[chrisaldrich]I thought about github pages, but didn't consider wikis... I'm looking for something as basic as possible for throwing lots of simple text files at... static site generators are a step or two above what I'm looking for???
[fluffy]anyway I specifically designed Publ to be like, hey you have a bunch of content in files on a filesystem, and you dump it into your content directory and it Just Works. But there’s some initial setup involved.
[chrisaldrich]Thanks fluffy! I hadn't looked at the set up for Publ as closely as I keep meaning to make time for. Sounds a bit like Blot which does roughly that and is self-hostable as a Node.js thing or as a paid service for $4 or 5/month....
jamietanna[m]Is anyone doing private posts with a static site? I'm writing a post about my proposal but want to see if I can take inspiration from anyone else
[tantek]I agree with the ambiguity of private in that usage. I think we stared trying out "friends only" as a form of "limited audience post" whereas private means literally just for the author
Ruxtonlimited posts in static land, you can just do with HTPASSWD, but I don't feel like that covers private. In thinking about it a bit, I think the concept of a private post is almost counter-point to a static site
jamietanna[m]Yeah I think my solution cheats as its not quite static, but ticks most of my boxes - now just need to finish the write up, with updated naming to be "friends only"
sknebelI know some folks have done hidden URLs. and one of those paywall things did JS to decrypt with external service. but yeah, private posts and fully static is a difficult proposition
ciudadanob[m], [Jean_Philippe_], dckc, fauno, KartikPrabhu, gxt, jonnybarnes, [pfefferle], [tb] and electronicmaji joined the channel
[tb]I don't know if you could do this with Netlify because I don't think you can intercept requests with Netfliy Functions, but I bet with something like CloudFlare Workers and a static site, you could route private posts through a CloudFlare Worker that then runs an IndieAuth authorization grant flow back to the viewer's own IndieAuth endpoints, and if they're on an allow list that you bake into the function then the worker will let them in
[tb]Also IndieAuth just being one example there, you could have your authentication worker support an authorization grant flow for other sites as well like GitHub/Twitter/etc too of course
gRegorLove, [pfefferle], KempfCreative, [KevinMarks], wolftune, [grantcodes], KempfCreative1, Hory, swentel, jonnybarnes and [fluffy] joined the channel
[fluffy]I had gone through a mental exercise of trying to do post privacy with static sites and the best I could come up with involved using .htaccess rules and in-server authentication, which is really just a dynamic site the long way around (and terrible and prone to leakage)
[tantek]I feel like examples are mixed. In cases where an archive page is treated like a subset of a stream, there does tend to be a reverse-chronological order. In other cases like a month / calendar grid view, there's a chronological order. Not sure there's one "right" way to do it.
jackyalso yeah w.r.t private posts, I don't _think_ they can truthfully exist without some sort of trusted implementation of clients to _not_ allow unintended use
[fluffy]@jamietanna I kind of feel like once you start down the path of having a custom service that fronts/decrypts your static content there’s not much that makes this really worthwhile as a static website anymore. Which is why I ended up making Publ a dynamic publishing system. Although your approach does have the nice benefit of letting you maintain your site repo in public git.
[tantek]do we have page collecting examples of such retro terminal styling? I feel this is definitely "a thing" on the IndieWeb and have seen many examples (literally only on the Indieweb, absolutely none on any silo)
[KevinMarks]Well, if you're emulating games that ran on CRT, you need a filter to make them look right as they were designed with scan lines blurriness, and look over pixellated if you just draw them as rectangles