#indieweb 2020-03-15

2020-03-15 UTC
markong, markoong, bradleyallen, [jgmac1106], alina, delli3, wolftune, nickodd, gRegorLove, howyoubeen, ivanf, Mebious404, cal, opal, bltavares, [KevinMarks], Mikaela, [jeremycherfas] and [LewisCowles] joined the channel; Mebious404 left the channel
[barryf] way too distracted by your site. Now I'm in a GitHub pickle trying to work out how to have the repo user different to the write user 😄
[Ana_Rodrigues], [Dan_Q] and [barryf] joined the channel
I guess it’s possible if you have two different sets of GitHub credentials in your .env. Apologies in advance if you get tangled up in my code!
I liked what I saw TBH
If anyone needs a room to have a chat and share screens you can find the links of the 3 possible rooms here: https://indieweb.org/2020/London#Remote_Participation
doubleloop and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
morning IWC London
Morning [jgmac1106] :)
[Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
Morning All 👋
getting started on my hack day goals. Going to start by thinking about my layout for articles without featured img, swore I was set up for it but my stylesheet got away from me
if anyone wants to do one hour or half hour coding checkins with someone happy to be in ear, don;t have much skill to offer
an ear* not in an ear...that be gross..takes a bit for my hands to wake up
jamietanna[m]: for displaying events from meetup in your social reader, do you know any way of getting them to display with the start/end time, rather than the published time of the event?
I guess it depends on the client recognising/making use of start/end
The meetup up I am following published all its events as a series of recurring event 3 years ago... http://i.imgur.com/3tfH9i4.png
So they're showing in Together like this: http://i.imgur.com/ylXBC2o.png
Maybe social readers could have a 'Calendar' view that looks at start/time? http://i.imgur.com/e2jVr0c.png
doubleloop: I don't know if you want to go there today, but this is the library by gRegorLove I used for the iCal feed: https://github.com/gRegorLove/mf2-to-iCalendar
[gRegorLove] mf2-to-iCalendar: Convert microformats h-event to iCalendar
My extra code is literally the try-catch from the Readme, the setting of the domain constant and an array to lookup permitted URLs :)
gRegorLove++ for that
gRegorLove has 18 karma in this channel over the last year (74 in all channels)
sebsel: thanks! Ah yes that could be another approach - run the meetup mf2 through that, and straight into calendar
Folks hacking on today's IWC London Hack Day - remember to update the project goals https://indieweb.org/2020/London/Schedule#Sunday
[calumryan] joined the channel
Do any readers support RSVP?
As an action from within the reader
To an h-event
not an answer to the question, but: Quill will show an RSVP-dropdown if you put a URL to an event in the 'in reply to'. (obviously only works if that URL contains an h-event)
doubleloop: I think it depends on how the reader shows it - I know Indigenous for Android shows the event's start/end date
Unfortunately if they are published three years ago, then that's fair enough. I could look at adding the updated time (if it's not already there)
doubleloop; Again, Indigenous for Android supports RSVP from an h-feed view (it's a really great app!)
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
jamietanna[m]: ah yes, re: Indigenous, nice!
jamietanna[m]: meetup-mf2 is including updated. But for recurring events, meetup is listing both published/updated as the date the recurring event was first setup, it looks like
getting kinda devy for the main channel
Probably quite a niche case... it could perhaps be handy if in readers you could order by start date of events
[Murray] and markoong joined the channel
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] you around?
You wanted to setup webmention yesterday. Do you still want to?
It's a few steps.
• setup rel=me on your site and one of the indieauth sites
• Register with webmention.io
• (optionally) add markup to surface webmentions
• add some HTML to your site pages (likely Jekyll layout)
• exchange webmentions (test)
we could exchange webmention.io for any service AFAIK, but I think the registration part will differ between services. I'm familiar with aaronpk's webmention.io but happy to spelunk and explore
Ah, but GitHub is 😉
markong joined the channel
the HTML side is just `<link rel="webmention" href="https://webmention.io/cheuk.dev/webmention">` after you've registered, but there is some http vs https things going on
on GitHub your link is HTTP
registration is via webmention.io
So I've just got indieauth to work on my site (I think), logged in to the Wiki and see this:
Although I do appear to be logged in. Any ideas?
