#indieweb 2020-11-14

2020-11-14 UTC
[CrowderSoup], astronavt___ and expl0iter joined the channel
what is bingo?
It looks like we don't have a page for "bingo" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "bingo is ____", a sentence describing the term)
[hibs] joined the channel
bingo is IndieWeb Bingo
what is bingo
bingo is IndieWeb Bingo https://indieweb.org/bingo
What is bingo?
IndieWeb Bingo is a game played by IndieWebCamp attendees to see how many community members they can meet https://indieweb.org/bingo
ManualUntilItHurts has 1 karma in this channel over the last year (3 in all channels)
Mentioned in the Eat Your Own Cooking event on Zoom right now: there are lots of videos up from the recent https://conf.activitypub.rocks/#home conference
sl007 joined the channel
[Chris Aldrich] IndieWebCamp East – Eat Your Own Cooking Pre Party
[tantek] joined the channel
sl007 that sounds more like #indieweb-chat 🙂 — more importantly, welcome back! sl007++
sl007 has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (5 in all channels)
we are at the party …
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
mentioned it there …
LIVE NOW: IndieWebCamp East - Eat Your Own Cooking Pre Party
you're using zoom and not jitsi?
What is Jitsi?
Jitsi Meet is a free open-source self-hostable video conferencing solution that was occasionally used for virtual HWCs and IWCs https://indieweb.org/Jitsi
^^ we have in the past, but there were some issues on reliability... for scale and ease-of-use we're going with Zoom on this camp.
sl007 joined the channel
does not like zoom – btw we did the https://conf.activitypub.rocks with Big Blue Button (Open Source, just like jitsi)
KempfCreative and ShinyCyril joined the channel
GWG, don't forget to do a picture...
(I totally forgot)
toupain, rawtext, j12t, nickodd, reed, [Raphael_Luckom], gxt, a_chou, rEnr3n, dhanesh, [KevinMarks], [jgmac1106], harmetic and KempfCreative joined the channel
morning Zegnat
Any excitement running up to IWC East? :D
unfortunately the dune movie fired me as music supervisor. villeneuve rejected my vision of gradually making “sandstorm” by darude louder and louder
Yeah maybe it jump start work on my website or make choose a solution...then again I can settle on something as soon as you do Zegnat
Do not hold your breath, [jgmac1106] :D
I am not completely sure what I am doing this weekend. Though probably trying to finish up my new IndieAuth endpoint
Do I go back to WordPress bc stuff almost works 90% of the time, learn enough PHP to make my website work since I have it they I want, try Kirby, Prech or some other CMS....go all in on micro.blog....been stuck here since last June
Probably just demo tech4teens we just got another 140k in grants for the program. get to hire full time staff...then I will have time to cook for myself...too much cooking for others lately
What is tech4teens?
It looks like we don't have a page for "tech4teens" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "tech4teens is ____", a sentence describing the term)
being full online teaching takes too much of drain...put my creative juice into offline endeavors. Trying to learn ukulele and carve a chess set by hand
Not sure it needs its own page. I should add a description on the Education page
If you are demoing it at camp, that could be a reason to wikify it somewhere.
That seems to use WordPress + SemPress, so why not go full on that for yourself too?
Has anyone gotten webmentions or micropub to work with Hugo and Netlify?
I think there are some people with Hugo setups, dkozel. Not sure if anyone has documented their setups
What is Hugo?
Hugo is a static site generator written in Go https://indieweb.org/Hugo
I use Hugo for https://www.derekkozel.com and it works /fine/, but being static it seems difficult to integrate with active IndieWeb components
But I really don't want to have to maintain a server (and thus OS) to have a website. Hoping there's a hosted service I can move to that manages the server side so I can focus on content
For static sites it feels like lots of chaining of different services is required whenever you want to add anything dyanmic. Which I guess is kind of the point, haha
[Christopher Allen] The Path to Self-Sovereign Identity
well, having some dynamic aspects != maintaining a server
I went for a static site because there were available services for just hosting a pile of files, but I'm not fixated on a static site.
e.g. if the services don't quite do what you want there's plenty of ways to run some code that e.g. updates the repository your static site builds from for you
(while keeping the benefits of a static site)
Ok, pulling in web-mentions with Javascript does seem pretty simple to add (though I'm seeing lots of broken profile images)
sknebel: Do you know of one for supporting micropub with a git repo?
not as a readymade service, no
the broken profile images are because twitter deletes the old ones
this site uses mention.tech and js to do a similar webmention receiving thing http://tumblelog.xyz/ - the herokuapp one is more mature, and has live updates
Tumble log like it’s 2005
There is voxpelli's Micropub to GitHub (https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github) but I do not think it is hosted as a service somewhere
isn't micro.blog just a large network of hugo sites? you could check that out dkozel
[voxpelli] webpage-micropub-to-github: Self-hosteable Micropub endpoint that publishes to Jekyll by committing to GitHub
I wonder if someone has done a full writeup of services like this for static sites. Anyone know?
waiting for micropub github actions
I love the IndieWeb, but I'm neither an IT person or web designer so I definitely end up spending far longer making the website work then writing stuff for it :D
that is how I am publishing my main site using sftp action and a tiny bit of php....zegnat and that is why I don't want to WP I want a blank page to design the way my site looks
dkozel this took me seconsds to set up: https://www.drmacscybersecuritybrief.com/
My micropub endpoint isn't hosted anywhere as it's better if people set it up themselves at Heroku, more resilient and no real downside
I should probably have gone for a hosted Known site, but I don't think that was around 5+ years ago and the thought of trying to retheme something makes me shiver
$5.00 a month and you are off. micro.blog is the easiest
My webmention endpoint is hosted for others to use as it has to run continuously and that costs, so better to have one that can be shared
yeah I really like Known....but maintaining is tough
pine.blog is also easy and mblaney ihazawebsite has a built in reader and all the whistles
carolline joined the channel
Hello, I signed in to participate in the conference today and tomorrow, but I am not sure where to join. I am in the UK so I am aware of timezones but even so there should be something on now but I am not sure where is the place/link to join. Thank you!!
