#indieweb 2020-05-09

2020-05-09 UTC
[tantek], xsteadfastx, electronicmaji and [Katherine] joined the channel
hi friends, i was wondering if there are any services you can point me towards where i can create blog posts via SMS?
rho joined the channel
[Katherine] You might be able to daisy chain together some odds and ends using the fact that Google Voice can forward messages to your email
oh interesting.... and then have the email push to a blog somehow?
Yeah I'm not sure what to do with it off hand once it's in your email, but it's def the quick and dirty way to get SMS into somewhere you can manipulate it
all of the content i can find online around it is through wordpress
You'd need to strip out all the other stuff somehow before sending it on
What are you trying to do exactly?
[tw2113] joined the channel
i want to make a website for me and my friends to share links to articles under a common domain
i registered the domain, and basically i want my friends to be able to send texts with a URL and a short description to accompany the post
then itll appear on the site like a light weight blog
turona and xsteadfastx joined the channel
so i guess i need a script to read through the gmail emails and then convert it to a post using some blog framework
wolftune joined the channel
[Katherine] you can probably do something with the default SMS > Email that is built into SMS?
isn't that a thing?
yeah. but i think its also okay if they send an email rather than a text message
to create the blog post
That'd be far easier
and you'd have more text to work with
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[Katherine] are you building it with WordPress?
no, i was considering using wordpress... would that be the best solution? i thought it'd be nice to do something indie rather than wordpress but im not ideologically strict lol
WordPress is definitely indie!
Did someone say WordPress?
There are lots of ways to do what you're talking about. I do know that WP can do what you're looking for by email without a lot of work.
If you're self hosting the .org version you may need Jetpack as a plugin to do it.
xsteadfastx joined the channel
For simple UI from mobile, it might also recommend trying a micropub client like Quill to post bookmarks.
What is Quill?
Quill is a simple app for posting text notes to your website using Micropub https://indieweb.org/Quill
If using iPhone the Wordpress iPhone app probably has a share sheet as well, but I'm not sure, haven't used it lately
Known might also be a good CMS for a circle of friends sharing posts like that. It also supports micropub.
What is Known?
Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/Known
KempfCreative and wolftune joined the channel
Hey GWG how goes it?
I'm converting weather codes into icons
Which icon set has the best weather support?
wait is Known stalled or just like not a paid service anymore?
wow okay
the Known wiki page on the IndieWeb is great
has some nits
but the taxonomy is like a fast way to see where and how this fits in the greater ecosystem
it looks like that table is custom tho
funwhilelost joined the channel
I think I made that table based on the one in the wordpress page. ;)
222 weather icons! Wow.
It needs a new maintainer.
seekr and nickodd joined the channel
[jeremycherfas] has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (31 in all channels)
[tantek], jdp and kensp joined the channel
Morning, IndieWeb
strugee, markopasha and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
gRegorLove and jeremych_ joined the channel
good morning IndieWeb
So, the bridge from Slack to IRC; it seems to ignore the first thing I post in Slack after an absence. Is that correct?
Morning jeremycherfas
I see two posts from you just now, same as on chat.indieweb.org
There was an earlier one that earned kudos from Chrisaldrich. I'm not saying it needs to be here, just curious.
it obviously shouldn't eat messages
As I say, it really is not important.
the bridge not working is kind of important
[jeremycherfas] and [Rose] joined the channel
What IW things are people working on this weekend?
I ran this on my website and was confused by some of the message, https://whatwg.org/validator/, “The itemprop attribute was specified, but the element is not a property of any item.” for props that I added like dt-published
it looks like something I need to fix but it does work
Morning [Rose]
hi everyone
I'm in the middle of writing a streams & gardens post.
[Rose]: maybe a few small posts or tweaks. some larger things on the list again, but doesn't feel like this weekend is the one where they're going to happen. :D
markopasha joined the channel
I've decided to fix the problem of people not following instructions and getting annoyed with Swarm posts appearing in my RSS feed by migrating that part of my site to micro.rosemaryorchard.com. For now this'll be hosted on micro.blog.
(If they followed my blog category as suggested it wouldn't happen, but they don't and I've been unable to convince people they should.)
People. Every time.
and might play with a personal wiki again. it's not entirely what I want, but until I figured out what I want it might help anyways
I like the idea of that. Something is better than nothing and all that :)
[Rose]: what are they following on your site instead then? The main (firehose?) feed?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
quill has post by email too
Yes. They're following the everything feed.
I guess there is something to be said for making the everything feed harder to discover. Kinda like aaronpk’s /all
Unfortunately the default WordPress feed is everything
I did make it harder to discover for a while using a redirect to force people to the blog feed, but it was causing issues.
markopasha joined the channel
[Katherine] - if you sign into https://quill.p3k.io/ then go to https://quill.p3k.io/email you get a pot by email address
[LewisCowles], anotheryou and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
been loving having personal wiki
still tell everyoen I know and they will just say buit why not just google docs....
markopasha joined the channel
sknebel did get mf2 and webmentions working with dokuwiki, has some annoying bits but was easier for me than wikimedia..everyone else using tiddlywiki or mediawiki'
Hory, markopasha, [grantcodes], seekr, Henster1, wolftune and [snarfed] joined the channel
[snarfed] #942 Twitter: how to handle backfeed on threads?
annadane, wolftune, electronicmaji, plutes, [jeremycherfas], nickodd, [jgarber], markopasha, xsteadfastx, [KevinMarks], KartikPrabhu, [juju], [chrisaldrich], gpickett00, swentel, [tantek], vika_nezrimaya, Hory, [schmarty] and gRegorLove joined the channel; nickodd and aendruk left the channel
what is linkblogging
It looks like we don't have a page for "linkblogging" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "linkblogging is ____", a sentence describing the term)
linkblogging is /bookmark
snarfed, interesting question. I feel there is overlap with a couple of related questions / use-cases. 1. having tweet buttons next to paragraphs or specific sentences allowing the reader to post just that bit of text and a link to the article, 2. marginalia, including backfeeding from tweets about specific paragraphs / sentences
[snarfed] joined the channel
wow, maybe! those are loosely related but only very loosely