[snarfed], tg-z, KartikPrabhu, [Bradley_Allen], maxwell, dougbeal|mb1, gRegorLove, rEnr3n, [fluffy], [KevinMarks] and [timothy_chamber joined the channel
sebseltrying a "chipping away at it" approach by doing small things in the evenings.
KartikPrabhu, asymptotically, [tonz], Hory, patteroni, AkyRhO_, [KevinMarks], [Matt_Hobbs], gRegorLove, jeremych_, [KevinMarks]1 and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; MattJ left the channel
[jgmac1106]and my fault...when I started years a go I thought /public_html meant other people can see it...ended up putting way too much stuff in that directory
[jgmac1106]though all these people using eleventy and other tools to handle plumbing has me a tiny intrigued...still may stick with nothng goes on my website until I know how it works...maybe finish in 10-15 years
FreshcollegeGirl, MattJ and [qubyte] joined the channel
[jgmac1106]yeah what I am working towards is automating a feed of my notes and articles...but currently I store nothing but files and binaries...need to learn and make decisions database vs no database
[qubyte]I even built a node server framework to host my blog. Lots of effort. Then one Christmas I thought _wait, do I need all this junk_ and rolled a generator in 30 minutes. Another 30 minutes later it was hosted on a DO droplet and connected to a domain name.
[qubyte]These days I’m on netlify, which makes it even simpler (no dodgy cron job refreshing my certificate), and it hosts branches so I can make sure I’m not introducing issues when I do something a little dangerous.
[timothy_chamberWe have the opportunity to constructively engage here. What should we suggest is our top 3 future features we'd hope for that make bridging from Indieweb tech to Mastodon better? Re-consider webmtion integration? Other? https://mastodon.social/@Gargron/103045959595504439
Loqi[Eugen] A while ago I asked my patrons what features they'd like to see in future Mastodon releases. Now, I'd like to ask you, my followers. I'd like to hear what people outside of GitHub think.#mastodev
gellenburg[m]Interesting. I chose to go with Pleroma when standing up an instance for my family precisely because it has a lot of the features that people are begging Eugen for.
aaronpkThe trick is they don't want to send webmentions for any arbitrary link in the content of a post, which is fair. But we normally send webmentions for the in-reply-to properties to get comments to work and such
[tantek]Aaronpk didn't you want to suggest IndieAuth support to Mastodon? As in Mastodon both consuming IndieAuth for sign-in and being and IndieAuth provider?
[KevinMarks]I remember finding out that my Vietnamese friend didn't know about the Vietnamese keyboard options and added the accents in pen on the printout
[fluffy]macOS has changed so much of how keyboard and i18n work that it’s unsurprising that the old one stopped working though. I imagine that these days they just have appropriate input methods for the various languages it supported.
[qubyte]I’m typing this on a Japanese keyboard, which is similar layout to a GB keyboard (the return key is the right shape), but special characters are all over the shop. It has a special key either side of the keyboard. The one on the left puts input into roman mode, and the one on the right phonetic => kana mode. I swear a lot because I often hit the one on the right when I’m trying to hit this tiny spacebar.
gRegorLove, gareppa, patteroni, [snarfed], FreshcollegeGirl, [KevinMarks] and jjuran joined the channel; MattJ left the channel
@PinboardThat last bit wasn't charitable. Facebook is a highly invasive birthday reminder service that lets you keep tabs on which high school friend is going bald at the cost of representative democracy. (twitter.com/_/status/1189316077706240001)