2019-11-16 UTC
kensp, sp1ff1, davepeck and wolftune joined the channel
# 00:48 jacky thank god I decided to leave for NYC later into the month
wolftune, [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106] and Calle13 joined the channel
[tantek] joined the channel; Calle13 left the channel
[bradleyallen] and bmiller59[m] joined the channel
MarvelousWololo_ joined the channel
# 02:28 Loqi jacky has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (86 in all channels)
patterson joined the channel
# 03:06 Loqi jacky has 19 karma in this channel over the last year (87 in all channels)
KempfCreative, akierig_, wolftune, kensp, gRegorLove, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [Michael_Beckwit, mherstin, [LewisCowles], [pfefferle], MattJ, deathrow1, asymptotically and anotheryou joined the channel; MattJ left the channel
# 11:26 aaronpk Yeah I'm with snarfed on this. Except for the very specific points mentioned, it doesn't seem particularly relevant here
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
golevka, frankmeeuwsen, [tantek] and faultable joined the channel
# 13:08 Loqi just ONE MOTH LEFT to migrate projects from Mozilla Thimble to Glitch
# 13:08 Loqi Countdown set by [jgmac1106] on 2019-07-02 at 8:07am GMT-0500
harai, asymptotically, vika_nezrimaya, patterson and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
djmoch, gareppa and wolftune joined the channel
asymptotically, [jgmac1106], wagle, dckc, [schmarty], tsrt^, MarvelousWololo and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; zazikiDiscord[m] left the channel
# 19:41 [jgmac1106] gwg you should list yourself as organizer on the ones you organize
[KevinMarks] and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
# 21:11 GWG_ [jgmac1106]: I did some quick markup as an h-feed of h-events on that page. I need to mark up each of the list elements manually.
# 21:11 GWG_ Although it would be better in future if I had actual event posts for each
# 21:11 GWG_ But I can only post events through Micropub and they show up by publish date, so I think I need to punt that
# 21:13 [jgmac1106] in the end it is a list of where you have been and does the job fine
# 21:14 GWG_ If I had the posts with the locations...I could generate the map
# 21:24 GWG_ [jgmac1106]: I already built the feature of generating maps from WordPress archives.
# 21:25 GWG_ I suppose I could add a manual way to call the same function, which just has the argument of an array of coordinates.
kensp, dckc, patterson, KempfCreative, KartikPrabhu and cidney[m] joined the channel