#indieweb 2020-08-17

2020-08-17 UTC
seekr, KempfCreative, yanahx07, jonnybarnes, KartikPrabhu, wolftune, beko, fauno, justache, rEnr3n, rEnr3n0, nickodd and mblaney joined the channel
So, I started out trying to update my user page, didn't finish that, but changed my URL shortener to better work with the prefixes used by Whistle.
Which I seriously doubt anyone will notice
wonders if anyone even knows he has a URL shortener.
jonnybarnes, markopasha, rEnr3n, KartikPrabhu, fauno, loicm, cweiske, [Rose] and sl007 joined the channel
anotheryou, swentel, jeremych_, rEnr3n, craftyphotons, ecobos, seekr, ndegruchy, [Ana_Rodrigues], KartikPrabhu, gxt, floridafruitgeek, shoesNsocks, KempfCreative, [tonz] and [tb] joined the channel; patcoll[m] left the channel
Mmm finally switched my domain email over to ProtonMail and set all my gmail accounts to forward to it
Not sure still how I'm going to get away from GCal though until at least ProtonCalendar comes out of beta and supports invites/shares
KartikPrabhu, dckc, sl007, nickodd, wolftune, rEnr3n, [schmarty], [snarfed], jonnybarnes and [kodepoeten] joined the channel
Hi everyone 👋. Before summer I gave a talk at NDC Oslo, on ethics in software development and I think it could be worth sharing here.
The talk gives an introduction to common narratives on ethics, value, taxes and technology. And I also give a shout-out to the IndieWeb community.
TLDR: The tools we choose to use matter a lot. 🙂
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
What are ethics?
[kodepoeten]++ nice post. Bookmarked the talk for later tonight and some of the references I haven't read yet. We should be talking about these topics more often.
[kodepoeten] has 1 karma over the last year
It looks like we don't have a page for "ethics" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ethics is ____", a sentence describing the term)
shoesNsocks, kensp and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I've been reading an advanced copy of David Dylan Thomas' upcoming book Design for Cognitive Bias (A Book Apart, 2020). https://abookapart.com/products/design-for-cognitive-bias
So far it's got a solid overview of a lot of psychological research from behavioral economics and discussion of biases that developers and designers should be aware of with examples of how to make things better for (ourselves) and users of our software.
I bought tickets over the weekend for the online book launch party on August 28th if others are interested: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/design-for-cognitive-bias-launch-party-tickets-116127463369 . The $10 ticket includes a copy of the e-book which is otherwise $14 / paperback $24.
jonnybarnes, vika_nezrimaya and [Morgan_F] joined the channel
Hi everyone! I just want to introduce myself. I can across a mention of y'all today, and I thought the movement fascinating: without even realizing it, I've been an indieweb guy for 20 years. I hadn't put my finger on the movement or the societal shift away from the "old web" towards the new social media one (other than usual complaints everyone makes) but I'm happy to discover a community keeping the old spirit alive. And as an old-school guy
who just created & creates lots of web pages on lots of topics out of fun and passion (and I can't stop myself!) I just wanted to meet everyone 🙂
👋 [Morgan_F] What's your website?
Oh, I've created maaaaany 🙂 Two that may interest you are one site where, well, I'm a bit obsessed with where words come from, and I just write about English words that have (surprising) common ancestors with Spanish words, so it's an easy way to remember words in the other language: spanishetymology.com - that's a good example of just a random, fun, [non-financial-incentive] site I made & run out of obsession and passion. I have an old-school
website [I did a modern update to the design a couple of years ago] that just lists different websites I've made for fun over the years, and more, so you may find it interesting, too: westegg.com
*old school personal website. [I forgot the word "personal"]
jonnybarnes, wolftune, Nuve and [manton] joined the channel
[Morgan_F] I like the timeline design and layout of westegg. very cool.
wolftune, jonnybarnes and Tsukimaru joined the channel
↩️ Thank you! It was the best idea I had for a
creative way to present my projects. An old-school HTML list is a bit to.... old-school :)
jonnybarnes, [snarfed], skippy1 and [tantek] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
i've been happily using Monocle and Aperture and Granary for some time. About 5 days ago, it seems like I stopped gettting Tweets in my feed. Indeed, if I viist a Granary URL from Aperture, it returns 404. BUT that URL is for a Twitter list; and if I change the list name to all lowercase it works!
The URL stored in Aperture has the first letter capitalized.
I've tried removing the feeds from Aperture, and re-adding them with lowercase list names; but they keep getting saved with capitalization. :frown:
ooh, i bet it's looking up an existing URL case insensitively
wolftune joined the channel
anything I can do to help, @aaronpk ?
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
(cough) send a PR (cough)
well we could try to confirm this is the problem. i did think that aperture removed all traces of a feed if nobody is subscribed to it tho.
could you add something to the query string that granary will ignore so that it looks like a completely different URL to aperture? if that fixes it then my suspicion is correct
like a ?
yea whatever
confirmed. added "&false=false". Aperture saves it with the lowercase list name, and the junk I added.
although what's really weird is that this was all working until recently. So the "problem" such as it is lies really with Twitter or Granary: the upper-case list names worked before.
gRegorLove joined the channel
granary’s twitter list handling definitely hasn’t changed any time remotely recently
specifically, granary doesn’t touch the list’s case, it passes it through to the twitter API as is
[tb], sl007, wolftune, jonnybarnes, kensp, KartikPrabhu, Nuve, yanahx07, zenen and [fluffy] joined the channel
I don't go into the twitter app very often but I just noticed they started showing counts and links to quote tweets
retweets, likes, quotes