plutes, markoong, irisisgay, [tantek], marcusr, [LewisCowles], a_chou, [KevinMarks], wolftune, kensp and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
#[Jeff_Hawkins]But the plugin says... `Authorization Header Found. You should be able to use all clients.`
#[Jeff_Hawkins]Trying to get the Indieauth WordPress plugin to work on my blog... the plugin says it is working but I can't login to the Indieweb Wiki. Aperture says `*missing authorization endpoint* Could not find your authorization endpoint`
#[Jeff_Hawkins]This is a multisite multinetwork WordPress so I'm starting to wonder if that's the problem.
wolftune, marcusr, KartikPrabhu, markopasha, swentel, loicm, [LewisCowles], anotheryou, Diogo, sscarfe, irisisgay, [ColinMorris], [KevinMarks] and Majo_3 joined the channel; Majo_3 left the channel
#petermolnarI keep wondering if this is acceptable or not. I know email won't be bothered due to the retries, but the web people are not used to sites being down regularly. I wonder what the community thinks about this.
#petermolnarA while ago I moved my self hosted services, including my email, xmpp, and web, to my home server. The server is rock solid, unlike the ISP provided router, which I need to use for the time being (it's complicated and has highly technical reasons): I regularly (max 2 times a day, more commonly once every other day) ~10 minutes downtime due to the router rebooting.
#Ryuno-KiI think, for a website to be down isn't too much of a problem (depends on your traffic). I can imagine more frustration with web services. So your XMPP could trip people up.
markoong joined the channel
#[LewisCowles]can you cache the site in some form elsewhere? 10 minutes per day is up to 3660 minutes a year, which is a fair bit, but if you had a regional audience it would likely not be an issue
#petermolnarRyuno-Ki: it's an XMPP server for me and my wife. We're handling the lack it, especially in the lockdown :D
#petermolnarthe audience is rather random, certainly not small geo restricted, mainly because of the tech tip entries that get traffic from around the world, but it's low traffic for certain.
#petermolnarI was thinking of some kind of cache, but I don't want to touch providers like cloudflare.
#[jgmac1106]please send webmentions as endorsements, it is part of the judging, I link to if you want to send anonymous criticism...semi private criticism welcome here as well
KartikPrabhu and sscarfe joined the channel
#Ryuno-Kijgmac1106_: I'm a Mozillian. Would you be fine it I pass it along to other Mozillians?
#Ryuno-KiAlso it reminds me on Open Knowledge Foundation (I had contact with a woman from … Capetown, I think, was it. Years ago).
#Ryuno-KiOr with the folks from Wikimedia (Kiwix project comes to my mind)
#[jgmac1106]Ryuno-Ki, please. I haven't figured out the whole matrix shift yet, my doubt is on the learning...equating this to like a project to 3-d print respirators
#[grantcodes][jgmac1106] there are a couple of random fullstops on that page, below the big text under the photo and above the last line. Also 6thth March
#[jgmac1106]thx Grant, O did an ehterpad export. What do you mean by full stops
#[jgmac1106]also want to bend your ear another time on typography with the tips you were sharing, all the tutotials I founs use less...not css..above me
#[jgmac1106]if for someone else if you do not see APP they are probably on slack and you can DM
#Ryuno-Kijgmac1106_: I just dig up my archives. I had Megan Beckett in mind from her Siyavula project back in 2014: - sadly I couldn't find a mail address :-(
#Ryuno-KiNow I don't know your … perceptions between South Afria and Ghana … but in case you're not considering each other „an enemy”, perhaps it is worth reaching out to her and see, whether she can help out (or refer you to others)
KempfCreative joined the channel
#jgmac1106_I have met Megan in my travels I believe, maybe mozfest, maybe an all-hands (I wasn’t on the ground) but thank you so much for link
#jgmac1106_I am thinkign beyond borders. I run the same program in New Haven, Ct
#Loqicrab has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
#[jgmac1106]and my domain expires, oops
[LewisCowles], loicm, marcusr, sscarfe, harmetic, harmetic_, [grantcodes], dckc, irisisgay, KartikPrabhu and gpickett00 joined the channel
#petermolnarfollow up on my downtime problem: [LewisCowles] mentioned the cache idea as well, but for some reason, I hadn't seen the nginx option `proxy_cache_use_stale` before. The solution is rather simple: spin up a $5 digitalocean server with nginx, configure nginx to be a caching proxy towards my backend and allow that stale option on. Preliminary tests are promising. I'm wondering though if any of the cloud providers are providing a service
#petermolnarlike this for "free". The only trouble is that I need to keep the certbot certificates in sync, but that should be taken care of by a post hook of certbot.
#[Aaron_Klemm]Looking at IndieAuth and wanting deploy my own authorization endpoint, can anyone catch me up A) the state of IndieAuth...all good and healthy and recommended? B) Which software should I use. self-auth, acquiescence, and cellar door look like the candidates. Which is considered ready to use and remains maintained?
#[Aaron_Klemm]I've read the excellent IndieAuth page on the wiki and looked through the activity on each project, but still am a little fuzzy how to proceed. I don't understand the flow as clearly as I did OpenID way back in the day when I last implemented such a thing.
#gRegorLoveHi [Aaron_Klemm], that's a good topic for the #indieweb-dev channel (#dev on Slack)
#[Aaron_Klemm]Ok, thanks. i was on the fence about that...
irisisgay, leg, sivy, andysylvester, [jeremycherfas], terinjokes, mauz555 and kensp joined the channel; leg left the channel
#[LewisCowles]How are others getting feedback about HWC / IndieWeb meets & events? I just setup a Google Form for another local group I'm in 5 questions.
#[jgmac1106]okay a little bit excited I was able to take some wiki software, poke around and get webmentions and half way decent markup done this weekend...thx to everyone who helped
#[jgmac1106][LewisCowles] if anything I would prefer a plus delta page, allow people to send in notes of what they want or what they would change, that might be neat
#[jgmac1106]what they liked for the plus webmention endpoint
#[jgmac1106]or just keep it simple and write a plud/delta response for people to reply to
#[jgmac1106]but everyone needs to be memeber of site, no syndication
#[LewisCowles]I meant to do some known stuff today, but transferring gigabytes of data got in the way
#[LewisCowles]Also some of the group prefer hardware to software
#[LewisCowles]I have decided to sink my efforts into WebRTC. Why bother when I can rent it from zoom at a fraction of my costs
#[LewisCowles]I might make a video door-bell for my block of flats though
#[jgmac1106]my son just said he wants a build a bot kit for his borthday, I need to decide, Cesar who sometimes meets with grantcodes in Madrid does a lot of stuff here
#[jgmac1106]but that is more chat, gonna ask for recommendations later.
#[LewisCowles]Do it. Better to be the bot maker / maintainer / designer than the person displaced by the automation revolution