#indieweb 2020-11-13

2020-11-13 UTC
strugee and [snarfed] joined the channel
Bolgari, KempfCreative, Dieux, simonw and miklb joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] and [eddie] joined the channel
[snarfed]: what theme do you use?
your site looks really good!
Kadus joined the channel
never mind, I found it :)
astralbijection joined the channel
sort of... you must have patched Ryu heavily to get where it is now :)
halu .. asl pls
rEnr3n joined the channel
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
!tell reed weird after I got the ssl updated, the server app went down. Should be working again now ... hopefully it stays that way? Lol
rEnr3n, ShinyCyril, nickodd, reed, [tantek], avalos, [tw2113_Slack_], KempfCreative, a_chou, miklb, miklb_, vika_nezrimaya, schmudde, toupain, workfrosty, markopasha, GWG, KartikPrabhu, [mapkyca], PetriBot, petermolnar, wolftune, Dieux, [grantcodes], neceve, tinfoil-hat, bltavares, shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1, [jgmac1106] and [KevinMarks] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[manton] people are trying to find out more about Teams on LinkedIn as they see me now posting from micro.blog is there a good page to send them to?
[manton] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] That’s great! Probably the best page right now is the help: https://help.micro.blog/2020/teams/
I will write up a review at Camp I can share, something less technical, you are welcome to it, just trying the LinkedIn integration going to reply to a reply and see what happens
(wonders if he is only multi account holder constantly signing in and out of micropub clients)
aryan_ joined the channel
hello, aryan_, what brought you to our little corner of the internet?
Oh hey, I didn't think anyone would reply. I just got on IRC and since I'm a web developer I stumbled across this particular chat room
Well, welcome anyway. Do you have a domain of your own?
like a portfolio? Not really, I do have a github though
It could be a portfolio. Really just a home on the internet.
if you'd like to read more about #indieweb, we have a wiki, with a lot of thoughts and ideas; for example: https://indieweb.org/why
Wow the idea of an indie web sounds so cool! Similar to something in the show Silicon Valley!
toupain joined the channel
Or like the actual internet about 20 years ago.
make that ~13, pre-iphone :)
Is the indie web pretty active?
Let's not split hairs.
Where is snarfed's map when you need it?
Okay I added a session idea for Poetry at this weekend's camp
Yes, and depending on where you are aryan_ you could dive straight in at an online camp this weekend.
What is IndieMap?
indie map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset, made by Ryan Barrett and launched at IndieWeb Summit 2017 https://indieweb.org/indiemap
Indie Map is a public IndieWeb social graph and dataset. 2300 sites, 5.7M pages, 380GB HTML with microformats2. Social graph API and interac...
Thanks [jgmac1106]
hey I put in a poetry session for this weeks camp would anyone be interested in a session on to-do lists? wanna get back into practice
aryan_: yes, we are fairly active. There's going to be a free online event this weekend: https://indieweb.org/2020/East if you'd like to join.
I have to run. [jgmac1106] can you please link aryan_ to the next IWC?
When is the next IWC?
IndieWebCamp West Coast was an online IndieWebCamp June 27-28, 2020; the first 100% online IndieWebCamp based on Pacific Time Zone hours https://indieweb.org/next-iwc
oops...luckily petermolnar already did
I'll make sure to be there!
Latency has -1 karma over the last year
reed and fourtonfish joined the channel
Good morning, everyone! I recently made a WordPress plugin for embedding tweets without loading Twitter's huge and privacy-invading scripts. I'd love to share it around a bit and get some feedback, I hope it's okay to post a link here. https://wordpress.org/plugins/tembeds/
[fourtonfish] Description Embed Tweets without compromising your users’ privacy and your site’s performance. This plugin works with the built-in Tweet Gutenberg block by removing Twitter’s script and using Twitter’s API to retrieve the data. Learn more ...
aryan_ joined the channel
fourtonfish: Is there a GitHub repo?
Yep, over at https://github.com/fourtonfish/tweet-embeds-wordpress-plugin. Also to add, the plugin asks you to create a developer account and provide API keys, but it does work without those, you just don’t get number of likes/retweets and images in the tweets, but at least the tweets are styled properly.
