#dev 2020-08-18

2020-08-18 UTC
jonnybarnes, [tw2113], KartikPrabhu, callMeBaby, JK_na, fredcy_, jalcine[m], Salt[m], samwilson, smacko[m], jamietanna[m], hirusi[m], nekr0z, Rixon, JameySharp[m], gRegorLove, gxt and prologic joined the channel; prologic left the channel
Thanks for all the help guys! Especially aaronpk ! Its official twtxt.net (and all twt.social pods) now support webmentions and indieweb microformats! 🎉
gxt, KartikPrabhu, swentel, [jeremycherfas], nickodd, loicm, dckc, mblaney, moppy, JameySharp[m], gRegorLove, samwilson, jamietanna[m], smacko[m], nekr0z, fredcy_, jalcine[m], hirusi[m], JK_na, Rixon and Salt[m] joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
strugee, [tantek] and KartikPrabhu joined the channel; nekr0z left the channel
@freekmurze Ahoy! Did you publish how "WebMentions" works on your blog somewhere? Thanks
jonnybarnes, [spieper], jeremych_, [jgmac1106] and justache joined the channel
prologic: awesome! does my comment show up now or should i re-send it?
well umm you should resend it; however "comment show up" I'm not sure how this works per se?
But any webmention inbound should be handled and posted to thw internal twtxt feed
dckc and nickodd joined the channel
aaronpk in fact I'm actually curious about the whole "user experience" of web mentions in the first place
when you have time maybe you can walk me through how some non-technical person might interact with something via (unbeknown to them) webmention
also really interested to see how far we can take twtxt <-> webmention interop
Oh do posts on twtxt not show comments?
thats fine, personal preference, just means I can't see if my webmention worked
[schmarty] joined the channel
sounds like another case where "webmention" is not enough to describe what is being discussed 😂 https://martymcgui.re/2020/07/15/what-we-talk-about-when-were-talking-about-webmentions/
loicm and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I love this enhancement to my IRC client that shows [schmarty] photos when his website is cited.
jonnybarnes, prologic and [tw2113] joined the channel
↩️ I agree with that description of what happened. That said, I think the core problem today is that RSS/Atom alone is no longer enough for us. We want to read, like, and comment without bouncing from site to site. The indieweb community uses webmentions and webactions for this.
gRegorLove, [jgmac1106], jonnybarnes, zenen, vika_nezrimaya and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
aaronpk: the 'seeing' if it worked is something I -kinda- want to push into webmention status pages tbh
[tantek] joined the channel
I see hiding the URL bar has flared up again, with a decent amount of /URL_design discussions: https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=24156986
[atriix] Google resumes its attack on the URL bar, hides full addresses on Chrome 86
[tantek]: Vouch is another topic we haven't been able to get implementation on
GWG, I think it's because we need more implementation experience on the UX side of basic allow lists etc. first
and figure out where those have limitations
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
has anyone used VideoJS on their own site to stream MP4-HLS streams?
[tantek]: Good thing to brainstorm
I just have a textarea that I put domains into
what is an allow list
Firefox has an error Uncaught DOMException. It's super-frustrating, and I cannot seem to find a place to increase the limit
Chrome has no issue, and as of yet, I don't know enough to know which is behaving in my interests
GWG, can you add your details about your textarea to https://indieweb.org/allowlist#David_Shanske ?
[tantek]: Done
I even built it at a Summit
The one that was at that conference space..not at an office
ndegruchy joined the channel
I forget if that's when I added Alice and Bob to Vouch
craftyphotons joined the channel
I like gRegorLove's monitoring a blogroll option..I just don't have one
ndegruchy, kitt and jonnybarnes joined the channel
I think that was 2018
Feels like it was longer ago
nickodd left the channel
gRegorLove: I'm not 100% sure that my pre pandemic memories are real
GWG ^ one of the reasons I try to take photos every day, and days where I forget to take a photo feel like they didn't exist
Not a bad plan.
