#indieweb 2020-09-22

2020-09-22 UTC
toupain, a_chou, jessehattabaugh_, jjuran, Simounet, jonnybarnes, VioletPixel, marcusr, jessehattabaugh, qa5, [chrisaldrich], XgF, avalos, jeremycherfas, KartikPrabhu and [LewisCowles] joined the channel
I'm not sure there is ill intent in not interpreting things in that way if it is not explicitly stated.
An extra You or Your in the right place, could help it to become possessive and help to make it clear.
own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily on your own domain, and 2) you maintain usable access to it, for you over time https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
is that any clearer petermolnar?
feels like it needs more comma's. Is it written this way for Loqi?
jonnybarnes, jessehattabaugh_, oodani, KartikPrabhu, cweiske, markopasha, [James_Gallaghe], swentel, supercoven, smacko, supercoven_, rEnr3n, rEnr3n_, toupain, opal, supercoven__, toupain1, kensp, drhitchcock[m] and jeremych_ joined the channel
What is own your data?
own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily under your own domain, and 2) you are able to reach and maintain it over time https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
Any better, [LewiisCowles]?
Ooops. Any better, [LewisCowles]?
kensp1 joined the channel
I'm not sure that reach and maintain is the best choice
Maintain is not a quality of ownership
Maintaining access and maintainance aren't exactly the same
KempfCreative joined the channel
Retain maybe?
[James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
I think using “retain” makes “over time” redundant.
Yes, retain wouldn't need over time.
I understand that you might choose not to maintain your data such that it would deteriorate and become less useful over time. But then what was the meaning of tantek's point about "maintain[ing] usable access for you"?
jeremycherfas joined the channel
Yes, the person who has to have access is you, not necessarily anyone else
It isn't share your data with the world
And if you have it in a form you can't access, then what use is it?
So your point, that maintenance is not a quality of ownership, we agree on. I'll edit and try again.
But access is... but it's personal access. Public access is at your discretion
[tantek] joined the channel
jeremych_ joined the channel
What is own your data?
own your data is an IndieWeb principle with two key parts: 1) your data lives primarily under your own domain, and 2) you are able to retain your access over time https://indieweb.org/own_your_data
opal, schmudde, [tw2113], wolftune, greywolver, dckc, jonnybarnes, [schmarty], nellkate1[m] and kensp joined the channel
I'm not seeing why own your data ties to domains
avalos_ and lahacker joined the channel
that is the basis if my problem with it as well; the domain, in my opinion, is the freedom/ownership of publishing (including revoking access for the public), but owning data has little to do with the URL. I know I'm contradicting the current tenets; this is why I haven't challenged it before, but recently it came up multiple times that step 1 of indieweb is to have a domain, whereas I still firmly believe that step 1 is to have a home
(Especially because domains are rented property, which still makes me itch, but that is for another time.)
nickodd and VioletPixel joined the channel
I can agree that the first step would be to have a homepage
tbh if that was the most immediate goal, you could see more people saying "well okay, I got one" versus a domain, which _might_ be a little jargon-y (depending on the audience, but that also hints at who we're looking at)
Even if it is a rented domain on squarespace or WP.com?
now that's where control comes in
Ok, i'm open to you narrowing down homepage.
my opinion again: any place where it's possible to own the data, as in take it away and spin it up somewhere else. So not squarespace, but yes WP.com.
If you are peter.wordpress.com, you can do that? (I've only ever self-hosted.)
[snarfed] joined the channel
correct. domain is for control, ie who hosts the site at the domain and what viewers see when they visit it. ownership/access in a usable format is largely separate, and up to your server and its features.
In that case, own your data isn't even restricted to the internet.
I own the data in my bread recipe notebook.
sure, neither is. indieweb is though 😁
with that in mind, would it be safe to rephrase "under your own domain" to be "under a domain" (to reduce that explicit need to be one that's under direct control)
examples: i have reasonable access to the data in https://snarfed.tumblr.com/ , i can export it, etc. but i can’t migrate it to wordpress if i choose, so i don’t have the domain under my control
likes mac os x
Loqi: plz
likewise, i could redirect https://snarfed.org/ to my facebook profile, and then later to my twitter profile, but my access to the data in both is…iffy
jacky: given the tumblr example, no, i think we do want “your own domain”
I feel this may also be going into identity vs data. If a URL is your identity (as we often say in indieweb context) you want to own the domain, or have some other great form of trust in whoever owns the domain you are on, to make sure you keep control of your identity. But that is a separate question from data itself.
I used to have a tumblr. Then I lost my password and despite jumping through all their stupid hoops, I never regained access. I guess it is still there, but I have stopped trying. Did I own that data?