Simounet` joined the channel
this is the place to chat, so welcome
selectric401 joined the channel
Hi carolline! I think the information will show up on https://events.indieweb.org/2020/11/indiewebcamp-east-2020-ShBaD3gD6Df0 ... I would expect for Zoom links to popup both there and be announced here in the chats :)
micro, njd, aaronpk, nolith, dkozel, MrHyde and toupain joined the channel
kickoff is at 9:00 EST which is 2pm UK time
so you're a little early
Great!! That is very kind of you!!!
welcome carolline
There was a zoom link in the wiki but it said the event would start the 14th at 1 am, so I was a bit puzzled and confused
I am new to the community, so I am grateful for your kind support with this
I am quite excited :-) and curious!!
nloadholtes[m], smacko[m], jeremycherfas, nolith[m], pauho[m], ehmry, lionirdeadman, emilbayes, zack[m] and dietricha joined the channel
can you point me to the page in question will make sure the info is correct.
day one, the first link to zoom
Same, seeing 1 AM if you actually join the Zoom link
carolline has 1 karma over the last year
I have pinged the people with the zoom keys probably just a typo or something
That will help for the newbies :-)
Will the zoom link for the starting session be in that schedule page?
yeah and here as well, we don't release early bc of zoombombing
Great! Thank you!
I am in Zoom now, it seems it will start soon! THank you all for your support :-) I imagine I will "see" you around
[Raphael_Luckom], pauho[m], lionirdeadman, nolith[m], zack[m], nloadholtes[m] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel
SergeT[m], Salt[m], jfkimmes[m], reed[m], perflyst[m], Matthew[m], benpa[m], crowdhailer, rick[m], aviraldg, jamietanna[m], Ryuno-Ki, CarlosSols[m], samwilson, glenn[m], jalcine[m], plindner[m] and fwe joined the channel
Hey there,
the link on https://indieweb.org/2020/East/Schedule#Saturday seems to be invalid / expired. Is there another one for Zoom?
y0x3y[m] and kolaente joined the channel
Let me double check
mayakate[m], ryanryankeseu[m], nekr0z, smacko[m], Jeena1, fredcy_, [Ian_Forrester], freekurt and Gyuri joined the channel
> Name of personal link is invalid. Please check and try again.
Wait, after opening in the browser, I get a session!
(or rather: a prompt to update my Zoom client ...)
!meme timezones
[scottgruber], funwhilelost and [Simon_Willison] joined the channel
Hi everyone! How do “Intros and Quick Website Demos” work today?
[Simon_Willison]: We share the Zoom
This chat will be used to summarize what is going on at Camp.
[chrisaldrich] speaks the intro
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
[chrisaldrich] mentions indieweb.org/2020/East/Schedule
schmudde, h0p3, DavidDylanThomas and maxwelljoslyn joined the channel
The chat web UI did not work for me. But IRC is fine :-)
my first zoom! (lucky me?)
Interesting. Both are working for me. But I prefer staying in IRC.
Ryuno-Ki: We're wherever you want to be
shoesNsocks: Welcome
GWG: thanks
[chrisaldrich] reminds people that we will be filling out the schedule today
[tonz] joined the channel
Pretty nice to keep the chat in one place. Smart.
hi all at IndieWebCamp East, good morning/afternoon
(Also narrating)
[chrisaldrich] notes we are a BarCamp
GWG stops mentioning [chrisaldrich] because he can hear the noise every time
nickodd and [kimberlyhirsh] joined the channel
Hi IWC East! I'm momming and planning to do so outdoors in gorgeous weather today but will have an eye here on chat as I'm able.
[kimberlyhirsh] we expect pictures of outdoors then
We have a session proposal Etherpad.
What is code of conduct?
IndieWeb code of conduct tl;dr: Be respectful of other people, respectfully ask people to stop if you are bothered, and if you can't resolve an issue, contact staff. If you are being a problem, it will be apparent and you'll be asked to leave https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
I'm tempted to describe it as Be Excellent to One Another.
@GWG I shall do my best to oblige.
[chrisaldrich] and GWG are points of contact, and we have east@indieweb.org to email designated community members if you want to advise privately.
You can read the CoC at https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct
Morning manton I think I am going to demo my Teams version of microblog today, haven't done much on other websites
What is Loqi?
Loqi is a friendly and useful bot/digital therapist present in the IndieWeb discussion channels https://indieweb.org/Loqi
gives Loqi a question
laughs at the question
What is POSSE?
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, the practice of posting content on your own site first, then publishing copies or sharing links to third parties (like social media silos) with original post links to provide viewers a path to directly interacting with your content https://indieweb.org/POSSE
Who is gwg?
what is possi
It looks like we don't have a page for "possi" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "possi is ____", a sentence describing the term)
carolline: It's with an E.
what is posse
POSSE is an abbreviation for Publish (on your) Own Site, Syndicate Elsewhere, the practice of posting content on your own site first, then publishing copies or sharing links to third parties (like social media silos) with original post links to provide viewers a path to directly interacting with your content https://indieweb.org/POSSE
what is PESOS
PESOS is an acronym/abbreviation for Publish Elsewhere, Syndicate (to your) Own Site https://indieweb.org/pesos
thank GWG
What is Indiewebcamp?
what is Dogsheep
IndieWebCamps are brainstorming and building events where IndieWeb creators gather regularly in person to share ideas and collaborate on IndieWeb design, UX, & code for their own sites https://indieweb.org/indiewebcamp
It looks like we don't have a page for "Dogsheep" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "Dogsheep is ____", a sentence describing the term)
Dogsheep is a project to build tools for pulling personal data from different sources into SQLite databases - https://dogsheep.github.io/
To Chris, Indiewebcamp is a movement, an idea, a concept...The idea of having your own domain name that you own and control and some time of website on that domain.