I think if you're logged in ignore the weird error message and try to interact with something that requires login
Thanks, I'll give it a go
alvinsj[m] joined the channel
Woop! I've POSSEd an RSVP to meetup via brid.gy
[eddie] joined the channel
jamietanna[m]++ for the meetup integration in bridgy, so cool
jamietanna[m] has 9 karma in this channel over the last year (29 in all channels)
doubleloop awesome 🎉 glad to hear, any feedback on the process? Anything to make easier?
murray has 1 karma over the last year
I just did the same thing, so I can set up a mirosub reader
Now I need to add all these people again: https://jgregorymcverry.com/following
What is SSG?
Static site generators are programs that take a set of flat text files on disk and transforms them into a set of static html files ready to be served by a standard web server, or some variation of this example https://indieweb.org/SSG
What is Morris?
Morris is a self-hosted PHP service for storing Webmentions from webmention.io in a JSON format that static sites can use to render them without querying webmention.io on each build https://indieweb.org/Morris
vgszmilhv joined the channel
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] I am lol
What is eleventy?
Eleventy is a JavaScript based static site generator that allows the user to select their own preferred template engine and theme, which in practice can and does enable use of microformats2 https://indieweb.org/Eleventy
That was the whole reason I offered to help
[LewisCowles] ++
[LewisCowles] has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (11 in all channels)
yipeee! goal one I think completish, if you rock FF 71 or Dev or Nightly I think I got subgrid going: https://jgregorymcverry.com/index
[KevinMarks] mentioned displaying them with a tiny copy paste JS snippet yesterday
I am wondering since I hand roll my HTML if I can follow the path people use for Static sites
I'm still undecided on the best way to send and detect new posts vs already published
[jgmac1106] g-sheets can use formula to build the curl string to run in command line
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
hi [Cheuk_/ Cherrie] - I have various methods on different static sites. webmention.herokuapp.com is easiest, but I'm not sure if there are new signups
looks like there are
[KevinMarks] ++
[KevinMarks] has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (44 in all channels)
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] don't worry about using webmention.herokuapp.com
I'll work out how to parse
<script id="webmention-hosted">
url = document.querySelectorAll ? document.querySelectorAll("link[rel~=canonical]") : false;
var sn = document.createElement("script"), s = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], url;
(function () {
url = url && url[0] ? url[0].href : false;
sn.type = "text/javascript"; sn.async = true;
sn.src = "<//webmention.herokuapp.com/api/embed?url=>" + encodeURIComponent(url || window.location);
s.parentNode.insertBefore(sn, s);
the other way is webmention.io or mention.tech and a js script to display those
I believe it's just getting the same embed endpoint
for webmention.io
http://tumblelog.xyz/ does this with mention.tech
never been able to get herokuapp to recognize my site
mention.tech doesn't need logins because I'm lazy
http://tumblelog.xyz/webmention.js is the adapted version of fluffy's script I used
[fluffy] ++
[fluffy] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (61 in all channels)
you can literally see me swapping from webmentions.io there
will let you folks teach [Cheuk_/ Cherrie] so they can teach me
encodeURIComponent('http:' + pageurl) +
'&target[]=' + encodeURIComponent('https:' + pageurl);
someone make a github action connected to webmention.io so I can just click a button and add some styling
jamietanna[m]: the RSVP posse via bridgy/meetup part was really simple. And WordPress post kinds makes creating an RSVP post super simple
indieweb has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
well on to the next goal of the day, create torrents for all my educational videos and encourage people to share the load. I
[KevinMarks] why not take out the original declaration?
