#indieweb 2020-04-14

2020-04-14 UTC
Nictheboy, wolftune, kensp, mauz555, [snarfed], ttal, [bonkerfield] and KILL_DOZER joined the channel; terinjokes and Nictheboy left the channel
You are invited to attend a lecture and chat with Dr Gamme Martin @ irc.butt.es #GAMME https://imgur.com/a/RRqPUPf
KempfCreative, kensp, wolftune, jjuran, [prtksxna], mavidser_, dmbaturin_, KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles] and [snarfed] joined the channel
markopasha, KartikPrabhu, nickodd and seekr joined the channel
Why is that called pure web?
Never mind, saw this before reading the whole #indieweb-dev backlog :)
mauz555, [prtksxna], swentel, petermolnar, sscarfe, loicm, [KevinMarks], dqxDiscord[m], oodani and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
That is how hypothes.is works. If I have three copies of the same document annotations on all three will go to rel canonical and the POSSE copy
Morning all... Power still out from yesterdays storm
anotheryou, shivankDiscord[m, LordFenixNCDisco, gnunicornDiscord, haywirezDiscord[, neohexDiscord[m], HexDiscord[m], KirushikDiscord[, PierreOzoux[m], Keegen[m], FusonDiscord[m], distributedjoseD, mZDiscord[m], M011000100111010, nilocDiscord[m], chmanieDiscord[m, godparticleDisco, CocoonCrashDisco, HielleMatrixBrid, betamosDiscord[m, drbhDiscord[m], astraiaDiscord[m, JohnnyMilkshakes, nlkoDiscord[m], oed3[m], aeddi[m], sacha[m], alphapapaactualD, kevinbird15Disco, LuutheCoolDiscor, bengoDiscord[m], XierumengDiscord, drshamoon[m], bostaDiscord[m], virtual_vagrantD, AutoAIDiscord[m], the_nikinDiscord, FranklinDiscord[, ksDiscord[m], CatManDoooDiscor, katakotoDiscord[, neilDiscord[m], prtfwDiscord[m], ReallySnazzyDisc, kerlanTDiscord[m, pcowgillDiscord[, HenniDiscord[m], aphelionzDiscord, Tianyi[m], AuHau[m], PermawebMatrixBr, mattcDiscord[m], blzDiscord[m], chrisDiscord[m], scandichainDisco, AlekseyDiscord[m, freethinkingaway, JorropoDiscord[m, M[AXEL]Darr[m], WesDiscord[m], nofwayyDiscord[m, dy5es41Discord[m, Mai-HsuanKevinCh, pranayDiscord[m], bonedaddyDiscord, pbvieDiscord[m], GonZo2K[m], CharlieRaptoreum, AraratDiscord[m], gozala[m], SpidermanDiscord, MatthDiscord[m], OboDiscord[m], Dby0Discord[m], Dazuck-3BoxDisco, ivanDiscord[m], macerbiDiscord[m, TeamIanDiscord[m, circlesDiscord[m, KarlDiscord[m], tadpole256Discor, crestDiscord[m], JayWelsh0845[m], thestevewayDisco, phynite[m], MachiavelaDiscor, zoink92Discord[m, CathyLDiscord[m], gkimbwalaDiscord, mikealDiscord[m], JungleHeartDisco, ttocslliwDiscord, OlegStotskyDisco, nocentDiscord[m], khimaros[m], ddahlDiscord[m], ngamboaDiscord[m, fexra|TRTLDiscor, perflyst[m], rittmeDiscord[m], HeysteinDiscord[, JeffMaherVegas[m, macerbi[m], lauren|Microspon, M3baidDiscord[m], obernardovieiraD, CarboClanCDiscor, doodlemaniaDisco, M4star3starDisco, thatguyDiscord[m, M9uapawDiscord[m, AtiqDiscord[m], vinDiscord[m], felixschlDiscor4, AblibuDiscord[m], jenncloud[m], fozzieDiscord[m], M}Discord[m], Luna14Discord[m], CantiTurtleCoin[, kppDiscord[m]1, amimDiscord[m], HyunwooLeeDiscor, jgmac1106Discord, combrayDiscord[m, william_shakesDi, rappelDiscord[m], mattsseDiscord[m, skillman623Disco, EugeneDiscord[m], zegordoDiscord[m, jazzy-jeff^_^Dis, msena3[m], gorhgorhDiscord[, PerinDiscord[m], JoejoeDiscord[m], plexusDiscord[m], KeegenDiscord[m], pierreboc[m], hazDiscord[m], new0neDiscord[m], celsoDiscord[m], DoppelgngerDisco, silent_Activist[, peatDiscord[m], KinnardDiscord[m, sethforkDiscord[, Gorka[m], AnthonyADiscord[, M5310Discord[m], DaekiDiscord[m], xtream1101Discor, bmiller59[m], SteffDiscord[m], cesarosum[m], raulDiscord[m], Senshi[m], cli[m], carsonfarmer[m], kir0ul, MasonDiscord[m], KYZITEMELOS93Dis, jorge-jbs, RDeckardDiscord[, kevinkDiscord[m], TianyiDiscord[m4, ShmultzDiscord[m, tttDiscord[m], emersen234Discor, simibacDiscord[m, sblinnDiscord[m], RomainDiscord[m], jenncloudDiscord, Lohn[m], MikeShultzDiscor, TrevorDiscord[m], fozzie[m], mhzDiscord[m], sfroment[m], Sean|FortmaticDi, Rick[m], wossDiscord[m]1, SpaceOutlawDisco, sprayDiscord[m], anthony-albertor, HaybalesDiscord[, jwheelerDiscord[, Romaric[m]1, ZipperSKDiscord[, hyde__Discord[m], Discord[m]1, RobotLordimperia, cwDiscord[m], BossMANDiscord[m, new0ne[m], takev[m], abhi_Discord[m], OxyDiscord[m], Mairkur[m], koivunejDiscord[, ithithDiscord[m], NatoBoram[m], zgrDiscord[m], manfredDiscord[m, coryschwartzDisc, matschafferDisco, DamirDiscord[m], modigDiscord[m], Sm03leBr00tDisco, test123Discord[m, nek1113Discord[m, PhillmacDiscord[, SnowballDiscord[, UserDiscord[m], DiscordBridge[m4, SuikaDiscord[m], romaric[m], leoalvarezhDisc4, ambackDiscord[m], vasaDiscord[m], JordanKrageDisco, aaronpk[m], aaronpkDiscord[m, panDiscord[m], ChubbyBoyDiscord, kbo8999Discord[m, nino_, rittme[m], kanej[m], l^discordDiscord, cam4507[m], NastyEbilPiwateD, efnDiscord[m], carsonfarmerDisc, MisterGoreDiscor, nek1113Discord[4, ianlopshireDisco, M8431[m], TryptophanDiscor, rklaehn[m], matsugenDiscord[, NatoBoramDiscord, kolaente, Expherience[m], Dr_JayWDiscord[m, vasa[m], card[m], watDiscord[m], jimpickDiscord[m, Matthew[m], tangoDiscord[m], yjhmelodyDiscord, drshamoonDiscord, te0dDiscord[m], r5723013Discord[, lyonDiscord[m], Akshay[m], chmanieDiscord[4, grvhiDiscord[m], OrkunDiscord[m], bltavaresDiscord, sander[m], ZipperSKDiscord4, cristobalDiscord, Alex[m]3, aidxnDiscord[m], catmanDiscord[m], JaoheahDiscord[m, npfoss[m], thomasDiscord[m], andrewxhillDisco, stuartDiscord[m], radio_aliceDisco, funwhilelostDisc, brewskiDiscord[m, ShokuninDiscord[, freethinkingawa4, fredcy_, raisDiscord[m], EatsDiscord[m], berDiscord[m], mikeal[m], RealSnazzy[m], vbDiscord[m], KubeDiscord[m], TyphooNDiscord[m, megadogberthehim, sachaDiscord[m], ScottSmileyDisco, mZ[m], sukarDiscord[m], robinzzzDiscord[, Salt[m], borismusDiscord[, ShadowJonathanDi, tplookerDiscord[, johanhermanDisc4, MairkurDiscord[m, pierrebocDiscord, nyarlathotepDisc, tom85[m], MissLavenderDisc, pankajmendkiDisc, PamileissonDisco, gorhgorh[m]1, MichaelTenDiscor, suleDiscord[m], denzuko-at-workD, UsDiscord[m], SweatDiscord[m], pvienhageDiscord, wossDiscord[m], weedDiscord[m], Nebulous[m], cannabysDiscord[, cristobalDiscor4, bmiller59Discord, SteelixDiscord[m, khalnayakDiscord, johanherman[m], LSJI07Discord[m], kanejDiscord[m]1, jbove[m], EKLynxDiscord[m], snoopdoggydogDis, Lolicon[m], placer14Discord[, HarryTmeticDisco, celso[m]1, richtercamdenDis, jimpick[m], koalalorenzoDisc, discord[m], jklepatchDiscord, RockSteadyTRTLDi, ianfixesDiscord[, GiyomuDiscord[m], cardDiscord[m], poofDiscord[m], kppDiscord[m], chris[m], LokeLDiscord[m], DioBrandonDiscor, iiogama[m], achingbrainDisco, Oxy[m], JonwelDiscord[m], ExpherienceDisco, codynhatDiscord[, adinbDiscord[m], maparent[m], IgutinDiscord[m], drbh[m], AXEL-Lee[m], HuurooDiscord[m], hubaDiscord[m], talbDiscord[m], olizillaDiscord[, AnthonyCBuddDisc, prtfw[m], braditzDiscord[4, andrewxhill[m], celso[m], manfred[m], Googol30Discord[, baluptonDiscord[, Ja3ood[m], jessicaschilling, enricomarinoDisc, wngrDiscord[m], vasa|DappkitDisc, tom85Discord[m], cyluDiscord[m], planetary_devDis, gauthamDiscord[m, placer14[m], sbpDiscord[m], SenshiDiscord[m], wourslerDiscord[, jmank88Discord[m, ritewhose[m], icaruszDiscord[4, SnoochToTheNooch, Giyomu[m], lyon[m], psyonityDiscord[, freekurt, dowlandaielloDis, NetherwolfDiscor, EdmundMDiscord[m, Hsiu-PingNichola, CryptoEmpress[m], DerekDiscord[m], itsmekntDiscord[, ArunDiscord[m], sekiDiscord[m], solanavDiscord[m, thesage1014Disco, SomeguyDiscord[m, Tianyi[m]1, JerbsDiscord[m], marcocastignoliD, mZDiscord[m]1, RomaricDiscord[m, buztedDiscord[m], DavidFalconDisco, felixschlDiscord, TroyDiscord[m], boomshroomDiscor, NebulousDiscord[, KisulkenDiscord[, hacdiasDiscord[m, a2b2x2Discord[m], hobbsy[m], CyOp0x00Discord[, atj[m], M3baidDiscord[m4, llllllDiscord[m], denzukoDiscord[m, jamietanna[m], doopDiscord[m], malaclypsDiscord, nek11Discord[m], yabirgbDiscord[m, GuillaumeDiscord, cwchristerwDisco, cesarosumDiscord, eshohetDiscord[m, xylanDiscord[m], Clment[m], flower88Discord[, edrex, M|NecoDiscord[m], IPFSFanDiscord[m, Lilz|BetaMeDisco, grdryn, ptonerDiscord[m], jonbvDiscord[m], FeNiXDiscord[m], doorknob88Discor, tobowersDiscord[, richarddavisDisc, touzaikokonDisco, CantiTurtleCoinD, QwertyWhoreDisco, gumshedDiscord[m, DreamingInCodeDi, WarrenDiscord[m], RichardLittDisco, M9672Discord[m], reddDiscord[m], beko[m], TimeOnDiscord[m], n9tDiscord[m], maparentDiscord[, johanherman[m]1, confraria[m], Ja3oodDiscord[m], WellinkDiscord[m, KinnardDiscord[4, balupton[m], peterkDiscord[m], erlend_shDiscord, braditzDiscord[m, DoggersUniteDisc, gorhgorh[m], ashwinvis[m], PhiDiscord[m], shokunin