Everything beyond to(to Chris), is 'FUN'!
Oh, interesting. Looks like Dogsheep shares some ideas with Nostalgia:
Chris calls out [manton], who runs micro.blog.
What is micro.blog?
Micro.blog is a website and social service started by Manton Reece, which natively supports IndieWeb building-blocks like microformats2, Webmention, and Micropub https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog
[nostalgia-dev] nostalgia: Utilize your personal data like Google!
Yo, h0p3!! Glad to see you here!
/wave =)
Caroline I run pa ton on everything on Reclaim Hosting. This camp for teens https://tech-4-teens.club is all WordPress on name.com
[chrisaldrich] is known for posting about the Facebook Mom Algorithm problem.
Oh interesting - I hadn’t seen Nostalgia! What’s the underlying data source, I see it uses Pandas but is it SQLite or JSON or similar on disk?
Thank you Greg!!
can we move away from "mom" (even if your mom is a literal example) as a low tech user story
What is education?
IndieWeb for Education is the application of indieweb principles to one's personal site with a particular emphasis on use cases for education, pedagogy, research, academic samizdat, and collaboration https://indieweb.org/education
@Simon_Willison It writes to JSON, then imports that to Panda. But you can define other formats (e.g. the Web Extension gets written to .tar.gz files)
check that out carolline ^^ lot of examples there
Introducing our first Keynote, David Dylan Thomas, who just had a new book out.
cogntivie bias...you mean I am actually gonna get some use out of an educational psychology degree?
@Simon_Willison I wrote some importers for Twitter and IMAP there.
Based in Philadelphia.
Ryuno-Ki want to team up on a personal data warehousing session? I proposed one for Dogsheep but it would be a great opportunity to discuss different approaches to the problem
@Simon_Willison Hm, I can't find it in the Etherpad :-(
it’s right at the bottom
Spotted it
Um ... last two numbers of my phone number? Let me look it up ^^"
[schmarty] joined the channel
Who's Rosa Park?
[tipoqueno] joined the channel
Hey, can you recommend some Github-like indie service?
Ryuno-Ki: A well known figure in the American civil rights movement during the 60s
Okay, I'm European.
(I forgot, I was narrating, wasn't I? Was paying too close attention)
How to Fight the Framing Effect....shows image of beef
poultry and chicken
English words written in French voice more "upper class" registet
you find more dipthongs in words of the "rich" usually with French etymology
[tipoqueno]: which part of github? If you want a git web interface, there's plenty. If you want one with wiki, issue tracker, etc, there's still plenty. If you're after collaboration though...
The keynoter notes that by changing the framing, we change the entire conversation.
Asher1 joined the channel
For better or worse
please remember the scientific method emerged to objectively prove those of African descent are inferior...bias built into objectivity from beginning
↩️ Just the hosting part. I don't want to use those products from corporations, but still I don't know how to work with this in a own hosting (I'm a Designer)
Red Team / Blue Team is also known in information security: Red team are attackers, Blue team are defenders
[jgmac1106]: not nitpicking but that statement need citation
↩️ So maybe a hosting alternative that works with Git, and a tutorial to put everything in place it's what I need. What do you think?
> a hosting alternative that works with Git - I don't know what you mean. Git repository hosting? Website hosting? etc.
↩️ If you want to run your own GitHub style service GitLab is open source and can be run in Docker containers - it’s got pretty much everything GitHub has, and it’s very well built and actively maintained
↩️ They also have over 1,000 employees and a solid business model (selling their hosted version) so it’s a pretty safe project to bet on IMO
gitea is a LOT lighter and simpler; only go gitlab if you need ci/cd and the heavyweight part
If you've got questions for David, please post them here and we'll go through them all as we have time....
one sec petermonlar.
Thank you David, that was great!
Are the slides online somewhere? (For reading later)
petermolnar this goes over the eugenics connection to modern stats: http://nautil.us/issue/92/frontiers/how-eugenics-shaped-statistics?utm_source=pocket-newtab I will find another on the enlightenment and scientific revolution
daviddylanthomas has 1 karma over the last year
[tantek] joined the channel
great keynote!
Ryuno, don't take this as authoritative, but it looks like David posts hs talkson his website https://www.daviddylanthomas.com/
So it may appear there soon
daviddylanthomas has 2 karma over the last year
What are presentations?
Presentations and slide decks about the indieweb (in chronological order) are listed below https://indieweb.org/presentations
Regarding how design shapes the thinking ... I'd defer to micro.blog and their stance regarding „likes”
Join us right now: Online Indiewebcamp East https://indieweb.org/2020/East, Homebrew Website Club Meetups https://events.indieweb.org/tag/hwc, Code of conduct: https://indieweb.org/code-of-conduct, log https://chat.indieweb.org/today
petermolnar these readings go a bit further in trying to debase the humancentric view of scientific method: http://longthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/doku.php?id=multispeciesworlding
and reposts!
@maxwelljoslyn: Thanks. Just got to know David here.
Greg McVerry
↩️ Thanks Simon.
So, or I can find some ethic alternative, or I'll need to learn to host a Git repository by myself.
I really only need to have basic features, like host websites and eventually PWA.
Oh the zoom back channel is here in main? 😅
Hi Chat! I'm trying to figure out how to connect via Matrix. There should probably be instructions on the Matrix page https://indieweb.org/Matrix
Chris: You have a background in math as well. Do you also think about statements like in „Expression logic“?
agree with you Carolline maybe a little bit of friction improves discourse
(E.g. what would need to change to falsify a statement)
Carolline I don't give the domains out in my classes at the beginning now...we focus more on the culture of being webby and learning out loud first, having better luck
Statistics != scientific method
Asher1: once you've succeeded, could you please add missing the instructions to the page?