I should write more
that's also a good practice. there's two specific examples that may help: morning pages, and evening logs though I realize this is more of a #indieweb general chat (we could make it dev-specific if you like, up to you)
[tantek]: Just a note or two...
jonnybarnes, swentel, KartikPrabhu and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
hey guys is there a nook on the wiki that might discuss webmentions on an updating article (ie. wiki article) -- eg. continuing to show someone's like to your article even after it's been substantially edited -- is there a way to backfeed an explicit "version" bump? -- a "version" property? or should this case be covered by the replying party offering some kind of revocation on their end?
jbove joined the channel
ludovicchabant and [snarfed] joined the channel
themaxdavitt, peterrother, vika_nezrimaya, jonnybarnes and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[snarfed]: this is only for two parties -- thought salmention was for a third party swimming up to the first (eg. threaded comments)?
i'm talking -- an article or even note changes drastically and my original comment/like/etc. no longer applies
specifically in the context of a resource that has multiple version URLs
the replying party should be able to reply to /IndieWeb (the actual article) in a general sense or a specific version /IndieWeb/versions/3 -- but is there some existing mechanism so suggest that the original reply be repointed to the versioned page it originally pointed to instead of the new one
[schmarty] joined the channel
lahacker: perhaps rel=canonical might help? http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-canonical
this sounds more like a question of URL design, though.
Kevin Marks
but to answer your specific question i don't think there are any examples in the wild of a mechanism to suggest that a post be changed.
that said, there are some proposals on https://indieweb.org/edit
salmentions are definitely both directions, so a replying party could use them to trigger any behavior they want
versions will be site-specific, and different, so i’d hesitate trying to do anything based on versions specifically
a start would just be reacting at all to a salmention from the original post. afaik we don’t have any example of that in the wild yet
[tantek] and deathrow1 joined the channel
hmm rel=canonical is an idea -- just always have a rel=canonical pointing to /IndieWeb/versions/>{n} on /IndieWeb and the replying party can offer the choice of which to reply to
[snarfed]: correct me if i'm wrong but salmention only kicks in when there's a third party, no? in this case i'm talking about two parties only
consider a book where several commentors complain about a confusing chapter, the chapter is rewritten, their comments should somehow point to the old version
should i just handle that all on my end (author side)
someone could follow through from their comment and find no said confusion in the now updated chapter
this is a common problem with changing titles of articles and what not on reddit/hackernews type sites
so it applies to more than one context
[schmarty]: the problem would still persist when they choose to reply to /IndieWeb and i substantially change it
maybe i’m misremembering, but afaik salmentions are both directions. maybe that’s in https://indieweb.org/Salmention#Receiving_Salmentions ? not sure
we have something somewhere about sending wms from an original post to responses when the original post changes. maybe salmentions, maybe elsewhere
I think we brainstormed them both directions, however I believe there were concerns that could result in loops
the primary use-case of salmentions is upstream AFAIK, though cases like "A: C commented on a post B that you were tagged in" are almost sideways
so i think i got it right the first time -- imagine the case of the replying party's "like" permalink -- the UX of this whole discussion kind of revolves around what my "In reply to.." aka reply-context shows
sorry what *their* "In reply to.." shows
so if they were commenting on my second chapter being confusing
oh... actually... if they just leave their cache as is then the context will remain correct
but things get messy on /IndieWeb
there's a disconnect -- and i'm still wondering if salmentions kicks in at all in a two-party context
regardless of direction
i've been approaching the concept of an "edit" from multiple angles trying to tack it down -- tantek mentioned once "just resent a webmention"
"just resend a webmention"
which simplified things along (easy to complicate!)
but in this case i guess i'm just wondering how others or if no other prior art ideas as to how to attack this level of granularity
i'll start with just noting the version the article/page/book was at when the comment was received (if they only point to the naked /IndieWeb)
chronological order will be simple enough.. another ordering possibly not
lahacker, might help to have a step by step list of the user actions taken and expected user-visible result
gRegorLove joined the channel; prologic left the channel