#indieweb 2020-01-27

2020-01-27 UTC
shah^ joined the channel
The Social Media Analysis Toolkit (SMAT) was designed to help activists, journalists, researchers, and other social good orgs to analyze and visualize larger trends on a variety of social platforms. THREAD on our beta v0 launch: 1/ #SMAT https://social-media-analysis-toolkit.herokuapp.com/ https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EPEZXAnXsAA455B.png
marcusr, turona, KartikPrabhu, kensp, kensp1, delli3, gRegorLove, sivy, deathrow1, mauz555, deltab, KempfCreative1, [Marlin_Forbes], wolftune, jgmac1106, shah^, swentel, jihaisse, cweiske, wiedi, sukil, [tantek], anotheryou, [Rose], krychu, [KevinMarks], [LewisCowles], [jgmac1106], nyex, simons, petermolnar and KempfCreative joined the channel; AlepheiaDiscord[ left the channel
I'm following some people who post in a variety of languages and now I am thinking about building a translation feature into monocle now
(or a filter to remove unsupported languages)
Nah I wanna know what they're saying
pretty sure I want it to work like Twitter, where there's a little "translate" button I can tap and then it adds the translated text below the original
sukil joined the channel
yeah I wish Firefox asked to translate automatically like Chrome
when I see a post in other languages, I copy url, move to Chrome, translate and read
[jgmac1106] you can translate in FF using add-ons
ooh good point, will install
[LewisCowles], KartikPrabhu, KempfCreative1, [jeffpaul], wolftune, likus, TorpedoSkyline, f-r-e-dDiscord[m, [davidmead], simons, [KevinMarks], [Michael_Beckwit, jgmac11061, eli_oat, elioat, mgh, sp1ff1 and [generativist] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] Jason (pushshift.io) does really cool stuff
Ignoring scraping potentials, it makes it seem (but I have not verified) that you can infer rough geographies of the poster based on which datacenter/rack the tweet got routed to
(I wanted to use it to do some "was this really $politicalActorX?" stuff but havent yet)
Summarizing: Twitter bit packs [time, datacenter, rack, sequenceNumber] in each 64 tweet (Snowflake) ids
nyex, jgmac1106, wolftune, simons, tsrt^, [schmarty], petermolnar, kensp, gRegorLove, parataxis, wiedi, [KevinMarks], eli_oat, TorpedoSkyline and j605 joined the channel
Hey all just heard from Sadik, we are only $70 away from covering the venue and interner coverage for IWC Accra, if you can spare a up of coffee or tea please give a few dollars: https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-sadik-empower-students-in-ghana-with-mozilla
TorpedoSkyline, MilenaDevi, chrisaldrich, shadeofblue, mauz555, wiedi_, Ruxton and mblaney joined the channel
TorpedoSkyline, wolftune, [Michael_Beckwit, kensp, KartikPrabhu, MoniAlvarez, [tantek], [jgmac1106], petermolnar, jgmac1106 and fredcy_ joined the channel
[KevinMarks], anotheryou, jgmac1106, KartikPrabhu, TorpedoSkyline, kensp and [snarfed] joined the channel