[eddie]I know that on average 12-25 people are using Indigenous for iOS. Is anyone here part of that 12-25? I’m wondering what your primary use case is: the share extension? Or the social reader aspect?
[schmarty]hi! i use it a helluva lot! mostly for the reader aspect (and occasional replies) but also for the share extensions. i have lots of ideas for things i would change about both 😂
[eddie]🤣 great to know. I would be interested in ideas on what you would change about both. I also have a list of things I would change so it would be interesting to see what matches up and what doesn’t
SureSumbat, ShadowKyogre, [tantek] and [Kevin_Faaborg] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
[Ana_Rodrigues][jgmac1106] that’s what I was thinking - publishing drafts but not adding them a feed. Someone would have to visit the website and deliberately visit them.
[Ana_Rodrigues]My drafts have lots of thoughts that I overthink - then overthink if I didn’t squeeze more out of it. While editing posts that made it out there isn’t unusual - it feels as if “oh I should have considered this point of view before I published this”. Other times, I simply don’t have time to expand on a though but I still would like it to put it out there.
[jgmac1106]...I do that by laziness and not knowing how to automate stuff. I have to manually make an entry in the h-feed...65% of the time...I never get there
[chrisaldrich][Ana_Rodrigues] perhaps a better way to frame it isn't whether or not you can add something new, but to do the thinking/writing for yourself (and if you publish it maybe your friends/family/personal learning group). Don't be afraid to wear your learning on your sleeve.
[chrisaldrich]If it helps some, I've been collecting/tagging posts and ideas about using websites (or blogs) as thought spaces https://boffosocko.com/tag/thought-spaces/ as part of my digital gardens research. There are many out there using their websites to do this whether they're thinking about it consciously or not.
[chrisaldrich][tw2113_Slack_] some of us have floated an idea about taking incoming Facebook email notifications and turning them into backfeed, but no one has implemented it.
KartikPrabhu, schmudde, nickodd, [pfefferle], archwizard, shoesNsocks, shoesNsocks1, [chrisaldrich]1, [snarfed], [schmarty], [tantek] and [Rose] joined the channel; nickodd left the channel
[tantek]I've felt pretty unmotivated to post on silos too. The IG manual POSSE aspect has been a drag for a while and I've been reconsidering why and what to bother posting there. I have some ideas, nothing concrete. Considering only a subset of posts in the future, or perhaps summary posts of a sort.
petermolnar I simply feel unmotivated to post, though the reason depends on the platform. IG... I've simply refused to copy my files to my phone and post from there. My own site... not many things had been happening that's worth a blog post.