this: https://medium.com/@kayaelle/introducing-badgebot-the-worlds-first-open-badges-issuing-twitter-bot-b5ef77d950ee want to get to something similar with webmentions

[manton] joined the channel
[manton] [fluffy] I still don't have a good handle on how Mastodon should handle account renaming, if at all. For Micro.blog's ActivityPub support, we give people @username@yourdomain.com, and by default it can't be changed. But if someone _really_ wants to change it, I delete the the ActivityPub username manually (which should notify other Mastodon instances) and they create a new one, starting over.

[jgmac1106] I am saying I want to use a similar design for webmention badges. And i display my #yourock badge in my #IndieWeb site

jeremycherfas joined the channel
gRegorLove, [aaronpk], gkmn1, [Yulia], [calumryan] and [snarfed] joined the channel
krychu, wolftune, gareppa, bronzehedwick, akierig, [jeremycherfas], [KevinMarks], clxsi, [dougbeal], peatDiscord[m] and [fluffy] joined the channel
[fluffy] [manton] yeah mastodon account renaming is a tough problem. I’m less interested in that and more interested in being able to offer folks the ability to follow subsections of my site via different webfinger addresses rather than having to, like, see everything I post on a single cluttered timeline

bronzehedwick hi all, is there info for the next indieweb meetup in nyc? i only see the info for the one i just missed
gRegorLove joined the channel
[jgmac1106] https://indieweb.org/Events looks like one tomorrow

[jgmac1106] If you mean the next IWC, we organize that once a year but the semi regular meetups should be starting up again

shoesNsocks and [Rose] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] woo hoo after accidentlly overwriting most of my server, I am back live

[snarfed] joined the channel
[jacek] joined the channel
[jacek] Anybody up for a beer tonight in Brighton?;)
[snarfed] likewise, anyone in London or nearby going to this next Fri? https://redecentralize.org/events/2019-conference
wolftune, gareppa, [Zegnat] and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[jacek] I'll be there
wolftune joined the channel
[jacek] Gonna be whole week from mon till Sat attending some events at mozfest
[jacek] Thanks!
wolftune and [aaronpk] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I signed up for decentralized, will try and make it

wolftune, akierig_, [calumryan], akierig, gxt, [dougbeal], sp1ff1 and [tantek] joined the channel
kingpapa_, gareppa, [jgmac1106], patterson, [schmarty], jbove and [manton] joined the channel
[manton] Getting started on my IndieWebCamp-inspired hack day early... I've been wanting to experiment with location information in Micro.blog so I created a new blog and imported 2000+ Swarm check-ins. Still a work-in-progress! https://manton.coffee/

[schmarty] manton++ wow!

gkmngrgn and kingpapa_ joined the channel
ShokuninDiscord[ Tantek: hey, do you know anyone working on the TOR integration for Firefox? I think it could be a great fit for the next DWeb Meetup
gRegorLove, gRegorLove_ and [aaronpk] joined the channel; LeFDiscord[m] left the channel
[manton] Thanks y'all. [aaronpk], next step for me is probably to get OwnYourSwarm's JSON content working. I was reviewing the docs again but may wait a bit to tackle that. (What I have right now imports directly from the Foursquare/Swarm JSON export file, which unfortunately isn't complete... I have to also hit the Foursquare API for some venue coordinates.)

[KevinMarks] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Are you young to mark them up with mf2 as well?

[KevinMarks] *going

gRegorLove joined the channel
[manton] I was looking at https://aaronparecki.com/checkins as a guide.

[fluffy] joined the channel
GWG [manton]: https://david.shanske.com/kind/checkin/ If it helps
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
GWG [manton]: Look at https://github.com/indieweb/micropub-extensions/issues/16
[snarfed] joined the channel
[tantek], [dougbeal] and [Rose] joined the channel
[Evan_Travers] joined the channel
[Evan_Travers] so… I’m just learning about all this… one thing I just noticed for my personal site… is that it seems that https://indiewebify.me/ fails to see the code I’ve pushed if I have gzip turned on in my middleman build system… is that a common thing?
KartikPrabhu [Evan_Travers]: welcome. could you see if this https://python.microformats.io/ works?

[Evan_Travers] I’ll push the gzipped version again… so far I’ve only tested with the ruby webmention client and indiewebify.me.
KartikPrabhu what is your URL?

[Evan_Travers] evantravers.com
[Evan_Travers] so your python.microformats.io link works when indiewebify.me and ruby’s `webmention` gem fail… interesting.
KartikPrabhu what about indiewebify.me is failing?

KartikPrabhu oh I see. You have rel-me and h-card but indiewebify.me does not find them!

KartikPrabhu aaronpk^^

KartikPrabhu also might be better to move this conversation to #indieweb-dev

[Evan_Travers] is that on the slack or only on the irc?
[Evan_Travers] thank you tantek!
masternave and patterson joined the channel