I know I am looking for the scientifc method article Jeremy, not saying it is all bad just bias built into our idea of objectivity
[tipoqueno]: github's "basic" feature is not, in any form, hosting websites. It's for hosting git repositories, with ticketing, and maybe a wiki.
Asher1: there are element.io liks on https://indieweb.org/discuss#Join_Discussions for all the different channels. Sadly I am not familiar with MAtrix, but do those help?
[tipoqueno]: but if I misunderstood, any it's solely for repos, check https://docs.gitea.io/en-us/
toupain joined the channel
@petermolnar yeah there are instructions in the normal IRC page so I'll add the link ot the Matrix page too
Your claim is way too broad, and likely to make me not consider other statements you make.
[Ian_Forrester] in #indieweb-chat pointed out that David is also on the SXSW panel picker. So for people who liked the presentation for IWC, they may want to consider giving him an upvote there: https://panelpicker.sxsw.com/vote/109832
okay I will change it, the majority of advancements in scientific methods during the enlightenment emerged as the result of trying to establish the inferiority of those of African decsent. A few centuries later the majority of advancement of statistics happened in the study of eugenics
Book bought, downloaded and loaded up on my ereader now. Thanks again David!
our credible web W3c CG white paper: https://www.w3.org/2018/10/credibility-tech/ (though I don't think this is a problem for metadata)
Ibrahm X. Kendi does a good job of laying out some of that history in his book Stamped from the Beginning [jgmac1106]
[Sandro Hawke] Technological Approaches to Improving Credibility Assessment on the Web
[tipoqueno] have you tried glitch super easy to host websites
If those scientific methods are applied to, say, pulsars, are they still suspect?
[jgmac1106], [jeremycherfas]: -chat?
The idea of adding specific friction to help people make meaningful decisions has me thinking!!!
[hibs] joined the channel
Agreed [schmarty]!
The comment of Schmudde is already so biased... I have never thought about me benig just a data point. I see myself in the web as a person. So here I guess I can see bias in action.
ursula franklin all day [schmarty] Jack Jameson brought the friction of holistic art to me in terms of IndieWeb design
If the statistics are used to determine the likelihood of two observations of different chemicals on human health, are they wrong?
[schmarty]: there were articles that search results had to be delayed to users so they'd believe that the search actually happened, a computer made something in the background. I'll try to find it, but this was a long while ago.
Again, you can find David Dylan Thomas and a link to his book at his website (naturally): https://www.daviddylanthomas.com/
I did not say wrong, just bias is built into the idea of objectivity
carolline: Depends on the lense with which you look at it. From a Marketing point of view, you might be a lead. Analytics could consider you a datapoint. Backend a row in a database … Designers perhaps (not always) as a human being
and medical statistics versus applying the same regression models in social science not always a smooth match
Following David Dylan Thomas's talk during indiewebcampeast
Objectivity is a fiction based on popper and physics envy.
thx Jeremy what I was trying to say
carolline: indeed. I was responding to the MLK perspective with the perspective I've read from a couple of pessimistic academic papers. The idea that we are conforming ourselves to the computer more than we realized. But I'm open to the idea that current outcomes on social media are not implicit in the technology.
[schmarty]: oh. That may have been a company internal a/b testing result; the slowing down search so more people would believe it. I won't be able to share that.
[schmarty] the friction effect is very real. My "tweets" (notes) fundamentally changed in content & character once I started posting from my own site, which took (takes) many more steps than using a Twitter app.
petermolnar: that sounds familiar so I feel like I have come across a similar story!
tracydurnell joined the channel
Ryuno-Ki, I saw your message and will try to get back to you in a bit... I'm a bit duck paddling quickly at the moment. 🙂
I think I have seen a story like that too, so probably not just internal company work. That said, I think we may have done something similar for a specific feature. Where it felt better to people when they saw a spinner for short of a second, then if a change would happen immediately.
tantek: the frictions of a personal site definitely changed my behaviors as well... but I am thinking many of those frictions are incidental rather than intentional!
Go, hunt for another cup of tea/coffee, Chris :-)
tomasparks and asher[m] joined the channel
Hehe. [hibs] showed us the map of registered axes show she could take us into the ✨unknown✨
Here's the list of resources I promised to post: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZOoY_Ol_w2P_C0VRKCmkbjObQvtBYYTUVnDELLly0Fw/edit?usp=sharing
Yay joined via matrix and updated the wiki, thanks for the links yall
asher has 1 karma over the last year
Unfortunately I have to go, but thank you all so much! Feel free to stay in touch via https://www.daviddylanthomas.com/t in touch via
Welcome asher++!
I wish people shared more of Dr. King's later quotes and writing on capitalism, speaking of which I am looking for the quote Dylan shared
Thanks so much DavidDylanThomas!
Thanks, that was great!
DavidDylanThomas has 3 karma over the last year
[David Dylan Thomas] TEDNYC: Three Rules of Productive Discourse
I wanna combine the poetry and variable font sessions now....I see pretty letters and heard eigenvalues....its all the geeky things that get me excited
Ryuno-Ki, I agree with you, and I think this is what bias is about. The lens you have on to look into the reality. And I am not critiquing it, just observing bias in action. And it might be something to observe is that I am the least techi person on earth, nevertheless, I am keen to learn all what I can :-)
Yes, that was a beautiful quote, [jgmac1106]. The first thing that came up was this Guardian article that uses it. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/cifamerica/2009/jan/19/martin-luther-king-legacy
cool code pens I don't even need to know how things work I can just hack on those to make fun poems.....looks sooooo much easier than css animation....but then again haven't peaked under the hood yet
I have a lot of quotes from Dewey on how we design the web. Glad to add MLK especially since "people-centric" is the IndieWeb tagline
Do you mean John Dewey Greg?
okay it looks like css animation. If fourtonfish is around today I can learn enough CSS to get more poems out of my head
hib has 1 karma over the last year
hibs has 4 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
Did you source where MLK said that, [jgmac1106]? Please share the link if you have.
