#indieweb 2020-08-18

2020-08-18 UTC
seekr, jonnybarnes, kensp, [tw2113], KartikPrabhu and rEnr3n joined the channel
yeah the replies & with comments is interesting
KartikPrabhu, seekr, KempfCreative, jonnybarnes and wolftune joined the channel
I haven't seen the quote counts yet
callMeBaby, milkii and GonZo2k joined the channel
jacky it looks like this under a tweet permalink "13 Retweets and comments"
then if you click that it shows you a split
1 With comment
12 Without comments
what is quote tweet
A quote tweet (also known as a "retweet with comment") is a reply on Twitter to an original tweet that displays the entirety of the original in a reply-context below the reply text https://indieweb.org/quote_tweet
yeah they now call them "retweet with comment" in the UI
I think "quote tweet" is gone from the UI now
pioneer[m], pauho[m], freekurt, Matthew[m], Salt[m], Abhas[m], benpa-matrix[m], perflyst[m], JK_na, jfkimmes[m], samwilson, Rixon, jalcine[m], kolaente, crowdhailer, cambridgeport90[, JameySharp[m], searchableguy[m], samclarke[m], smacko[m], souramoo[m], hirusi[m], mxu[m], cichol[m], mayakate[m], jamietanna[m], glenn[m], Jeena1, reed[m], AliRezaHayati[m], fredcy_, Christian[m]1 and benpa[m] joined the channel
ahhh yeah yeah
guess they're consolidating language
Wait that's not what I see
must be an AB test
wait all I see is "retweets with comments"
My Mozillians aren't just technical & community experts 👌 they're kind, excellent humans - they'll bring expertise and delight wherever they go. I'm worried about the web, I'm selfishly sad to lose such wonderful coworkers, but you need to check out #MozillaLifeboat
I see: "13 Retweets and comments 71 Likes"
what do you see?
gRegorLove joined the channel
I see that too
click on the "13 Retweets"
I'm seeing the 'retweets and comments' language too
it's been a long heckin' time since twitter even pretended to have a consistent, meaningful UX. Every time they make a change to how replies and notifications "work" it gets a little worse and I stop using Twitter a little more.
I am also extremely not a fan of how they've added the little "messaging" popup like Facebook and LinkedIn have
In the twitter iOS app in case that wasn't clear
sl007 joined the channel
haha yeah that Messaging popup I was like welp there's another social media UX commodity convergence
KartikPrabhu, sl007, rEnr3n2, jonnybarnes, gxt, opal, wolftune, swentel, wiedi, [jeremycherfas], markopasha, nickodd, Ariadne, loicm, dckc, mblaney, reed[m], benpa-matrix[m], freekurt, jfkimmes[m], GonZo2k, Matthew[m], Abhas[m], samwilson, jalcine[m], jamietanna[m], kolaente, perflyst[m], Rixon, Salt[m], JameySharp[m], pioneer[m], pauho[m], mxu[m], hirusi[m], benpa[m], Christian[m], searchableguy[m], fredcy_, glenn[m], smacko[m], cichol[m], crowdhailer, Jeena1, souramoo[m], AliRezaHayati[m], samclarke[m], cambridgeport90[, JK_na, mayakate[m], gRegorLove, fauno, rEnr3n, rEnr3n3, strugee, [tantek], anotheryou, [spieper], KempfCreative and jeremych_ joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
Good morning IndieWeb
Good morning, jeremycherfas
[jgmac1106], rEnr3n and justache joined the channel
Once again trying to decide how I want to proceed with one of two projects.
dckc, nickodd, wolftune and markopasha joined the channel
GWG: I read that in the style of the bernie meme popular not too long ago
[schmarty] joined the channel
ndegruchy: I have been working with Pfefferle on the new webmentions, which will merge in the Semantic Linkbacks code to make one plugin.
But I always have a second project so I can tinker in between comments
My current project seems to be endlessly tinkering with my static site, trying to wring every last byte out of it. Apparently. And for little benefit. 😅
kensp joined the channel
I have a lot of issues people filed I can close.
loicm, jonnybarnes, [tw2113], gRegorLove, rEnr3n, kensp, [jgmac1106], a_chou, zenen, vika_nezrimaya, [chrisaldrich], [tantek], [LewisCowles], ndegruchy, ecobos, craftyphotons, rmdes, swentel, KartikPrabhu and yanahx07 joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[[tantek]] GWG ^ one of the reasons I try to take photos every day, and days where I forget to take a photo feel like they didn't exist
That's a good reason for taking more photos; I should work on that.
Especially in stressful times like these, days/weeks are a blur
It's March 171, 2020 (UTC)
Tsukimaru and wolftune joined the channel
[indienews] New post: "Adding Structured Book Data to My Blog Posts" https://anaulin.org/blog/structured-book-data-in-hugo-posts/
wolftune, [jgmac1106], shoesNsocks, xdecimal, jbove, flaki, ludovicchabant, [snarfed], themaxdavitt, peterrother, vika_nezrimaya, jonnybarnes, [chrisaldrich], [schmarty], [tantek], deathrow1 and gRegorLove joined the channel