[m], FrenchBackBoneDi, janttoDiscord[m], AltFreqDiscord[m, hvergaraDiscord[, terryHDiscord[m], EdEdorEddyDiscor, rklaehnDiscord[m, appDiscord[m], gtsDiscord[m], realChainDiscord, RodolfoEDiscord[, RyonezCoruscare0, RockSteadyTRTL[m, MesaDiscord[m], dostDiscord[m], matyas_mustohaDi, dazinism, Imnotsoimpressed, eddy[m], carstenmunkDisco, foxcoolDiscord[m, daveatQCDiscord[, TristanDiscord[m, HooftlyDiscord[m, dhenz3SpeakDisco, WidgetBotiocli1[, bitspillDiscord[, M0zAND1zDiscord[, KinnardDiscord[7, ShadowLingDiscor, paulmahoneDiscor, M4eekDiscord[m], bushido711Discor, alvinsj[m], armaniferranteDi, arjanvaneerselDi, aeddiDiscord[m], eddocsillDiscord, SchwartzDiscord[, lamborghiniDisco, M123897974564Dis, SirMemesALotDisc, RenegadeDiscord[, RDeckardDiscord4, Lilz|BetaMe[m], captain-nemoDisc, nrtxrmndDiscord[, swedneck[GMT1]Di, CryptoEmpressDis, enricomarino[m], AceFaceDiscord[m, angrygnuDiscord[, DigitalOilDiscor, gmelodieDiscord[, ShruthiDiscord[m, SpicoliWhiteDisc, sekiDiscord[m]1, pps96Discord[m], swedneck[m]1, johanhermanDisco, corylDiscord[m], thomasbDiscord[m, dunks411Discord[, ZapierDiscord[m], sfromentDiscord[, johnnrs[m], chinsuDiscord[m], KevlarmonkeyDisc, mapachurroDiscor, JD9Discord[m], plindner[m], babaitDiscord[m], gnunicorn[m], aswiththewildDis, TionisDiscord[m], emakDiscord[m], JustMaier[m], UsamaIrfanDiscor, loodDiscord[m], SmileRobotDiscor, MMMMaggieDiscord, celsoDiscord[m]1, Exca1iburTheWise, nebulerDiscord[m, Valium8862[m], foxcoolDiscord[4, gabrielbaron16Di, TH0RynDiscord[m], leoalvarezhDisco, JustMaierDiscord, NooooooWayyyyyDi, AmineDiscord[m], f-r-e-dDiscord[m, h2Discord[m], hvergara[m], amatuniDiscord[m, pr1meDiscord[m], zcopleyDiscord[m, zwelsternDiscord, gregjeanmartDisc, eddyDiscord[m], Elijah3321[m], farhad312Discord, AXEL-Brian[m], gregzuroDiscord[, icaruszDiscord[m, TianyiDiscord[m], allgoDiscord[m], xlcDiscord[m], vexlDiscord[m], gunttedDiscord[m, bekoDiscord[m], eeril[m], d4p4w4[m] and sscarfe joined the channel
Hope it's restored soon. Are you on a generator or battery?
Generator. Running out of gas woke me up... Won't restart it until everyone wakes up... Fridge, cable, router. Priorities
Really wish we had a propane and not electric stove.. But have my camping stoves if needed
So may not do much IndieWeb stuff today. Outages weren't crazy. Lost power at 1600 yesterday... Social distancing slows repairs I am sure
mauz555, neceve, root__, sscarfe, loicm, [prtksxna], KartikPrabhu, [LewisCowles], jamietanna and jeremych_ joined the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Work getting in the way of life, again.
kingpapa and [grantcodes] joined the channel
Normally I'd say quit, but had I known we'd be in lock-down I'd have hung in another 6 months or so 😂
you quit just before? :)
I resigned in January and worked out my notice the last week of February to start my own business.
