[tantek]jacky, affiliate links can bias content, that's one concern. another is that anything that encourages additional consumption (especially of "stuff") is worthy of being questioned. I still think there is some benefit here of directing folks to where to get essential needs.
[tantek]I'm worried more about the "growth" scenarios that drive people to use affiliate links to useless crap just in the hopes of making a few more affiliate $
tsrt^, KempfCreative, akierig, akierig_, sukil, patterson, [tantek], wolftune, gRegorLove, gareppa, MattJ, sp1ff, reefreef, sp1ff1, duffy0 and metbril joined the channel; r4v1 and MattJ left the channel
[chrisaldrich]I also wonder about having a hub like indienews or indieweb.xyz that allows people to syndicate events on their own websites into a hub-like repository that could serve the function of meetup.com or upcoming.org.
[chrisaldrich]Better would be a hub like those that had a micropub client for creating events and or RSVPs that could post to one's website as well....
gRegorLoveI just logged in there to post SDHWC. No webmentions or mf2. It does support markdown, which I didn't recall it doing before. Maybe I just hadn't tried it.
LoqiAn event is a type of post that in addition to a post name (event title) has a start datetime (likely end datetime), and a location https://indieweb.org/event