#indieweb 2020-01-26

2020-01-26 UTC
my thoughts are perhaps a post type + parent/child posts. Parent would be when i start a book, children would be "on page 4", "on page 67", etc
needs formal planning still though
a status bar would be a nice garnish though 😄
[Michael_Beckwit: updates could be “in-reply-to” the original post
As Notes for example
And % perhaps better than page numbers
as long as i provide total pages, i can do the math to cover all the parts
I remember using <progress> and <label> elements. See also: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Element/progress
I would do “now at %” updates which means no math involved for progress, just use the latest update %
i'm too lazy to do the math myself in my head
I like the idea of % for progress too, but the question is always how it's calculated? Does it include the front/back matter and the unnumbered pages of the book?
Too often I read academic books where I feel like I'm 20% of the way through the book, but I haven't even gotten to the page numbered 1.
wolftune joined the channel
at least for me, it's page 1 to whatever page is right before footnotes/acknowledgements/indexes/etc
so i can make that judgement and save it, and use that as the high end
delli3_ joined the channel
I use an E reader so I just look at the bottom of the screen :-)
i like my books low tech and heavy in combined volume 😄
wolftune and turona joined the channel
nyex, kensp, wolftune, sivy_, Madrum, KempfCreative, a_chou and delli3 joined the channel
In an attempt to sway the algorithm, I just configured my Twitter to mute everyone I'm following and only unmute 15 random followers each day. Do any of you do unusual things to give yourself more control over algorithmic feeds?
thesage1014Disco, kensp and [Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
twitter roulette
[Marlin_Forbes], sukil, kensp, keynaris, [KevinMarks] and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
morning all
jgmac1106 joined the channel
Christina_Hendricks++ welcome
Christina_Hendricks has 1 karma over the last year
likus, anotheryou, [tantek], [David_Bryant] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
[Greg McVerry] Google Scholar getting more social. You can now follow specific authors by toggiling , you get notification and article recommendations #Hig... https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/file/bf5626d6fc180f5564570dc4ea41be35/thumb.png
swedneck[m]2, [jeremycherfas] and jgmac1106 joined the channel
what is Google Scholar
It looks like we don't have a page for "Google Scholar" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Google Scholar is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[jgmac1106] is it a silo? Is it something we can replace with IndieWeb sites / interactions?
there kind of is something, I just can’t remember it, google scholar is pretty unsilo(ish) if I allowed my reading page to be crawled they would link to the pdfs
there is a similar service I can’t remember name
What is education?
IndieWeb for Education is the application of indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for education, pedagogy, research, academic samizdat, and collaboration https://indieweb.org/education
really the h-index isn’t something I like to promote as a useful metric
there is an open source tool I thought to be an alternative…can’t recall…gotta bring son to basketball, but yeah it would be nice if people published articles on their own domain and we syndicated to journals
quite and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Altmetric, that is what I was thinking of
A webmention counter could be sign of trust.
What is happening is citation counts are getting massively effected by Academia.edu and Researchgate. The email notifications and email spam.... Think Google is responding
It looks like we don't have a page for "happening is citation counts are getting massively effected by Academia.edu and Researchgate. The email notifications and email spam.... Think Google is responding" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "happening is citation counts are getting massively effected by Academia.edu and Researchgate. The email notifications and email spam.... Think Google is responding is ____", a sentence describing the term)
aaronpk, jgmac1106, mauz555, wolftune and KempfCreative joined the channel
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, schlaftier, kensp, segnior, Simounet, [LewisCowles], jgmac1106 and jamesonq joined the channel
Hi, y'all. I'm Jameson — just graduating with a stats PhD, looking to have my own indieweb web site. I was looking for something python- or node-based so I tentatively chose redwind. But "last commit, 4 years ago" isn't encouraging.
Let's suppose, then, that I'm strongly anti-PHP (which isn't entirely true, but certainly I'd prefer to explore other options first).
I have some experience with Python and Javascript; no substantial experience with Ruby.
I'd like to choose something that's reasonably turnkey for now, but which I could conceivably start hacking on in the future if I decided to.
Does anyone here have any advice?
have you found this page yet? There are some python options here https://indieweb.org/Python
Willing to put in a couple day's work to get something up and running now, but I'd want it to be something where if I got stuck in a time loop, I could do it in under 4 hours the second time around. I'd probably be actually running this on Heroku.
sukil joined the channel
yeah, that's where I got red wind; it seemed like the most "ready to go" option there
Don't just want a static site, so not kaku.
parataxis joined the channel
PISS github repository link gives me 404 — bad sign
worth keeping in mind that just because it's dead doesn't mean it wouldn't be a good starting point
Fair point.
if it works well enough to get you up and running you could fork when you're ready to change things
(I have no idea how well it works)
but still, wanted to ask here first if anybody knows stuff that's not on the wiki
[Michael_Beckwit joined the channel
I'm open to both "you should look at X" and "probably stay away from X" as advice.
jgmac1106, Nuve and [tantek] joined the channel
jamesonq, you may have better luck asking about development questions (e.g. OSS projects, Python projects) in the # indieweb-dev channel
Diogo, [schmarty], [KevinMarks], jgmac1106, [AlisonW], [fluffy] and [snarfed] joined the channel
why indieweb, reason #746: the first post on your home page won't be an ad. https://snarfed.org/profile_ad.png
lol wow
delli3 joined the channel
jncunha, gRegorLove, [KevinMarks], mblaney and KempfCreative joined the channel; jncunha left the channel