#indieweb 2020-01-25

2020-01-25 UTC
[tantek], Choscura, turona, mauz555, jjuran, wolftune, tsrt^, kensp, prepend, TorpedoSkyline and chrisaldrich joined the channel
What is CCPA?
The CCPA (California Consumer Privacy Act) is a sweeping new set of data privacy laws that apply to businesses serving California consumers. It's broadly similar to the GDPR. It covers somewhat more data, requires more to comply, and its penalties are smaller, but otherwise it's very comparable https://indieweb.org/CCPA
CCPA << http://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2020/01/22/rs/ Doc Searles article about Rolling Stone's collection of data and some resources related to CCPA
ok, I added "http://blogs.harvard.edu/doc/2020/01/22/rs/ Doc Searles article about Rolling Stone's collection of data and some resources related to CCPA" to the "See Also" section of /CCPA https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68040&oldid=68038
wolftune, [Michael_Beckwit, delli3, mauz555, olivia, gRegorLove, nickodd and chrisaldrich joined the channel
An interesting announcement from Pixelfed for limiting audience for family/friends: https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/103542563320249737
What is Pixelfed?
PixelFed is open source software for social image sharing, similar to Instagram, that interoperates with other sites using several open standards including rel-me and ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/PixelFed
[pixelfed] We understand some people may want to use Pixelfed with family and friends in a closed environment.Restricted Mode will allow you to require authentication for every page and disable federation support with a single command.It will be shipping in the... [video]
PixelFed << https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/103542563320249737 announcement of restricted mode in coming release
ok, I added "https://mastodon.social/@pixelfed/103542563320249737 announcement of restricted mode in coming release" to the "See Also" section of /PixelFed https://indieweb.org/wiki/index.php?diff=68041&oldid=68007
sukil and [dmitshur] joined the channel
hey @willnorris! nice to see you in here 🙂 you may enjoy learning that I am _very_ close to completing https://github.com/shurcooL/home/issues/34 😄
[jgmac1106] thanks for the nice words!
2 fun facts: I have learned about the existence of IndieWeb by seeing willnorris's GitHub profile -> link to his personal site -> reading his bio/description which mentioned "a citizen of the indie web". the other fun fact is we've collaborated quite a bit on https://github.com/google/go-github/graphs/contributors and I've met Will in person
[dmitshur] #34 add support for signing in via IndieAuth
small world, eh?
swentel, anotheryou, gxt, [tantek], [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], jeremych_, Nuve, [jgmac1106]1, sukil, KartikPrabhu, nickodd, likus and [snarfed] joined the channel
could do a Dolly Parton Meme for microformats
[dmitshur], jeremych_, nickodd, jjuran, wolftune and chrisaldrich joined the channel
🎶 Good morning IndieWebbers, good morning to ya, we woke up bright and early just to howdy-do ya! 🎶
chrisaldrich: Howdy
What's cookin' this morning? I'm working on microformats, but not for the Dolly Parton Meme. ;)
wolftune and sivy joined the channel
I am wondering about how people choose to display rel me links
He doesn't have rel-me on them, but I ran across an interesting example the other day: http://aramzuckerscharff.com/
/wave chrisaldrich
I've been thinking lately about not having any rel-me links at all to push preference for my own website, though until it's easier to follow my site I suppose I'm stuck keeping them. I'd generally prefer not to give social silos free advertising that they don't need/deserve in my opinion.
chrisaldrich - did you see my comment on mastodon re: goodreads?
also ,did you know mastodon supports rel=me in profiles to point to ur own site?
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
chrisaldrich: I am thinking of pruning my list as well.
sivy, I did know that. In fact, I think I remember the day that [KevinMarks] pushed them to it. kevinmarks++
kevinmarks has 10 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
sivy, I haven't seen it mentioned in a while, but he had a nice write up almost three and a half years ago about distributed verification: http://www.kevinmarks.com/distributed-verify.html
(and I was in on that convo that pushed Eugen to add rel=me to mastodon :) )
Did we ever get a Firefox plugin for that?
petermolnar, KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], jjuran, [tantek], KempfCreative, clhendricksbc[m], Decobus, [schmarty], gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
Yes, verify-me works on both
nsh joined the channel
Just getting back for a few minutes. sivy, I did see the mastodon note about Goodreads.
I'm not aware of anyone using POSSE to Goodreads yet, though I think gRegorLove has played around in that space.