[Sue_Hanen] and [calumryan] joined the channel
hibs has 5 karma in this channel over the last year (8 in all channels)
schmudde looking now
jenna joined the channel
What are variable fonts?
It looks like we don't have a page for "variable fonts" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "variable fonts is ____", a sentence describing the term)
These are great resources and examples! Thanks so much [hibs] !!
That responsive transition is great
I will ask here because my question is so basic. How do I use these varialble fonts? How do I get access to them? What is codepen? So, sorry, I have no idea and maybe I can learn somewhere
I have a bunch of quotes here: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/tag/quote but I started a wiki because my websites get too hard to search....think I need to make a quote page
Can you go over what typical axis variants are?
What is codepen?
I don't see how to raise my hand on Zoom just thumbs up and clap
codepen is a silo for hosting HTML, CSS and JavaScript snippets to demonstrate the capabilities of the client-side Web https://indieweb.org/codepen
You can go next Asher1 or I'll ask on your behalf if you wish.
hibs++ great keynote!
hibs has 6 karma in this channel over the last year (9 in all channels)
I am using viewport fonts as well, loving lack of media queries even thoguh I don't have them all correct yet
Ryuno-Ki joined the channel
In Zoom, if you click on "Participants" in the bottom of the window, it'll open up a sidebar with a "Raise Hand" button
stevewil[m] joined the channel
Thank you for posting the question :-)
hibs: I've learned about variable fonts via Mandy Michael's https://codepen.io/collection/XqRLMb
I see Google fonts also has sliders for the axes
I came in late to chat, but I just want to say David Dylan Thomas' point about "friction" is awesome
Love to know what happens if you install the vari-font on a operating system
jeremycherfas did an awesome post series on his typography I think
Wonder which operating system would use it
[Ian_Forrester]: some people just want to see the world burn, eh? :D
↩️ I still don't know how Glitch works 😕
we should prioritize newcomers for site demos I am happy to skip
Thanks for organizing and facilitating [chrisaldrich]
Thank you!! Yes! Really interesting!
[jgmac1106] I think site demos can be particularly intimidating for new folks so would rather not put them on the spot like that.
We've actually done the opposite in the past, let experienced folks set a good example of a quick simple intro
can we have a little break?
^ good idea. 5-10 min bio/snack break
keep the Zoom rolling for informal chatter
(I have never heard "bio break" used, but love the idea, going to copy that [tantek]!)
I tried to login with my gyuri.micro.blog accoutn approved it but still not being able to get in
Not sure, whether my Audio works
bios can take break, synths are not allowed to
I have to duck out, but if [chrisaldrich] (or any organizer) wants to do a 30-sec demo of my site tantek.com they're welcome to do so! Got an RSVP, couple of github issues, replies, notes there in my stream at the top demonstrating how you can own all sorts of different kinds of content you post on the web *and* post in the places people will see it (instead of only posting to silos)
Where is the etherpad?
[Ian_Forrester] that's the sessions etherpad. the intros one is https://etherpad.indieweb.org/lightning-introductions
we lip-sync Dmitri :-D
[chrisaldrich]: [schmarty] wants you to narrate I think
i can do it actya
Does the dog have their own site?
Never mind then
She doesn’t yet, but she probably should have one - she’s quite active on Twitter https://twitter.com/cleopaws
More details of that personal warehouse project (and pictures of Cleo the dog) here: https://simonwillison.net/2020/Nov/14/personal-data-warehouses/
[schmarty] I would love to see your iOS shortcuts
@Marty: Sounds like a case for ActivityPub (I learned about it via GNU MediaGoblin)
[Simon_Willison]: We had a few sessions on that in the past, which were recorded, I think
thanks for showing my site [chrisaldrich] ++
↩️ Ah this is what I was after
Ryuno-Ki: i'm not too keen on all the work required to integrate my site with activitypub. my site already has feeds in RSS/Atom and h-feed formats.
toupain joined the channel
Would like to see how that webmention would work
David that feature is highly interesting, I would be interested in learning more about that
hibs messing up my javascript I think but getting close: https://jgregorymcverry.com/indiewebpoetry
I use Hypothes.is also and it is an excellent tool
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I use a poodle emoji 🐩 for my dog related checkins
[Simon_Willison] i might be able to share more about them! it's not the easiest because it's kind of a combination of shortcuts handling different parts of the process.
How can I get into the queue for short intro?
carolline: +1 I'd like to learn more about embedding hypothe.is as well.
can we get the short short what is activitypub?
[Ana_Rodrigues] joined the channel
it’s been wondering to meet everyone and their cool websites : ) I need a rest so I will be back a bit later. Have fun everyone
What is activitypub?
ActivityPub is a decentralized social networking protocol (W3C Recommendation) developed in the Social Web Working Group based on pump.io and ActivityStreams. Conceptually they were all preceded by OStatus. It was briefly known as ActivityPump before being renamed to ActivityPub https://indieweb.org/ActivityPub
hmm. that definition could probably stand updating.
gpickett00 joined the channel
Where along in the schedule for today are we?
jenna: i'd say the "short short" definition is that ActivityPub is a protocol for sharing social media posts, replies, and more between sites. the most famous example is probably Mastodon, a Twitter-alike where you can join a specific server based on their vibe, but can also interact with folks on other Mastodon sites and other sites that support ActivityPub.
a_chou joined the channel
Sound doesn't work
goes to try and finagle with Zoom
sl007 joined the channel
Zegnat, we're in the middle of introductions...
Sometimes, Zoom picks up my mic, sometimes it doesn't :-/
Zegnat, this is not a secure fact, might depend on how many people more will join. Count all the votes.
sl007: not sure I follow, was that comment aimed at me?