[fourtonfish] tweet-embeds-wordpress-plugin: Embed Tweets without compromising your users’ privacy and your site’s performance.
This is mentioned in the plugin settings, but I also added it to the plugin description.
KartikPrabhu, gpickett00 and KempfCreative joined the channel
!tell [eddie] thanks, the authentication with Indiegenous now works ... now I can focus on the issue with the 403 error
Ok, I'll tell them that when I see them next
reed: [eddie] left you a message 13 hours, 21 minutes ago: weird after I got the ssl updated, the server app went down. Should be working again now ... hopefully it stays that way? Lol
i have no idea how to debug this... when I try to post to my wordpress from wrimini and indiegenous I get a 403 error "unauthorized"... I don't know what changed in wordpress though
toupain and [Jan_Lukas_Else] joined the channel
There seems to be a lot of frustration about the IndieWeb in this thread: https://fosstodon.org/@kev/105203705426227066
[Kev Quirk] I've decided to remove #IndieWeb support from my website. 😞 https://kevq.uk/removing-support-for-the-indieweb/
[eddie] joined the channel
Glad the authentication is working now 🙂
Sorry about the Wordpress issues 😞
this is the endpoint failing (wordpress access log) `- - [13/Nov/2020:08:36:06 -0800] "POST /wp-json/micropub/1.0/endpoint HTTP/1.1" 403 593 "-" "Dalvik/2.1.0 (Linux; U; Android 9; 5024F_EEA Build/PPR1.180610.011)"
[Jan_Lukas_Else]: I am sympathetic with Kev's arguments... it's hard to setup wordpress and it's hard to use the mobile tools... I'm just facing a crisis myself :)
Seems like there's a need for a simple IndieWeb CMS. There's Known, but maybe I should try to make my own CMS more suitable for others 🤔
[Jan_Lukas_Else]: yes! do it!
it's true, WordPress is in the way
It should already be usable for others, but I need to add documentation etc.: https://jlel.se/goblog
I can try to help troubleshoot the WordPress parts
Known would be better, indeed... maybe I just have to suck it up and migrate
I think the complaint wasn't about troubleshooting, but that it is complicated
GWG: how do I debug this 403 error I get when using Indiegenous on mobile?
I wrote the IndieAuth endpoint for WordPress...started the last time I saw [eddie] in person
reed, assume you have the IndieAuth plugin installed?
Check system health first
I do, the system looks healthy, I have authenticated with Indiegenous correctly, gave the app all the auths for all the scopes
indieauth works on https://indieauth.com/
what else should I check?
reed: Check indielogin as opposed to IndieAuth.com
Also run a test using quill.p3k.io, which is the reference Micropub client
That should narrow down possibilities
I run indigenous for Android and WordPress
ah! at least I get the full error message from Quill, thanks for the tip
Any time
I always vary the client for testing
it's still obscure to me though ...
https://wpdev.gwg.us/2020/11/13/21747/ - I just posted using indigenous to my test site
Testing indigenous still works.
the error pops up after hitting "post" so there must be something blocking the "write"
funny thing is that it used to work but something happened, maybe it was the recent version upgrade of the micropub server plugin?
http://paste.openstack.org/show/800009/ this is the full error log
toupain joined the channel
reed: Then I'm probably responsible.
Tell me it isn't dreamhost?
:) it is dreamhost
I have this in .htaccess ```# for Indie Auth
Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"
SetEnvIf Authorization "(.*)" HTTP_AUTHORIZATION=$1
jamietanna joined the channel
sounds like this stuff should go to #dev, right? seems a bit more technical than usual :)
too many channels are an obstacle to newcomers /me says from his 30+ years of experience with online communities (I'm old)
happy to switch though jamietanna ... is it #indieweb-dev ?
reed: Likely #indieweb-wordpress
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I know, sorry! I think the idea behind it is that we try to keep this channel a bit clearer for folks who may not be as technical / passing IndieWeb conversations, so they don't get "scared off" for want of a better term. It's not super well documented
KempfCreative joined the channel
I'm afraid that the sort of users that will hang out here are not going to be afraid of the sort of conversation I'm having: reporting issues, looking at logs... anyway, this is more of a wordpress issue than an indieweb issue so the the other channel is definitely better
i'll have to look into known... for some reasons, I though it was written in NodeJS but it's a LAMP application, right?