or is that illustrative?
did I mention I was lazy?
so there are several roles here
webmention.io , https://mention.tech and webmention.herokuapp.com will all receive webmentions for you and store them
then to show them on your site you need to run some javascript to retrieve them and put them in the page
I Believe [Cheuk_/ Cherrie] this is it
```<div id="webmention-display"></div>
<script src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PlaidWeb/publ-site/master/static/webmention.js"></script>```
I'm going to test it out on my homepage
fluffy's script works with webmention.io as the receiver
mine works with mention.tech
I made mention.tech output the same format as webmention.io, but I put more complete versions of the comments in.
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] This is totally a band-aid, getting started advice on display from me. You should experiment like [KevinMarks] has. As soon as I know it's working, I'm removing it from my site; but I'm fairly certain that tiny bit of markup is all that is needed
leg joined the channel
so I can just literally drop that script in my templates and it will work?
Haha I'm pushing another version. Looks like GitHub pages has a content security policy
I've downloaded the script verbatim to my `js/features/` folder
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Hey [LewisCowles] https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js/ is the new repo for webmention.js - it moved out, and I'm not sure if the one you're linking to is kept up-to-date
there's a lot of homemade html escaping in both those scripts. Maybe I should do one using a real templating library like nunjucks
[Dan_Q] joined the channel
yes - url?
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] - you need to make a <div id="webmentions"></div> for them to go in
that's likely my bad [KevinMarks] I was messing around. Mine is working though
```<div id="webmentions"></div>
<script src="/js/features/webmention.js" data-page-url="https://www.lewiscowles.co.uk" async></script>```
I have to spoof my domain as I serve from multiple domains. I chose my .co.uk because it's canonical
although .me should probably be canonical as it's not a uk company website 😁
You're also not in Montenegro.
By which I mean to say: make whichever you want canonical! It's your domain!
I did not know .me was montenegro. Learn something new every day
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] - do you want to make a test post for us to wend webmentions to rather than one about something else?
http://lewiscowles1986.github.io/blog/ is working. Likely needs the css file linked too, but I'm going to remove at the end of today
[suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
Hi folks, could I ask a question about *web sign-in* please? 😀
I’ve added the rel=“me” attributes to the relevant links on my website (https://suze.dev) and went to GitHub and my Twitter follow pages to make sure the rel=“me”s were on there too, pointing back to my domain.
I then spent a few minutes reading some other stuff and came back and decided to log into the wiki again, it takes me to indielogin.com which asks me to choose an authentication provider (GitHub or Twitter) to log in.
Does this sound right? Wasn’t sure if I was meant to be using one of the “silos” to log in and not sure if it was meant to route me to indielogin.com…
Then I went to log in on the indieweb wiki to test it out, and it took me to the normal page which asked for a username and password. I closed the page without entering any info.
TroyDiscord[m] joined the channel
Hi [suze_shardlow1] the markup on your page is an attestation to ownership, which is verified using GitHub or Twitter
so long as Twitter / GitHub points back to your page
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] do a placeholder 'indiewebcamp london' post if you like and we can webmention it for you
thanks [LewisCowles] - so the indieweb wiki was right to route me to indielogin.com to pick a provider?
This Http / Https thing is a bit of a pain, but it's tripped many up
Also I believe you'll need to change URL to `https://` instead of `http://`
[LewisCowles] yes - just realised that re `https://` as well 🙈 I’ll get there in the end! thanks for your help!
Cheuk incoming
[KevinMarks] thanks for the link - I had that this morning, closed the tab and had been searching for it again ever since 😬
Is there a list anywhere of services that are meant to link back? Eg I expected LinkedIn to, but it doesn’t.