Zegnat: yup
Zegnat has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (78 in all channels)
jeremycherfas: yes. same thing would happen if you lose the password to your shared host, VPS, or even your own laptop
It might be better to think of own your identity rather than own your data.
So you can own both the data on snarfed.org and on snarfed.tumblr.com. But for only one of those two do you own the identity and can move the identity around. (To continue on [snarfed]'s previous example.)
ah which is kinda on par with losing the keys to your house - you still own everything inside but you just can't get in right now
owning identity and owning data are both important! (and somewhat related, but not the same)
Of course this is assuming you are OK with ICANN/TLD-providers etc. Because if you are not, this all falls apart, but I feel that is a discussion that quickly puts you in entire different tech spaces than IndieWeb is targetting :)
haha right
gnunet is here
Tumblr offers an export, no? Is it useless?
it's not useless; I believe self hosted wordpress can import it
I think Tumblr has an OK export? I also seem to recall I once downloaded an entire Tumblr through their API
I think people have repurposed on Known too.
Zegnat: right. “ICANN is a scam” is a whole other level of tin foil hat paranoia that may have some points, but is beyond indieweb
and this part is interesting: "Manton says owning your domain so you can move your content without breaking URLs is owning your content, whereas I believe if your content still lives on someone else's server, and requires them to run the server and run their code so you can access your content, it's not really yours at all, as they could remove your access at any time. "
looks like that data vs domain confusion
the whole thing started because /own-your-data says own the domain and be able to retain access
Also there is a bit of "two is one and one is none" here that is important. Yes: manton could take away your ability to export and purge your site completely. Owning your domain in that case does not help you. You already need to have updates.
But having the server yourself (or renting it more likely) gives you the same problem. If you have no backups, and the drive fails, you also lose all your data.
right. or a shared host. or even your own physical server in a datacenter.
I am not saying we should pack all these layers into the short form principle of own your data. But I think people can take so many different sides *because* there are so many layers :)
I think there's an element of being reliant on someone else in the story. That is where full backups in non-proprietary formats becomes important.
common indie[web] misconception that you have to do it all yourself. that’s impossible. even if it’s served on your own computer in your own home, you depend on your ISP, electric utility, etc. not to mention your server’s OS, hardware, etc. no one is an island, and we welcome people doing all levels of self- and non-self- hosting. domain and data access are the two keys.
> or even your own physical server in a datacenter - mainframe in the basement with broadband, satellite, and 4g uplinks. Maybe.
zegnat has 14 karma in this channel over the last year (79 in all channels)
bigbluehat joined the channel
What mainframe though, petermolnar? I used to work with IBM iSeries stuff, but those were still backuped daily to tape :P
The number of layers also creates the problem for Loqi and the wiki of attempting to encapsulate everything that might be germane in a single definitional sentence
jeremycherfas: true! And I am very happy you have been trying to clean that up with some rewrites today! Which is way more of a daunting job than I would have dared to undertake!
jeremycherfas has 11 karma in this channel over the last year (45 in all channels)
Who do we ping here to have a round table podcast made about this topic? ;)
GWG and [chrisaldrich]
Or you and Jeena
I'd love to chat about this
Hmmm..what own your data means to me
I would just love to hear how different people would describe that principle :) From long-time IndieWebbers like [snarfed] and aaronpk, all the way to platform providers like [manton] and maybe people who have more recently started speaking/writing about IndieWeb like [Ana_Rodrigues]. (To namedrop people at random.)
I think it is also not just different interpertations by different people, but also a matter of different needs felt by different people.
Enough nonsense out of me, time to get dinner!
raw herring?
Soft buns with peanutbutter and hagelslag. Real Dutch this evening.
\o/ (I'll back off with the offtopic)
I could go for that zegnat
jeremycherfas, jonnybarnes, archwizard56, a_chou and jessehattabaugh_ joined the channel
Zegnat you always can do jitsi meetings and record them, you could call those people and let them talk and explain for 5-10 minutes and then create a coherent flow from it through editing of audio/video, I'd watch it :D
KempfCreative1 joined the channel
Oh, no, I could not do that. For one thing, I would have to make sure not to speak myself then because I absolutely cannot stand to listen to myself xD
I didn't finish that post but this part is interesting: "You can export your data, or use an RSS feed to auto-post it to somewhere you control directly, but if you're not hosting the content yourself, how does having a custom domain equal self-hosting your content and truly owning it?"
Long time no seen Jeena1, btw, hope you are well! Let me know if you are ever in town, I am currently a permanent resident of Gbg.
I don't think it *equals* it in all regards, but it gives you the *option* for it. (ignoring the "truly owning" side-topic for now). it goes a long way to prevent problems with lock-in (which can happen both due to service provider changing or your needs changing)
(in the case of m.b there is of course also the attached community, which is another dimension)
Oh, interesting, what do you do in Gothenburg?