TBF I planned for a slow-start, I'll be fine
yeah, you can indeed make sure all internal things are ready and organized once this lockdown is over
we're 7 years further, and we still haven formalized all internal procedures etc :D
I've had a few tiny projects, but they were not what I wanted to do.
I know what you mean. Every time I've wanted to improve drastically I've had to have a month shut-down, which means planning for that, which is hard
Wow found one of my friends been keeping a linkblog, more a library since 1998: http://tutormentorexchange.net/definition-of-issues/246-blog-list
KempfCreative1 and [Michael_Beckwi] joined the channel
bonus points if still maintained and checked for dead links, etc
Hmm. Wouldn't the cost of dead links only grow over time?
i.e. at some point you'd want to just point at internet archive to be sure the content was the same
at the same time, in that sense, i almost feel like there’s value for supporting “previously published” editions of posts
i’m sort of trying to do that with one of my WordPress installs where I publish written fiction when I have it, and seeing how easily i could have “4th draft version here”, “current final draft, published XXXX-XX-XX”
sscarfe joined the channel
tw2113, how do you stop it from becoming soup?
dunno yet, not that far along
robla joined the channel
i do know that at least with WordPress, they already have revisions available, so that helps to a degree
oh, so they are not live URL's. My bad
I was thinking the front-end for visitors was like, Why not read my book, and then surfacing which edition / revision
yeah it would be for frontend as well, but still details needing figured out 😄
i think my mind is equating it to how much music gets remastered these days. Some people like the version they grew up on, and the music engineers wrecked a good thing
some people like demo versions more than the final result
and then there’s just the idea of seeing how a story evolved from original ideas into its finished product
tw2113 has 1 karma over the last year
I think you broke into a new handle
[jgmac1106], [prtksxna], wolftune, KempfCreative1 and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
tw2113 I really like the idea of sharing the revision process openly.
This video came through the CSS-Tricks newsletter yesterday or today and feels quite Indiewebby: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BxV14h0kFs0
[Rose], nickodd and wolftune joined the channel
[kimberlyhirsh] has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
Thanks for sharing this 🙂
kensp, [bonkerfield] and [fluffy] joined the channel
Tom Scott is worth following in general. A lot of his videos brush up against IndieWeb or IndieWeb-adjacent topics
sscarfe joined the channel
Another good video of his, “There is no algorithm for truth” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leX541Dr2rU
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
I have been following Tom for a long time now, stellar channel. He has visited ClearLeft in Brighton too IIRC
Oh darn, I forgot about this, but he has spoken at dConstruct too?! http://2014.dconstruct.org/conference/tomscott/
KempfCreative1 and [grantcodes] joined the channel
I was at that an have been following him since 🙂
In his series on how to make an app he interviewed someone at ClearLeft re UX, I think.
Maybe we need to invite him for the next IWC Brighton. He is the founder of a social network afterall!
Or maybe it was more of a chat app? Memory failing me, yikes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emojli
[snarfed] joined the channel
re 3M webmentions in the wild, i underestimated. looks like we'll probably hit it this week! rough estimate is that we're at 2.962M now, adding 5-10k per day.
Lot of webmentions! :)
sscarfe and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
until I can go through your revision history and watch it like an etherpad you have no revision hsitory
gRegorLove, cal, swentel, wolftune, [Michael_Beckwi], markopasha, raucao, opal, loicm, ben_thatmustbeme, seekr, kensp, ecobos, buirg, electronicmaji, uncle_0gre_, plutes and gxt joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[indienews] New post: "Webmention for TiddlyWiki to enable website to website notifications and communication" https://boffosocko.com/2020/04/14/webmention-for-tiddlywiki-to-enable-website-to-website-notifications-and-communication/
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, [KevinMarks], Choscura, anon97220, opal and vika_nez` joined the channel