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] you're missing a place to show webmentions
you called it webmention-display
you can make the script use that, hang on
yes, but the script is looking for one wiht id "webmentions"
ot you could add a data-id property to the script element
var containerID = document.currentScript.getAttribute('data-id') || "webmentions";
it didn't change in the served version
do you need to rebuild?
yay it work
when fluffy says copy and add "webmention.js" to your site, does she mean the entire folder or just the file names webmention.js?
you may need the css too?
I wound up needing a (slightly modified) css
or you can do your own css
I had to add `width: auto` which says I need to revisit my CSS
yeah I see that, I just got confused if she meant the entire repo or just the file since they have the same name
plut4rch joined the channel
[LewisCowles] / [KevinMarks] thanks for your help so far. I have now successfully logged into the indieweb wiki using web sign-in. However, it’s automatically given me the username Suzeshardlow.com - can I change this? I can’t see how to do it in preferences?
Do I need to set up an h-card to customise this?
[Cheuk_/ Cherrie] you might want to move the div up a bit - after the share links?
[suze_shardlow1] my understanding is that your domain name IS the username that shows on the wiki.
You can add an alias in the chat names part of the wiki [suze_shardlow1] Btw your slcak / IRC name will be your two names without spaces. For example mine is {{LewisCowles}} None of it my choice. I don't know how to make it more presentable
ivanf joined the channel
If you want to make a reusable template for use on the wiki, see https://indieweb.org/Template:sparkline#How_to_make_a_small_h-card_template
ivanf and nickodd joined the channel
should we add this to the FAQ page?
ivanf joined the channel
Fab thanks [Dan_Q], [KevinMarks]. I keep reading wiki pages, closing them and then can’t find them again so your help is invaluable here. Sorry to be a PITA.
What is wikify?
wikifying is the practice of capturing information and ideas on the wiki https://indieweb.org/wikify
pncl and [Murray] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] as someone who spent the morning going through the Wiki setup, the FAQ page was actually one of the first places I looked but couldn't find anything, so for me it would have been useful 🙂
OK, sounds like it's worth adding. Do you want to do it while you still have "beginners mind"?
As you now have editing ability
I could give it a go, not 100% sure I got everything right though 😅
fluffy has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (62 in all channels)
now to start styling, I think I want to use summary/details
[jgmac1106] what ownCloud plugin are you using for GPX traces? I recently set up ownCloud and noticed that there are several different ones.
....wasn't on my goals for IWC London at all. Thank you so much [Cheuk_/ Cherrie] for inspiration
[LewisCowles] ++
[LewisCowles] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (12 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] ++ for help
[KevinMarks] has 15 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
now to figure out how to send...still just manually using Brid.gy
Mention.tech has a hook as well, but not sure how you wire to your publishing
May be worth giving https://webmention.app/ a go too, as that's quite nice
needs to learn what people mean when they say webhook and how to use them
webhook, is making a web request upon some action in third-party software, such as GitHub and other SaaS software
what is webhook?
A webhook is a mechanism for notifying a server about updates to some content in realtime by making an HTTP request https://indieweb.org/webhook
Ha, it's wrong. Webhooks are Async and don't guarantee realtime... Is it worth edting? I Don't think so
It's in realtime in contrast to the thing that wants the data polling instead
Are they async? I never knew. I just know that when I upload something to github, it sends a message to my production site which promptly updates.
And by promptly, I mean immediately.
loicm joined the channel
Yes it's effectively immediately from the outside. Whether or not it's actually inline or async is an implementation detail of GitHub that doesn't matter on the outside
that's why the definition is like that
It's fairly common for it not to be immediate
I'd argue the realtime is the implementation detail
It's just a different meaning of realtime than the one you're thinking of
I do lose my no js badge of honor, at least it will be easier to get on my horse
perhaps "proactively" is better than "realtime" in the definition
My reason for pedantry is simple. The network gets flaky the more your receive the more you're exposed to the difference between real-time and proactively
wolftune joined the channel
IWC London taking a break, what time is demo scheduled? we should also try for a day 2 pic mauybe before
Sorry, I don't see a day 2 pic mauybe before on https://indieweb.org/irc-people
guess my break will be the end of the day then....
