mayakate[m]<Loqi "[indienews] New post: "Adding St"> This makes me wonder if Calibre can export that data in a useful way. They've been aces for me at finding metadata.
cleanshirt, uncle_0gre_, sknebel, callMeBaby, ben_thatmustbeme, edsu, [tw2113] and dckc joined the channel
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ndegruchyNot insofar. Trying to decide what parts I *need*, and what I can do without. Micropub/sub is out, but I'm considering pubsubhubbub/webpub and webmention, but how to work those in is down the list
loicm, jonnybarnes, rEnr3n, KempfCreative, dckc and [jgmac1106] joined the channel
mayakate[m]does that mean that it's okay to risk no-op webmentions (where no relevant change had occurred), or is that putting a burden on the recipient?
jacky, wolftune, leg, jonnybarnes, yanahx07, loicm, [Emma_Humphries], KartikPrabhu, markopasha, kensp and strugee joined the channel; leg and nickodd left the channel