I spent about 30 minutes last night tinkering with my PESOS set up for Goodreads.
kensp joined the channel
I'd previously only known about my main Goodreads RSS feed that had several post types, but I've discovered the separate feeds for bookmarking books (via the to-read shelf) and status updates about reading progress.
[Chris Aldrich] I’ve just noticed that in addition to my relatively obvious user RSS feed on Goodreads, there’s a separate hidden feed of just my reading status updates. It’s of the form https://www.goodreads.com/user_status/list/#######-user-name?format=rss w...
see also the comments on that note
sivy-phone, wolftune and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
I POSSE to Goodreads, manual, and it hurts.
I used to POSSE manually, but it's been easier to lazily post to Goodreads and suck the data back to my site as a draft. Still a bit manual, but it hurts far less than the other way around.
I started to look into the Goodreads API last night, but it was getting kind of late.
I also noticed they've got a Goodreads developer's group on their own site as well: https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/8095-goodreads-developers
mgh and swentel joined the channel
Re goodreads syndication you're welcome to pick up https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy/issues/905 from me - edent has done most of the work, shared in https://shkspr.mobi/blog/2019/12/add-review-to-goodreads-from-schema-markup/ we just need to bridgy-fy it
[jamietanna] #905 [Silo Request] Goodreads.com
chrisaldrich jeremycherfas ^
(but that work above could be left till later, I believe his post should be re-usable in the meantime)
[dmitshur] and grdryn[m] joined the channel
I do so few extended reviews that I’m ok with doing them manually.
wolftune joined the channel
I did the reading challenge last year with goodreads, and completed it by April, but forgot to keep updating the site and then lost a bunch of data
I’d like to share my reads on my site, and have them posted to goodrwds, even without the extended review
I’d even write more probably if it was on my own site
Last time I looked at their api it was kind of yuk
But now that I have my teeth in the bit, I do have a nice goroutine-based syndication system that I could add a goodreads cross-poster to
Oops #indieweb-dev
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Does this work as an microformats Dolly Parton challenge?
clhendricksbc and [tantek] joined the channel
kensp, wolftune and chrisaldrich joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Welcome to the IndieWeb clhendricksbc!
goes to Slack to see the photo that [KevinMarks] surely posted, but didn't make it through to the web client...
what is goodreads?
Goodreads is a silo for keeping track of books, reviews, and reading progress https://indieweb.org/Goodreads
Mabo, wolftune, delli3 and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
Thank you, @chrisaldrich! Hoping to participate in IWC online in Feb
chrisaldrich: still learning how to use this. Didn’t mention you the way I thought it would in my last message. Trying this.
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] there are parts of GR api that i like, but there's a lot of places leaving a lot to be desired imho
and they do have a number of "hidden" RSS feeds that aren't well advertised
clhendrickbc[m] do you know what to expect for it in general?
this page may help out if you've not found it already: https://indieweb.org/IndieWebCamps/Attending
There are a bunch of us around to help out if you have questions, so feel free to ask.
chrisaldrich: I think so. Been looking at stuff on Wiki and a video Greg M jgmac1106 (right username?) poster today.
I suspect you may appreciate some of the details at https://indieweb.org/Indieweb_for_Education if you've not run across that page either.
Thank you for offer of help! I’m learning my way around. Not sure exactly how much time I’ll have to participate but hope to do at least some!
chrisaldrich: haven’t seen that. Will check out!
[Michael_bechwit that's what I'm finding too, in general. It'll be a while before I puzzle out pieces based on what I've been reading over the last day or so.
clhendricksbc[m] There are a growing number of educators (many in the DoOO tangential space) that are using IndieWeb friendly /building-blocks and technology
[Michael_Beckwit I keep getting sidetracked with the /Goodreads stuff when I should be finishing up my fork of the WordPress TwentyFifteen theme....
focus, Chris, focus! 😉
What are WordPress Themes?
WordPress Themes are a simple way to quickly change the look and feel of a WordPress website primarily by use of CSS https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Themes
What is DoOO?
A Domain of One's Own (or DoOO) started as a project at University of Mary Washington that allows students, faculty, and staff to register their own domain name and associate it with a hosted web space, free of charge https://indieweb.org/DoOO
back of my head is thinking how to potentially set up a form on my site to do basic reading status updates etc like GRs has, but self hosted instead
more than just a new status post. 😄
I remember experimenting with status bars ages ago... never got to the point of automating it though.