I think it's 1600?
I am excited about what I accomplished today....didn't fix my layout but got distracted adding webmentions
loicm and chrisaldrich joined the channel
What is an agenda page?
It looks like we don't have a page for "agenda page" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "agenda page is ____", a sentence describing the term)
it works and minimal style now for demo time: https://jgregorymcverry.com/notes/2019-10-30-11
wolftune joined the channel
my son came up with a new thing for me - a link on his site that starts a zoom call with him.
ooh cool idea
my website looks so much better in FF, I am liking subgrid too much all ready
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Some of us are already in the zoom room 🙂
headign there now
which zoom room?
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
GWG is going to love that DanQ!
wolftune joined the channel
doubleloop great stuff for adding the WordPress integration for Bridgy syndication - is there any way to get that configured by default, if it knows that the URL is a Meetup.com one? I've got similar set up in my Micropub server, so I don't need to do anything special to tell it to syndicate out
one tip, if pointing people to a page for a dfn and then you want to discuss the quality of the definition move to meta.
[chrisaldrich]: What will I love?
doubleloop++ for his set up with meetup.com
doubleloop has 3 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
The doubleloop meetup PR I saw
GWG: DanQ was hacking a bit on doing post kinds with Gutenberg
Sorry I missed that
GWG++ for all the love he was getting from everyone in the demos...
GWG has 27 karma in this channel over the last year (137 in all channels)
Will have to watch the reply
it worked really well neat idea to get around no metabox
[Dan_Q] joined the channel
GWG++ for making probably the most-important plugin in my ecosystem
GWG has 28 karma in this channel over the last year (138 in all channels)
My mother sent me to her place to search for tax documents
[Dan_Q]: Sorry I missed the demo. Very sorry
[jgmac1106] if you haven't already you might want to look at PeerTube? At its simplest (and even with its fediverse features turned off), you can use it as a video hosting/transcoding server (so you can deliver variable bandwidth versions of a video) with embedding support... but it's _also_ got support for torrenting so you can easily make torrentable versions of videos available. You might even be able to configure a peering server somewhere to
help distribute the load? Just thinking-out-loud here, not sure if it's any use at all.
(I use a copy at tube.danq.me to host videos for danq.me)
yeah I am talking with friends about running a small instance, want to looke at moodlenet integration since that is activitypub
my web identity is just so tied to p2p torrents and seeding....kinda doing it a throwback as much as tool, but we are gonna do peertube as well
ohh I also set up jgregorymcverry.com with aperture and need to add https://jgregorymcverry.com/following have one site with micropub and one with microsub....one day it will all be from my one site
Have you played with Datbase? https://datbase.org/
It's a p2p-based web data delivery system. I push a few of my small static sites out via it in addition to via the conventional web. Not mainstream enough to be useful to you for your video hosting, I imagine, but it's an interesting curiosity and it's cool to place with.
treora joined the channel
not haven't gotten into dat yet, Known has IFPS support haven't set it up
I tried but didn't finish
anyone else want to demo???
wolftune joined the channel
is it Chris's Screen that is sharing
[calumryan] joined the channel
can dl, dt, dd to get responsive tables
https://www-api.jvt.me/analytics/pages is now live and publicly accessible 👍️ Should be up on my site this evening
the live blogging tool is noterlive.com
good thing about remote demos...we aren't racing against the "get out by X o'clock"
Thanks Everyone
🏆 to the organising team
🎖 to all participating for really interesting things
Thank you everyone 🙂
[carolgilabert] joined the channel
Thanks everyone, it was nice to meet you all 🙂
Hopefully yes, we'll do a virtual HWC London soon
[suze_shardlow1] joined the channel
I’m there. Ironically I have been to HWC but not in my home city (London), I went to the one in San Diego.