(I reaaaaallly think that 'own' is a bad word here but it makes complete sense in the world of the Web)
also an interesting blog post I saw on HN last night (different topic): https://rubenerd.com/why-arent-you-more-serious/
In the case of m.b there is (was) also the option to get your entire site reproduced as a GitHub Pages compatible repo? So if you own the domain, you can make use of that and move the hosting of your entire blog over to GH and you can point your domain there.
Jeena1: work :) But that is a pretty offtopic conversation. At least it means I do not need to run for a train if you are ever around and want to meet up.
Ok cool, although I'm mostly working from home nowadays because of covid 19. And I'm going to South Korea for 3 months for an assignment, my first time as an agile coach, will be interesting.
*nudging towards #indieweb-chat intensifies*
Zegnat: yeah, I think that was the export option.
that's actually a good point, how do you keep those up to date for something you use regularly, if you want to guard against sudden changes...
I guess a git export could push updates as they happen to an external repo
Inoreader afaik can push an OPML of your feeds to a few places regularly, e.g. Dropbox?
nickodd, [kimberlyhirsh], [chrisaldrich], KempfCreative1, jonnybarnes, sebbu and [Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
Hello! Here’s what’s on my mind and it isn’t really useful:
I understand everything people said so far. You can go as granular as you want in this whole topic because you said, it has layers.
The other thing is: I am really picky to what I save and then make public. So I am not a good example of “owning your data”. However, I am the one who sets the value of “the data” that is out there that I was an author of. So to me, my blog/personal website is what I allow people to see and everything else is probably in a hard drive in a drawer or lost.
When I first got to know about the IndieWeb and learned about the things folks built around the principles, I saw it as a way to have a “second” copy of certain things I do online and having them public (by choice). It is really silly, but I never once considered having a copy “of my tweets” on my blog and it kinda blew my mind that actually, nobody was stopping me?! 😂
KartikPrabhu and [snarfed] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
AnaRodrigues++ totally ok! you get to choose which/how much data you capture and own
AnaRodrigues has 1 karma over the last year
there’s a wide range of how far into quantified self people here are, from basically zero (like me: https://snarfed.org/2013-09-24_the-unquantified-self ) to very high (like aaronpk). all ok! quantified self is related but not the same as indieweb
[James_Gallaghe] joined the channel
there’s another weird thing that is a tangent but… maybe not. My experience with social media relies heavily on privacy settings. For a variety of reasons, sometimes I make my twitter or instagram suddenly private. It’s a strange and fake way to feel “in control”. I still haven’t figured out how to do that on my personal website if I need that.
so… yeah… it isn’t straightforward for me to have a copy of certain social medias on my website.
[schmarty] joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] ++ thanks for sharing and great insights! i have some similar feelings. "owning my data" often means having copies of things i do on other sites but _not_ republishing it on my own site publicly
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (21 in all channels)
[Ana_Rodrigues]++ for yet another point of view :)
[Ana_Rodrigues] has 13 karma in this channel over the last year (22 in all channels)
avalos, jonnybarnes and paulrobertlloyd joined the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues] a quick and dirty first step toward keeping those posts on your site is to make them private to just you. that way, you still have them, in the usual format on your site, and you don’t have to worry about anyone else seeing them. you can then play with expanding that access if you want
some great experiments along those “expanding” lines: https://indieweb.org/unlisted
[LewisCowles] joined the channel
Well this was more interesting than commercial work for the day or dweb
avalos joined the channel
an .onion is forever
[jgmac1106] joined the channel
Having my students reflect on the quantified self right now in class as part of their unselfie projects
Using post @snarfed
jonnybarnes joined the channel
avalos, [chrisaldrich], leg, wolftune and qa5 joined the channel; leg left the channel
Quite a fun satirical take on social media documentaries https://twitter.com/RachelWenitsky/status/1308479842573332480
A former tech employee in a documentary about why social media is bad (social media is bad) https://twitter.com/RachelWenitsky/status/1308479842573332480/video/1
johnridesabike[m, wolftune and [manton] joined the channel
On the ownership discussion, I’ve long thought that the domain name is the critical part, so that is what Micro.blog focuses on: making it easy to blog and have a domain name for your content, so that the URLs are portable. To underscore this, just ask yourself if you’d rather have a domain name or rather have self-hosting at someone else’s domain name.
That “leaving” post linked above is 2 years old, so some things are no longer relevant, but the main premise about ownership is just something I disagree with.
wolftune, lahacker[m], rknLA, shakeel, ludovicchabant, themaxdavitt, jbove, [fluffy] and dckc joined the channel
What is the YAS button?
It looks like we don't have a page for "YAS button" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "YAS button is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[Sue_Hanen], jonnybarnes, [keithjgrant], opal and avalos joined the channel