[manton] joined the channel
@Gyuri What kind of problem are you having signing in? Let me know if I can help. (Also, that link you pasted in the Etherpad won’t work since it’s just for your account. Best to just use gyuri.micro.blog.)
Zegnat referring to the one before "Zegnat, we're in the middle of introductions..."
Have to leave for a moment (but will still be online) to pick up my family
Aaah, got it now! I am mostly trying to make sure I would be there in time for session planning
@dmitri: What do you use as web UI for your git repos on your website?
sl007: not sure you had seen it, but the list [chrisaldrich] was reading from for the presentations: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/lightning-introductions :)
h0p3 maybe something åbout your philosophy/ies and how wiki-fying embodies it/them?
@schmarty — thanks for the short short def!
miklb_ joined the channel
Fun fact: I picked up a Webmention python library
The Etherpad for proposing sessions can be found here: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Sessions
Is that a diaspora* Instance, Sebastian?
sliding in late and still getting set up, but following along.
schmarty on holistic art and tech and friction as a good thing: https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2020/02/11/paradox-of-technology-1
[jgmac1106]: if you didn't find the source for the MLK citation, it is from this speech: https://www.democracynow.org/2013/1/21/dr_martin_luther_king_in_1967
lahacker: your site throws an error for me; console says http 500, though it delivers some content
Zegnat Argh, thought it was just the order in zoom, thanks :)
Ryuno-Ki Yes https://pluspora.com which came up when google+ came down. Normally I am sl007@mastodon.social …
URLs redaktor.me + #apconf 2019 https://redaktor.me/apconf/ and 2020 virtual https://conf.activitypub.rocks/#live
Enjoy the day everyone… I need to drop off but will try to check in on the chat and sessions later if possible.
@sl007: Cool! I still have an account on Geraspora :-)
We'll have dinner here shortly (about 30 minutes). Will write again, once the time is more concrete
Again, if anyone has any questions or needs any help for proposing sessions, we're here to help, just let us know.
I am trying to login to the wiki with my gyuri.micro.blog account is that possible?
Ergodic: I ran across this this week: https://gumroad.com/l/ergodicity
GWG joined the channel
My IRC bouncer chose this moment to die
So I'm on the web interface
I'm going to get set up so I can do video. Thanks everyone for the session proposals.
[jeremycherfas] joined the channel
Great to see everyone today... I'll try and attend some of the sessions later, but its getting late here and need to help get the kids to bed (never easy!)
Ryuno-Ki joined the channel
You get a blog, bring a passion. You made the world a little bit better
carla-paloma joined the channel
I need to disappear between 1830-1930 GMT sorry but will be back
[Greg McVerry] This was my first attempt at recording a pawn. People think I should stream while I carve. I think people are crazy. That is why I am outside carving and not talking to them. I need to work on camera placement so you do not see the back of my hand ... [video]
@Angelo That vouch thing sounds a bit like „Web of Trust”
Sounds good
nickodd left the channel
Ian would your PDS one fit with Simon's dogsheep?
I did suggest this but Simon has a very clear view on the session, so I don't think so?
Mine is much more this is what we have done so far and what can be done now
[scottgruber] joined the channel
Much more open discussion
hibs I am still gonna want to hack on variable fonts tomorrow
and hope you do a typography session during the Poetry Pop Up Session
Will be back after 1930
@Chris My talk (Identity) is flagged as scheduled, but not listed in the schedule
shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1 and carolline joined the channel
hello I went to the toilet and when I was back zoom is gone
and I think there is a group picture now?
[Sue_Hanen] joined the channel
The new room links will show up here when they are ready
Thank you Sue
The links are already ready
And yes, we forgot a group photo
I'll have to extract one from the video
Where's Tantek when needed
I've never been in three rooms at once before
Whoever is filling in the schedule, we need hashtags
Orange room no video
[Simon_Willison] joined the channel
Are the sessions running exactly to the schedule, or are they delayed?
reed joined the channel
I created an Etherpad for the Personal Data Warehouses session but I can’t figure out how to add a link to it from the schedule https://etherpad.indieweb.org/indiewebcamp-east-2020-personal-data-warehouses
Erk, I didn’t realize how many things had been combined into that session!
[dmitshur] joined the channel
> delayed
Do we know the starting time of the first session roughly? Or is that still being figured out?
Simon: I think only 1 thing was combined
with yours
Looks like both of the first sessions have started off
No, four things were - *How does personal data stores work for the IndieWeb? Personal Data Warehouses - Dogsheep, Nostalgia, Nextcloud, more - combined with “Meta information from the physical world” and “Webnative/Indie Web & Web 3.0"*
Oh, thanks Chris.
missed the edits ty
There are links on each of the sessions for a communal etherpad for each. Facilitators should encourage everyone to take notes on the session as we go along. Assigning or asking someone to take notes for the group can be helpful as well.
times are updated in the schedule
We'll archive the session notes on the wiki after sessions/camp is over.
First session started 11 minutes ago, second session is now at 2:50pm eastern time which is 49 minutes from now
relativetime has 2 karma over the last year
Can we add Zoom links to the schedule too?
is delightedly surprised that already had karma
Should be at the top, [Simon_Willison]
Ignore me they are there already
could be nice to repeat them at the bottom of the table, or partway thru before the session boxes
All good, scheduling is hard, live scheduling on a wiki even harder, haha
i had to hunt too :/
i had to hunt too :/
Let me clone them right above the sessions. I think we have done so before. Good idea, maxwelljoslyn
saunders joined the channel
I hereby release that idea under cc0
orange room, etc, accessible only via zoom?
saunders: yes, the audio-video part of the event is all Zoom only. But will all be recorded for timeshifted viewing later
thanks Zegnat
It looks like the yellow zoom room is mostly unbooked apart from the number 2 timeslot. So if people have no sessions to attend, or sudden inspiration strikes, do ping in chat if there is an interest in hanging around in there or doing some form of popup session about a whole new topic!
