leg, markong, [jgmac1106], awolf, hs0ucy, vika_nezrimaya, [KevinMarks], shoesNsocks, KartikPrabhu, kiryin, zenen, [fluffy], KempfCreative, [tw2113], [schmarty], KapiX, distopico and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; leg left the channel
#petermolnarhow would one retrofill scrobbling tools with music they listened to before scrobbling existed? (theoretical question, given it'd all be an estimate)
#[chrisaldrich]petermolnar, music can be very memorable, so one might be able to recall rough dates/times/locations. For accounting and other purposes, radio stations (at least in the US) are supposed to maintain playlists so you might be able to track those down and match them up?
[tw2113] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
#[KevinMarks]I used to listen to the BBC chart show every Sunday evening, so could backfill a lot from the charts
nyex and [Murray] joined the channel
#[Murray]I still have an old laptop lying around that has iTunes installed. Probably used it for about 70% of my teens and have often wondered if there might be a way to pull the listening history off that and import into LastFM