Thanks all, it's been great!
Thanks to everybody. This was only my second IWC (after IWC Oxford 2019) and while I didn't get to do as much as I'd hoped to (on account of rest-of-life stuff getting in the way) and was disappointed not to get to do it in person (although that all worked out as I was able to hand-off my hotel room in the end) it was still a worthwhile experience. Thanks again!
omg the struggle is real!!! #devlife
Thanks everyone - IndieWebCamps are always so inspiring! Thanks so much Ana, Calum and Cheuk for organising.
encourage everyone who attended remote from GMT +/-4 look at keeping it going with some Vitural HWCs...we are all stuck inside for next few weeks anyway
[Anna_Dodson] joined the channel
Thank you everyone, it's been really fun to follow along 🤓 and thanks again to the organisers!
[jgmac1106]: Should we bring back HWC Virtual Anericas
jamietanna[m]: re: auto publish to meetup if it's an RSVP to a Meetup event, that's a good idea
At present there's a checkbox per syndication target and you pick and choose per post
doubleloop: There's a good reason for that
Years ago, I auto possed many posts during an import from a ten year old livejournal
doubleloop: I have discussed I want a little more granularity than just always check or always not check
jgmac1106 yes, but I want to rotate on PST and EST
Like only posse notes to Twitter, and such
we can move to meta for real planning
[jgmac1106]: Moving to meta
GWG: I definitely prefer opting-in per post as opposed to opting out
doubleloop: Exactly. So I won't add the feature unless it is more intelligent
kensp and cweiske joined the channel
[Murray]++ for his first wiki update
[Murray] has 2 karma over the last year
KartikPrabhu, [snarfed], Mikaela, cal, oenone, sknebel, dragontamer5788, quite, delli3, GWG, [dem_cx], chkilroy, Gargron and [fluffy] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Wow I get more karma in this channel when I’m *not* actively chatting. 😉
Thanks 🙂
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
[fluffy] the webmention.js repo and work on that is wonderful. Thank you
IWSlackGateway, cal, [fluffy], dansup_, ramsey, milkii, sebsel, num431 and [Cheuk_Cherrie] joined the channel
Thanks for the code [fluffy] I am using it as well
I am glad I decided to do this short-term hack instead of spending a bit longer getting a proper webmention-to-server-side-rendering process in place. ::)
wolftune and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
Yup, simple is better (IMO)
My light speed test did drop from 100 to 95...but still an A and I get webmentions
Fluffy it was very logical process. Great job on the read.me
Feel like we should do an award show for good read.me filea
Only thing that messed up this n00b was the repo and webmention.js having same name
So when you said copy webmention.js I didn't know if you meant just the file or entire repo
[dem_cx] joined the channel
Any way to POSSE to fb except IFTTT?
If no, any way to POSSE using IFTTT to fb, not fb-pages?
Couldn't find workarounds on the wiki and chat history.
possibly some really hacky ones, but nothing supported since the large API crackdown
[jgmac1106] ah that’s a good point, I should improve that
lowarago joined the channel
[KevinMarks] btw it looks like you’re using a very old version of webmention.js. I’ve made a bunch of changes since then and in particular fixed a potential XSS exploit. I recommend tracking the version that’s in its own repo at https://github.com/PlaidWeb/webmention.js
I should also probably make the endpoint easier to configure
[PlaidWeb] webmention.js: Client-side library for rendering webmentions from webmention.io
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
Yes, I forked off very early and didn't touch it since
It looks to have grown up a lot
I don’t think it’s massively changed since then aside from bugfixes. But the bugfixes are good to have 🙂
Helping [Cheuk_Cherrie] debug it today meant I read the code closely and the config stuff is neat.
IWSlackGateway, [aaronpk], [fluffy], opal, gRegorLove, kensp, [snarfed], workfrosty and simons joined the channel; lowarago and leg left the channel