2019-11-02 UTC
wgirl and Decobus joined the channel
# 00:04 mblaney [KevinMarks] what does it mean that your domain is too new? no DNS results?
Decobus joined the channel
# 00:07 mblaney [tantek] my new project looks up TTL's and reports back how long results are cached for, that's why I was curious what "too new" meant.
# 00:09 aaronpk New domains aren't necessarily able to be looked up immediately
# 00:10 mblaney yeah I've changed the wording because of that... hard to know if a domain has been registered if nothing is returned.
# 00:13 [KevinMarks] I registered a new one, but it isn't resolving. Now trying an older one
kensp and [snarfed] joined the channel
# 00:30 [snarfed] i've still ended up in my home timeline a couple times, like usual, but there's nothing there now except my own tweets, so i'm immediately bored and leave. mission accomplished.
rainmanjam and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 00:39 mblaney thanks [KevinMarks]! you should get an email to log in now. Will see what I can do about the domain field, not a fan of the new input types...
[tantek] joined the channel
[bradleyallen] joined the channel
# 02:34 [bradleyallen] [KevinMarks] I added your blog to NetNewsWire today and have been catching up with posts from years ago.
# 02:38 mblaney [KevinMarks] I ended up just removing all spaces from the input on the server.
# 02:40 mblaney I also decided to keep the automated 'www' subdomain, but made it optional so if the IP address is set for that too then it will get created.
[chrisbergr], [qubyte], wolftune, gRegorLove, [manton], dhanesh95, kensp, dhanesh95_, MattJ, mabox, sukil, [jgmac1106] and [grantcodes] joined the channel
[KevinMarks], kwop, [tantek], sukil and asymptotically joined the channel
# 12:02 [jgmac1106] !tell cleverdevil, schmarty, zegnat you may want to check out twinery http://twinery.org/ you can make html only games and stories, been playing some text games last night cool tool
# 12:02 Loqi Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
kolaente and asymptotically joined the channel
# 13:22 jamietanna[m] jacky Indigenous for Android seemed to work OK for me when I first set it up. Could it be your indieauth server maybe?
TimeOnDiscord[m], wolftune, djmoch, sivoais, [chrisaldrich] and [manton] joined the channel
# 15:17 [jgmac1106] sukil I just discovered it at a conference, been looking for HTML storytelling tools,
# 15:20 [jgmac1106] I really miss stuff like Mozilla Popcorn and Zeega, so I the fact that its all HTMl and its yours is a really cool feature
# 15:20 [chrisaldrich] Do we have a page on the wiki for storytelling tools? Those usually have some interesting UI features.
mauz555 joined the channel
# 15:22 [jgmac1106] I can't remember Danny's email address or password...I have to rebuild his website...it was due for an update any way
# 15:22 [jgmac1106] but will work on pages, I carry sketches of the remix machine I want someone to build for me eeverywhere I go
# 15:23 [jgmac1106] ds106 must have every tool documented somewhere, probably most reliable content. can search there
# 15:24 [jgmac1106] I just added the Knightlab cdn to the Known whitelist to timeline.js will display on sites
# 15:24 [jgmac1106] g2g, after this it's fishing with Ben.....first real day of cold too....
wolftune, gareppa, [Michael_Beckwit, kensp and chrisaldrich joined the channel
# 19:27 jacky it's only indigenous that I get a problem with though
wgirl, gRegorLove, [chrisaldrich], gareppa, [jgmac1106], [qubyte], chimo, sukil, [tantek], wolftune, [fluffy] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; MattJ left the channel
kensp, Decobus and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# 23:15 jamietanna[m] jacky if you track it down raise an issue, Kristof is super responsive and helpful 🙌🏼
rEnr3n_ joined the channel