Just wanted to remind people that, at a BarCamp, it is totally fine to skip out on a timeslot, or socialise on the side :)
I tried to connect via the zoom link, but get "meeting not yet started' message - so not sure how to get to the "rooms"
(using zoom in browser...)
thanks alot petermolnar
@Chris „Once you know something it's hard to remember how it was before you know it.” - I've learned about it as „Curse of Knowledge”
@saunders: I'm connected via web as well
Same. I do not have a Zoom client installed
In case anyone missed it, the session start times have been updated, refresh https://indieweb.org/2020/East/Schedule.
Right now we're in session 1, ending in 20 mins, then 10 min break.
Session 2 will start in 30 min.
Session 3 in 1hr30 min, etc.
gpickett00 joined the channel
Simon Willison: since there are a few open slots in Yellow perhaps you could ask 1 or more of the combined-in sessions to split out again? :)
Ok good to know!
Oh nice I'm combining with others cool
There was a bit of shuffling around [Ian_Forrester]. But like maxwelljoslyn just said, there are some slots still open so splitting up is still an option
[tantek] joined the channel
Oh ok... ummmm need to think fast 🙂
Think Simon had a clear idea and I don't want to interfere with that
I'm in orange room but can't tell if I'm in the right session? Is it "Spreading the IndieWeb Beyond Developers" ?
Do we have different chat channels per room or do we all chat in here?
tantek, h0p3 is doing a quick demo in Orange Room which is indeed "Spreading the IndieWeb Beyond Developers"
Not sure if folks have seen it but Kev's article is being talked about on https://lobste.rs/s/mdprfl/removing_support_for_indieweb
Hope IWC East is going well folks!
I think this is the only/main chat room for all rooms. Each session also has an etherpad for taking notes.
I'm guessing people are mostly talking video/audio.
wow fascinating conversation in Orange room
I'm totally transfixed by the rotating rainbow TRON like thing on the left
Ha yes I'm transfixed on it
also kind of reminds me of Atari BREAKOUT
We should be wrapping up the first session....
I updated the schedule and the times
Caroline: as much as I would like to take credit for h0p3's genius, the person presenting right now is h0p3 ("Hope"), not me Maxwell
The schedule says next session at :50
I miss IRC.
Thank you Tracy++
Tracy has 1 karma over the last year
Looks like raising hand doesn't work on Zoom
*Personal Data Warehouses* is starting in the red room in five minutes time:
Etherpad link: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/personaldata
can someone give me the link to the red room? Sorry!
reed joined the channel
got it
fwe joined the channel
wow this is like the ultimate in PESOS
dog-sheep as more modest than wolf-ram. hilarious
only 4000 checkins? wow
dmitshur - are you still on to discuss hyperproductivity?
simonw has 1 karma over the last year
[Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
Is there an etherpad or something where we can collaborate on "here are my projects that I'm interested in working on; lmk if you're interested?" I have a number of personal things that I could do and I'd like to prioritize based on which ones could help me meet other people interested in similar things.
I'm deeply sorry, but I have to drop out for today.
that would be interesting...
My health just went south.
definitely [Raphael_Luckom]! we should have a hack project etherpad for tomorrow and we can start adding to it today. [chrisaldrich] GWG do we have an etherpad for the hack day yet?
I think there's a hidden link in there, I'll uncomment it...
I'll try to make some time tomorrow. But I can't stand it right now. Hopefully, someone else can facilitate my session in slot #4
thank you!
That sounds interesting tantek
Sorry Ryuno-ki that you are unwell, hope you get better soon!
It's already there under Sunday under the heading projects: https://etherpad.indieweb.org/2020-East-Projects
^^ that's what you were looking for right?
wolftune and toupain joined the channel
Thanks for the link Chris, and good idea Ryuno
[Raphael_Luckom] carolline ^ that's the etherpad for projects!
ShinyCyril joined the channel
I feel like aaronpk should be in this session
[Simon_Willison] have you looked at Open Humans
↩️ https://www.openhumans.org/
↩️ I have not!
irisisgay joined the channel; sl007 left the channel
↩️ Oh that’s really interesting - people share notebooks there that can perform analysis on your personal data https://exploratory.openhumans.org/notebook/12/
↩️ I’m not keen on uploading my stuff to a third party though - part of my goal with Dogsheep is to allow people to run analysis exclusively on their own computers (or their own server) without sharing their data
↩️ I understand but its something which I have used in the past.
↩️ I find the sharing of logic quite powerful
[Simon_Willison]: the queryability is very interesting to me. Have you opened any parts of it to public querying? I do not know of a lot of people who have big queryable daasets public.
Think one of the only things I can think of might be https://data.verborgh.org/ruben
I’ve published subsets of my data - here’s my public GitHub activity over some of my projects https://github-to-sqlite.dogsheep.net/github
and here are 488 photos I’ve published https://dogsheep-photos.dogsheep.net/public/photos_with_apple_metadata
↩️ Seems there could be something you could both share especially since its also trying to do similar
(my private Dogsheep has 40,000 photos)
Aah, awesome!
Will share with Open Humans, when I log into their slack 🙂
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
so what the dogsheep made me think of was this conversation yesterday https://twitter.com/LeaVerou/status/1327403615162691585
@hdv I wish there was a successor to XSLT. Lots of ugliness, but lots of good ideas there too.
@LeaVerou @hdv It always had the "now you have two problems" feeling. Maybe the 2 problems are: 1. Parse the bits I want out of this 2. Create a new page using a template I've written a lot of these kind of things, and XSLT seemed to mix them up.
