#indieweb 2020-06-21

2020-06-21 UTC
justache, kensp, gRegorLove and [tantek] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] ouch. just saw https://indieweb.org/site-deaths#Wikispaces - did nothing make it to Internet Archive?
jacky which page has the ToC so far down?
GWG joined the channel
[tantek]: Twitter
Thanks will take a look
justache, wolftune, oodani, nickodd, a_chou and [scottgruber] joined the channel
Would anyone be interested to give a talk for junior developers on the mechanics of webmentions and micropub at the upcoming IndieWebCampWest?
Ariadne joined the channel
Would it be cool for me to facilitate a hands-on workshop or demo for beginners to feel HTML Energy. I could introduce HTML5 header, nav, main, aside and footer elements to build and style a page with CSS Grid, Flexbox and maybe multicolumn layout. Thoughts?
Ariadne, [jeremycherfas], [fluffy] and [jjdelc] joined the channel
I would make sure to find strong examples on why they are superior than just using divs and spans other than accessibility for people with disabilities, as altruist as that goal is, I find that too many don't empathize.
I started using grid recently and I'm totally sold, just with the very basics things just work, unlike flexbox that required a bit more understanding to tune things
[georgenancejr], seekr and XgF joined the channel
div and span have nothing to do with grid or flexbox. You can use grid and flexbox with any HTML markup
maybe you mean float-based layout
and if you want to ignore HTML semantics and accesibility then everything can be a span
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
you can use float-based layout on any HTML tag too...
I think what was meant was to communicate to people, not just what you are doing but why, which is fantastic if you can get it out in digestible format
re KartikPrabhu > HTML semantics and accesibility - I'm not convinced they actually matter, but I'd prefer to be wrong. If there are any documentations that have one and only one way of doing "proper" HTML5 semantics for accessibility, please share it.
harmetic, kensp and [jjdelc] joined the channel
yes, I am re-reading and I can see how I was confusing, my first sentence was about the html elements, the value of using nav, aside, header, footer vs just using divs for all. My second comment was about my recent usage of CSS grid and how I found it surprisingly quick to get going.
My suggestion was to find strong examples where using semantic elements is better than achieving the same looks with just div/span. And to find others than just assistive technologies. Something that most people can relate to and find immediate benefit.
wombelix and [tantek] joined the channel
petermolnar has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (23 in all channels)
ARH and neceve_ joined the channel
This feel very #indieweb-dev like
Aaaannnd, I have commented on the special HTML elements for things in #indieweb-dev :)
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
I'm like oddly inspired but it's also 3 AM and I should at least _nap_ lol
Zegnat++ thanks. Yes HTML elements discussions should go in #indieweb-dev 🙂
Zegnat has 8 karma in this channel over the last year (59 in all channels)
Good morning IndieWeb
!tell jjdelc I'd be up for that, except that I'm unlikely to be up for much of IWC. I'd watch the recording, for sure.
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
swentel, [Murray], eshnil and jjuran joined the channel
Hi all, I've been building LearnAwesome.org as an open-source, ActivityPub-compliant learning map. You can think of it as GoodReads where the reviews can be consumed in any Mastodon instance without signing up. Does this qualify to be listed at IndieWeb site? I am giving a talk about this project at GitCommitShow and have also submitted a proposal at ActivityPub conference. Hoping to get a few more developers to start contributing.
Here is the issue where ActivityPub support was added: https://github.com/learn-awesome/learn/issues/121
[eshnil] #121 Implement ActivityPub broadcast of reviews
kiryin joined the channel
As far as being listed, anyone could create a page on the wiki, but it may be interesting to look at https://indieweb.org/principles and see if Learn Awesome helps people to accomplish any of those ideals.
eshnil: ooh, that looks really interesting. There is quite some overlap from the indieweb community and education and reading, I think, so there may very well be some interest there.
