[tantek]the reason they're interestingly related in the context of your issue is, when someone replies to one of your tweets in the POSSEstorm of the entire article, how do you know if it's a marginalia comment on that specific paragraph/sentence vs a comment on the article?
[tantek]presumably Bridgy would have to be able to tell the difference in order to construct the synthetic in-reply-to URL (with or without fragment(ion) to that specific paragraph/sentence)
[snarfed]marginalia sounds great, but definitely more work, and i suspect both interest and support are very low. only two examples on the wiki, and one of the two is inactive since 2014
[tantek]I suppose if Bridgy already has a policy decision for replies like that, then it makes sense to extend it for likes and reposts. I'm wondering if there's a way to leave it at least open to handling marginalia responses
[tantek]if a POSSE tweet of only a specific paragraph/sentence had a permashortlink with a fragment(ion) then it should be a signal to treat any responses as marginalia to that fragment(ion)
[tantek]agree re: not requiring PSL for the default/common case you're describing, hence why I think that requiring a special PSL may be a good way to do marginalia backfeeding
[snarfed]i expect it will be per person more than per post though. ie if someone wants it and their site supports it, they'll want it for all posts, not just some
[snarfed]hmm just fyi looks like your site 400s marginalia webmentions with a single #, but that's been the preferred fragmention syntax for a while now
KartikPrabhuI think silos like Medium have somehow trained people that it can be done on Medium, and so people do it. I don't think anyone is inclined to post such marginalia through twitter
[tantek]KartikPrabhu, presumably if you POSSEd individual sentences or paragraphs, then people could respond to them without even knowing they were trying to "make" marginalia
Loqi[[tantek]] snarfed, interesting question. I feel there is overlap with a couple of related questions / use-cases. 1. having tweet buttons next to paragraphs or specific sentences allowing the reader to post just that bit of text and a link to the article, 2. ma...
KartikPrabhu[snarfed]: I think all of your webmentions went through! The likes show up in the bottom since I don't display likes inline. The one reply you sent does show up as marignalia
wolftune, seekr and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]It's a theoretical use case at the moment, but I know that @ThreadReaderApp is actively working on a set up for PESOS from Twitter to personal websites to be released soon. I'm curious what effect, if any, that may have on Brid.gy backfeed and demand for Bridgy use in general? https://twitter.com/threadreaderapp/status/1236067246700498950
[chrisaldrich]I suspect that the release of that feature will also be an interesting day to promote the idea of IndieWeb in general if anyone wants to brainstorm helping to promote it in an IndieWeb sort of way.
[chrisaldrich]They've been working on it for a bit (since that tweet at least). Cal was in the #indieweb-wordpress channel on Friday inquiring about IndieAuth pieces to try to finish it up.
[chrisaldrich]gRegorLove++ Lest you think we forgot: Happy 7th IWC Wiki anniversary (Created on May 9, 2013 at 11:56) and for 6,500+ wiki edits and counting!
Zegnatfkrt2: there is some overlap between indieweb and microformats.org, but probably easier to get an answer in the #microformats channel, as aaronpk pointed at :)
[chrisaldrich][Katherine] Your note has sparked a lot of conversation in the various IndieWeb channels this week. Several people have been brainstorming how to do this in various methods.
[chrisaldrich]Some used your name explicitly while others didn't so searching your name, "texting", "friends", "family", and/or "group" may undercover it all.
[chrisaldrich]I know that there was one reply from kevinmarks who pointed out that Quill also supports posting via email as well, though the functionality may be a bit hidden.
[chrisaldrich][Katherine] If you need help and are building it in WordPress, do stop by the #indieweb-wordpress channel and ask away. There are also a bunch of Online Homebrew Website Club meetings this coming week if you want to stop by one of those for help/discussion: https://events.indieweb.org/
[chrisaldrich]I suspect there are enough WordPress plugins that will get you where you need to go that you can probably do it without touching any code at all.
KartikPrabhu, gpickett00, gRegorLove, Malchinus, fkrt2, gRegorLove_, [KevinMarks], [tantek], wolftune, electronicmaji, kensp, KempfCreative, cjw6k_, cjw6k and markopasha joined the channel