#indieweb 2020-07-24

2020-07-24 UTC
tantek++ for waiting to see and documenting...
tantek has 22 karma in this channel over the last year (121 in all channels)
It's not something I'd generally do in silo apps that allow it, but I used /Hapity to do a live stream to my website: https://boffosocko.com/2020/07/23/livestreaming-directly-to-my-website/
It was a relatively simple and easy process for setting up.
While Hapity has some features of a silo, they make things simple to record and automatically post and give you a copy of your data if you'd like to have it, which I thought was relatively IndieWeb friendly.
sensiblemn joined the channel
[chrisaldrich]: Have you looked into https://antmedia.io/ ? (I haven't, but it seems like something that could be used)
It sounds familiar, but looks way more involved.
Yeah, and expensive.
The route I took was less than 5 minutes. I spent more time documenting in the wiki than I did setting it up.
Looking at the setup options, it seems relatively simple to do an RTMP server in nginx and OBS or VLC
wow this looks nice
looks very similar to the DIY version I rigged up but all packaged up as a service
TWitter has -1 karma in this channel over the last year (-4 in all channels)
Tco has -1 karma over the last year
seriously Tco links are not loading for my 9/10 times
just going to start using Loqi in chat lol
ndegruchy, marcusr, [kimberlyhirsh], [tw2113], hobbsy[m], paulopinto[m], crowdhailer, samwilson, Rixon and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
CommentPara.de is my "native commenting form" using an iframe..
aaronpk. Timmyboy really dug meetable. Already has a version running on Reclaim Cloud
jfkimmes[m] and sud0x3[m] joined the channel
Oops saw ^^ tweet got picked up in meta
wolftune, marcusr, [chrisaldrich] and justache joined the channel
Wow nice!
what is?
nickodd, seekr, cyberz_, KartikPrabhu and [Rose] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Are you guys talking about twtxt.net
morning [Rose]! morning indieweb!
markopasha, marcusr, KartikPrabhu and [Chaitanya] joined the channel
Good day everyone! Is anyone in the community using Wordpress for podcasting?
swentel and dckc joined the channel
I think GWG is
Ah thank you!
KartikPrabhu, [fluffy], [KevinMarks], marcusr, markoong, markong, rmdes1, markopas1, jeremy, mauz555, hs0ucy, [jgmac1106], KempfCreative, Ariadne and ndegruchy joined the channel
[grantcodes] it does work on the browser back button too! :) (But not so much as to be annoying, if you hit forward and back again and again, just on the first one :p )
[tw2113] joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Running Known with Matomo and Caddy" https://q4.re/2020/07/running-known-with-matomo-and-caddy
kensp, [chrisaldrich] and zenen joined the channel
ok i've added my username to the wiki so testing if my name becomes clickable
hmm, any ideas? i've also just marked up my site with h-card and h-entries for the blog posts and set up webmentions/pingbacks, indieauth.com and aperture for microsub, and bridgy to get notified for social media mentions :)
it takes about 5 minutes for the chat logs to sync up with the wiki
hm i don't know why it's not working actually
ah i see, my fault
turns out all the [m] nicknames weren't being linked
Yay! Thanks! Just checked and it's working!
I'm mainly using matrix to be able to keep track of chat history when I close the browser :p
(that and the support for switching between desktop and mobile) open to any IRC client ideas you have though!
I wonder if there's a bridge between matrix and microsub? To get push notifications for webmentions and the like!
[tantek], [fluffy] and jamietanna joined the channel
souramoo[m]: I do the same, but also find that just using https://chat.indieweb.org/ is also a pretty great way of interacting with chat :)
wolftune, pncl, hs0ucy, KapiX, [manton], [schmarty] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
I wonder if someone at WordPress.com was following the "roll out" of ThreadReaderApp allowing one to unroll a Twitter thread using micropub? https://wordpress.com/blog/2020/07/15/unroll-your-twitter-threads-into-wordpress/
Not sure
Glad someone is at least thinking about improving the UI in those ways.
nickodd, [Murray], deathrow1, wolftune and [fluffy] joined the channel
Also interesting to note that they include a syndication url on that post, though without the microformats mark up.
KartikPrabhu and [jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Hey, Sunlit, the photo posting app from Micro.blog just released their source code. Awesome to see, even if the build tools are Apple only right now
KartikPrabhu, [tantek], kensp, [michael_lewis], markoong, [KevinMarks], pncl, ndegruchy__, ndegruchy, wolftune and harmetic_ joined the channel; nickodd left the channel