nickodd and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
I had, and folks in the channel helped me put some wikispaces links on archive.org but everything redirects to https://www.wikispaces.com/?responseToken=ff295d63a4c014477d769efcd48820ee now...Even if I did archive content losing the community infrastructure of hundreds of users...that is impossible to rebuild
esnhil looks very cool...very interested in learning maps and replies as record of completion
Have been working on this course builder plugin for Known: https://blog.reviewtalentfeedback.com/2020/working-on-our-course-builder-plug-i-in-in-partnership-with and just started the process of moving my courses to wikiversity as well....many on GitHub
[The ReVIEW Team] Working on our Course Builder Plug-in In Partnership with the Known Open Collective
Rixon and [tantek] joined the channel
I'm tempted to redesign my blog post permalinks today
or maybe I should save that for my IWC project next weekend :-)
oh dear, careful wih permalink redesigns, not to end up with something like this: https://gist.github.com/petermolnar/6da68848d0633e9ddd675c422d546c6e
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
oh i didn't mean the permalinks themselves, i mean the design of the pages of my individual articles
i want less visual clutter on the page cause i keep getting inspired by people's really simple layouts
KartikPrabhu, wolftune, KapiX and PetriBot joined the channel; KartikPrabhu left the channel
simplicity++ in design
simplicity has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (2 in all channels)
i'm thinking about also reducing the number of avatars and comments I show by default, both to keep the page size down and also to reduce visual noise
and if I do that, I have to decide which avatars/comments to show, and I'm thinking about some sort of sorting based on how often I've interacted with each person
my 5-minute hack: turning off a bunch of my CSS in the browser dev tools https://media.aaronpk.com/Screenshot-2020-06-21-09.13.30-lPWw4hwc88.png
kiryin and PetriBot joined the channel
aaronpk: the old one has a lot more character; it'd be nice if you kept something from it :)
yeah i think i took a shortcut on the current design of my site by using that background map and the borders around posts, I could improve the typography of my site which might make it look a little better once I remove the map/borders
imo typography is not everything - it's just one part of a site. homepages need character, they should reflect their maker
wolftune joined the channel
Welcome eshnil! How did you find the IndieWeb community and chat?
douno joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Hi everyone
Anyone using Known here for their personal site?
what is Known
Known is an open publishing / community platform project https://indieweb.org/Known
I am currently using wordpress (with the SemPress theme), however I like how minimal Known looks out of the box
I want to see see some sample sites designed with Known to see what's possible without having to set it up
Jacky, I like your site. Using any CMS?
I made it myself! I am working on making it something others can use (have been focusing on other projects though)
I'm not the sharpest on things IndieWeb+Wordpress but it does seem like it'd require a level of comfort of working with theming if you want to edit the looks while getting the semantics down
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Checkin on #indieweb-wordpress. I was surprised at how nice @GWG made WordPress within 30 minutes using off the shelf plugins.
The indieweb-wordpress plugins are pretty awesome to get you started
[fluffy] joined the channel
Jacky, are you able to post on social networks and then get it post to your site too
[scottgruber] joined the channel
there are indieweb themes as well. See the wiki https://indieweb.org/WordPress/Themes
douno: yeah thanks to bridgy
seekr joined the channel
what is bridgy
Bridgy is an open source project and proxy that implements backfeed and POSSE as a service https://indieweb.org/bridgy
I syndicate my sites in a POSSE fashion (most of the times)
swentel joined the channel
[LewisCowles]: It took me 5 years to get it to off the shelf...Shelf is still too high
wolftune and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
douno, while there are a handful of pre-built Known theme options, they all have a very similar flavor with a small handful of color and textual differences. Naturally, because it's opensource, you'll need some development skills to more highly customize a Known site, so the sky is the limit.
However, I'll also say that you won't find the breadth of theme options you might in the WordPress space, but then most CMSes fall into that territory too...
douno, where is your website at?
PetriBot, kiryin, [JuJu], [KevinMarks] and [georgenancejr] joined the channel
Does anyone know any good indie web podcasts ?
seekr, [Murray], tomasparks, [tantek] and davidized[m] joined the channel
what are podcasts about the indieweb?
podcasts about the indieweb are podcasts that discuss indie web topics, check out https://martymcgui.re/tag/this-week-indieweb-podcast/ for starters! https://indieweb.org/podcasts_about_the_indieweb
welcome douno! We've got a whole channel of folks using Known for their personal sites! #knownchat
seekr, kensp and kensp1 joined the channel