[jgmac1106]curate quickly with bookmark (or listen posts) really just mean a link with some context, and then maybe one day organize it into a more archive like post
[jgmac1106]I must say Dokuwiki while rough around the edges and missing a few key things is kinda what I want in an CMS, adding the blogging features I was able to add the stuff to make it work with other IndieWeb tools
petermolnarAnyone here from France or Australia who could tell a bit about that social media needs to pay licence fees to news outlets? I'm curious how it's defined what falls into the needs-licencing (and thus paid) category.
sebbupetermolnar, are you sure you're not confusing this with the recent-ish facebook news that'll pay news outlet to publish news on the social network ?
sebbui know that facebook gives itself a free, lifetime right to your publications and photos, and might forbid you from selling them elsewhere (which instagram doesn't forbid you to, but with the recent-ish merge...)
[jgmac1106]will wait for the US reaction in terms of tariffs, won't play well here with public, a foreign government claiming sovereignty to tax US corporations, that will strike a chord with many
Zegnat"a foreign government claiming sovereignty to tax US corporations" - who are selling goods in said foreign country. The often forgotten thing. Facebook is completely free to not have dealings in France and instead serve an HTTP 451 instead, like so many US newspapers do *shrug*
[jgmac1106]Zegnat Not saying I don't agree. Just saying the nuances of data transmission are will not resonate as well as any anti-tax message. The French are trying tax Americans just comes off easier. ...Some places still sell "Freedom Fries" instead of French Fries