#[tantek]definitely not a stupid question. great question
#[tantek]I mean, in general what is the risk of impersonation? (in any given identity "system")
#[tantek](aside: this is literally one of the reasons why I reject systems that require phone number as identity, c.f. SIMjacking = anyone can impersonate you on any such systems, e.g. your Signal contacts)
#aaronpkimpersonation is definitely a tough problem, with or without real names!
#avalosaaronpk: true. There're even people with multiple identities.
#aaronpkthere's a whole spectrum of multiple identities too
#aaronpki use my given name everywhere but i even consider myself to have multiple identities and present myself differently in different platforms or websites
#[tantek]supporting multiple identities is a feature, not a bug 🙂
#ZegnatI am just reading about jeremycherfas' IndieWeb project, instead of having worked on one of my own
jonnybarnes, [manton], BigShip, yanahx07, strugee, nickodd and [Chaitanya] joined the channel
#[Chaitanya]I added a small drawing board at the bottom of my homepage. Somehow I have been able to use it to quickly make some rough sketches for my projects.
jonnybarnes, gxt, shoesNsocks, kensp, [jeremycherfas], wolftune, [chrisaldrich] and KempfCreative joined the channel
#[chrisaldrich]I'm hacking away at plumbing for some experimentation in note taking and digital gardens...
shoesNsocks and [James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
#[James_Gallaghe][Zegnat] Reading can be just as valuable as making 🙂
#[James_Gallaghe][Chaitanya] I love the drawing widget. I just came across your site on the webring.
kensp, jonnybarnes and [Chaitanya] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
#[Chaitanya][James_Gallaghe] thank you! i have been playing around with p5js for some time and now trying to add little things made in p5js to my own site.
leg, KartikPrabhu, shoesNsocks, KempfCreative, lahacker, [manton] and jonnybarnes joined the channel; mblaney left the channel
#opalwho runs the slack gateway? might be worth setting up identd mapped to usernames or some unique string so you dont run into session limits as easily on irc
jonnybarnes, wolftune, twomanytacos, Hory, [tw2113] and GWG joined the channel