petermolnarpartially philosophical question: my websites first appearance is roughly 1999 - not in this form though. However, I recently found some photos of mine that well pre-dates 99. If I was to put them up with the correct date, should the 1999- be changed as well?
sknebelI'd probably stick with the dates for the site - older content added later doesn't make the site older. but totally see the alternatives as valid too
[tw2113]knowing me, iād do that just to amuse myself
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[jgmac1106]sknebel I misunderstood, I didn't realize he was saying a chronological order. I thought hwe was asking best to publish the date the photo was uploaded or the date it was taken
petermolnar[jgmac1106]: this is still not about that; it has nothing to do with the date of a post itself. It's was question around what should be the copyright(ish) date for a site: the one it first showed up, or the date of first content I produced and put up on the site.
petermolnarit's not hard at all. Licencing the photos are fine by adding the create date, that was never related. The question wasn't even technical; it was about the notion that I could show content on my site that was made by me, yet predates my site, so then which date is "stronger", in a human sense.
petermolnarmy own closure for now: I decided to take the first publication date into account, given those photos were all up on an ancient version of my site, which is obviously post the creation date of the website itself.
petermolnarI added the actual date into the description, especially because I'm not absolutely certain about them.
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