[CrowderSoup] joined the channel
↩️ I've looked at your `hugo-micropub` project and have been taking inspiration from it for my own serverless functions to do the same in my spare time. I haven't gotten very far, but I'd love to help you out with this project if you're open to contributions?
reed, workfrosty, nickodd and miklb joined the channel
↩️ [CrowderSoup] That's cool to hear! After I added a license, I'll create mirrors on GitHub and Codeberg.org and then I'm open for PRs 😄 that's probably my project for this weekend
↩️ I tried to keep things as configurable as possible, it's quite opiniated, but should work for other too
↩️ Sounds good! I look forward to it 🙂
↩️ I think opinionated is probably good, since the key complaint I hear is that IndieWeb is to convoluted and confusing. A clear opinion is probably what some people need 😅
reed, [eddie], [schmarty], Dieux, [tantek], [chrisaldrich] and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
Exciting potential tidbit on the horizon! There's a reference in the /Calibre documentation for an experimental feature called "Fetch Annotations" which I suspect will make it easier to pull data out of one's e-book reader for pulling into a website: https://manual.calibre-ebook.com/gui.html
[Raphael_Luckom], leg, bltavares_, stevestreza, astronavt___, [asuh], KartikPrabhu and PetriBot joined the channel; vika_nezrimaya left the channel
what do people use for webmentions in combination with hugo?
thanks, I'll have a look at it. although, I'd prefer something that I can host myself
I am (slowly) working on some serverless functions for micropub / webmentions for my hugo site, but I'm not sure what else is out there at the moment
I'm doing some similar stuff, though my site is so simple that I'm moving in the direction of dropping hugo and using a JS markdown renderer in a function
I like using hugo but I'm not sure my use case makes good use of its capabilities
gpickett00 joined the channel
You could use Webmentiond, it's selfhostable
I used it with Hugo and still integrate it as a library into my CMS
my plan is to create a webmention endpoint that re-renders static files when webmentions come in (or on some other schedule)--I notice that you said "I'd prefer something that I can host myself" which is something I'm trying to do as well. But I think it can mean different things: either that could mean "my pages include JS that calls a service that I host, which tells them which webmentions to display" or "my pages are static, but the
webmention-receiver updates them whenever a new mention comes in"
you can self host webmention.io too but i might not recommend it :)
I'd prefer the latter - static pages that are re-rendered when mentions come in
I'm also curious about common practice for restricting / securing a webmention-notification endpoint. It seems like if it's secured, you need to maintain a list of people who are allowed to talk to you, and if it's unsecured it's unsecured. I've been thinking about trying to do it unsecured but having mentions just sit in an approval queue until I have a chance to look at them rather than getting published automatically.
what is moderation?
Moderation is the process of holding comments for review by a human, and sometimes a source of frustration when a comment is written on another site that the commenter has no control over https://indieweb.org/moderation
yeah totally up to you
what is vouch?
The Vouch protocol is an anti-spam extension to Webmention. Webmention with Vouch depends on understanding Webmention https://indieweb.org/Vouch
Are there serious known bad consequences of just doing it unsecured? Like is that considered dumb on its face?
It's totally up to you. If you don't secure it you could have some negative side effects of spam ending up on your site and indexed by search engines
it's not really "unsecured"
it's unmoderated
what it does mean is anyone can comment on your site, but they still have to put up a web page somewhere to host the comment before sending it to you
I think this is the part where I need to go back and read up on what kinds of markup an external person's comment can add to a page
alex11 joined the channel
it's also up to you how much or whether to show any markup from someone's comment
for example my site allows comments to contain a small list of html formatting tags but doesn't allow javascript or other things that might be dangerous
cool, I was hoping there would be a practice of something like that.
KempfCreative, PetriBot, maxwelljoslyn, KartikPrabhu and sebbu joined the channel