opal, wolftune, ben_thatmustbeme, xurzua and [Jeff_Hawkins] joined the channel
#[Jeff_Hawkins]Just browsed that and I liked that article. Reminded me to work on my h-card... Gonna add that to my 'itches' if I don't get to it tonight!
wolftune, kensp, [snarfed], petermolnar, [LewisCowles], gRegorLove_, Finesse, electronicmaji, dmitry, [tantek], KartikPrabhu, [jgmac1106], leg, [spieper], jamietanna, hs0ucy and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel; Finesse and leg left the channel
#jgmac1106ohh thx, links in there are golden…fear they will tie this in with location data and covid-19….sneak it in so if you are against it you our pro pandemic and pro child pornography…..
jamietanna, mauz555, tsrt^, [KevinMarks], loicm, Mikaela, [tantek], KempfCreative, drkokandy, wolftune, seekr, electronicmaji and [prtksxna] joined the channel; alina left the channel
#[prtksxna]Is there a convention like '/uses' or '/now' for the technologysies that are being used to run a website?
#LoqiA colophon is a page or section, like a footer, of a site that describes how the site is made, with what tools, supporting what technologies https://indieweb.org/colophon
#[prtksxna]I really liked the sub headings in Jeffery Zerdman's colophon :)
dmitry, leg, jorge-jbs, hello, loicm, markopasha, electronicmaji, cc_, KempfCreative, astronavt, jbove[m], swentel, KartikPrabhu, gRegorLove_, KapiX, mauz555 and jaklt joined the channel; leg left the channel
#jakltI'm using IndieKit to for Micropub (to then serve content to my github repository, which is then picked up by netlify and a page is generated by eleventy)
#jakltEverything works flawlesly, it's really amazing. I can publish with Quill or Micropublish.net, no problem
#jakltLet's say I want to send a short note, the date is not pre-filled
#jakltIt says that if it's left blank then it will use the time 'now'
#jakltno matter if I fill it in or if I select the time and date myself, when the note arrives to my github repository the date is filled with "Invalid DateTime"
#jakltThe problem is that I don't know whether the issue is on the IndieKit side or because Indigenuous is doing something wrong
#jackyHm, it works on my site (but my site checks and parses times and converts them to the proper format defined by Micropub)
#jakltand what do you use for micropub, also IndieKit?
#jackyThat said, I don't know much about IndieKit (not an iOS user) so someone else here might know (could help to open a ticket for it)