XSLT is beautiful 🙂
so Simon has been working on both halves of this with SQLite in the middle instead of xpath
I really like SQL for this kind of thing - SQLite’s implementation is great, it has window functions and CTEs and suchlike
had to look up xslt--it reminds me of `jq` but for xml, is that close?
xslt can also transform xml to completely different document types. I think jq is just JSON to JSON?
yeah it is
I actually have a Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function that can execute JQ transformations!
well, actually it has templates, so theoretically any string, but it sure isn't going to help you unless you want json
I built it partly as a devious joke - so I could embed JQ in my SQL and then stick that in a querystring - but it’s also quite useful
jq is a hell of a drug 😄
```select package, "https://pypi.org/project/" || package || "/" as url,
jq(info, "{summary: .info.summary, author: .info.author, versions: .releases|keys|reverse}")
from packages```
[simonw] datasette-jq: Datasette plugin that adds a custom SQL function for executing jq expressions against JSON values
This is the essay by Stephen Wolfram that inspired me to build Dogsheep https://writings.stephenwolfram.com/2019/02/seeking-the-productive-life-some-details-of-my-personal-infrastructure/
toupain joined the channel
If you haven’t read it you should read it - it’s A Journey
I do things like this with google photos, foursquare and my tweet archives, but integrating them sounds good
miklb joined the channel
[Simon_Willison]: if you're not familiar with this, please read it: https://pastebin.com/0xXV8k7k - Piotr Czerski "We, the Web Kids."
irisisgay joined the channel
tying back to cognitive load this is where tags came from http://epeus.blogspot.com/2005/10/tags-and-cognitive-load.html
What is mood?
mood is sometimes expressed explicitly in or about a post, by the post author https://indieweb.org/mood
He, [tantek] starts talking about post mood just as I write this
toupain joined the channel
[Simon_Willison] I'm really looking forward to having some time to look at the templating. Really happy to see you around today.
Reminder: The Yellow Room is open as an impromptu Hallway track for the rest of the day: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89833032971?pwd=eldNQTl6YzdMYWpKV2IwYTBwQjlBQT09
what a second... how did DoOO LMS and Poetry end up in the same timeslot....
Thanks to everyone in the hyperproductivity session! Its etherpad link is https://etherpad.indieweb.org/hyperproductivity.
where's the latest schedule?
Starting in 7 min
I feel like I am using focus as it is getting later, so I think I will bow out. Have a great rest of camp all! I will be around doing hack day tomorrow and keeping my eyes open for impromptu sessions or if people want to do tech talks :)
Starting in 5 minutes:
• *Domain of One’s Own LMS* in red room: red zoom, etherpad
• *IndieWeb and Poetry* in orange room: orange zoom, etherpad
Hallway track is in the yellow room: yellow zoom
KempfCreative, anotheryou, GWG_, [jgmac1106], leg and KempfCreative1 joined the channel
Starting in 5 minutes:
• *Discovery: A TRek Through the Indieweb* in room red: red zoom, etherpad
• *Identity on the Web* in room orange: orange zoom, etherpad
I gotta head out earlier, after session 3, due to a pre-existing timing conflict. Thanks to everyone for an awesome IWC so far, and enjoy the rest! 👋
[chrisaldrich]: new session in 4 minutes
Thanks for all the great sessions. My eyes cannot take more screentime cu tomorrow.
maxwelljoslyn great hosting a poetry session with you, let's get the community going, anyone can write poetry, start with found poems is a strategy. I also added some getting started tips to the etherpad
toupain joined the channel
Thanks for coming Gyuri!
[hibs] joined the channel
jgmac1106++ & maxwelljoslyn++ thanks for a great poetry session!
jgmac1106 has 12 karma in this channel over the last year (55 in all channels)
can't wait for the poetry session video to be posted.
fwe and [calumryan] joined the channel
Heading offline for the day. Good effort on the organizers, interesting sessions and great to see some new folks at IWC
chrisaldrich I was a little flustered thinking I was going into the LMS session (I gots sooo many ideas) it took me a second to get situated. Luckily maxwelljoslyn was there to save the day
hibs++ for teaching us how to make it pretty. meaning found in the spaces between letters and words
hibs has 7 karma in this channel over the last year (10 in all channels)
usually in the case of my poetry pretty means really ugly, I shouldn't associate the word pretty with design too engencdered
What is OPML?
OPML stands for Outline Processor Markup Language, an XML-based format and defacto standard used for feed lists interchange https://indieweb.org/OPML
toupain joined the channel
What is discovery
Discovery is a variety of methods for finding content, websites, communities, or people to follow on the web including search, directories, recommendation engines, tags, or other serendipitous methods https://indieweb.org/discovery
re discovery session: what is Technorati?
what is Technorati?
Technorati was a real-time blog search engine that provided comprehensive date-ordered results within seconds of when people published on their blogs https://indieweb.org/Technorati
What is superfeedr?
Superfeedr provides a variety of ways to access real-time feed updates, including a popular PubSubHubbub-0.4 compliant hub https://indieweb.org/Superfeedr
you're talking technorati? maybe I shoudl be in there
When the current session is over, if folks want to hop into the Zoom Red Room, we can do a quick wrap up and talk about tomorrow.
Yes, Kevin Marks, you could/should join us... talking about discovery.
[KevinMarks]: I said your name three times, and you didn't appear; truth is: we're talking discovery, which kinda ties in to Technorati.
Generative identity — beyond self-sovereignty identity- https://www.philipsheldrake.com/2019/09/generative-identity-beyond-self-sovereignty/
What is tummeling?
It looks like we don't have a page for "tummeling" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "tummeling is ____", a sentence describing the term)
schmudde joined the channel
tummeling is what a /tummler does - keep the conversation going, quieten the too noisy people, encourage the quiet ones to speak up. Without it communities tend to fall apart.
What is h-card?
h-card is the microformats2 vocabulary for marking up people, organizations, and venues on web sites https://indieweb.org/h-card
Guest2, rawtext and wolftune joined the channel
To Chris and all the organizers and people who participated and watched, that was great! Really enjoyed.