#indieweb 2021-01-24

2021-01-24 UTC
thelounge2447875 joined the channel
[KevinMarks] I like the anchor tag per day and page per month old design. Easy to maintain if you don't care about all the webmention and syndication stuff.
lahacker joined the channel
Good morning all. New semester Monday.Still not sure if I will start students on their own website or keep everything in Teams again. We will see
[chrisaldrich] joined the channel
[jgmac1106] There's still a week left for submitting for the OER+Domains conference: https://www.alt.ac.uk/events/open-education-conference if you're interesting....
[jgmac1106] I'm curious if you've ever done a private multi-instance of WithKnown for a class?
hs0ucy_, [tantek], lahacker, KempfCreative, gRegorLove, KartikPrabhu, jgee, a_chou, priyanshu, coaltown and nickodd joined the channel
here's a fun spam thing happening on twitter: 1. spammer blocks you. 2. spammer replies to one of your tweets. 3. because of #1 you are unable to see the reply. 4. because of #3, you are unable to report or hide the reply. 5. because of #4 spam reply remains under your tweet.
ah it is not totally new ofc. maybe it already came up before. I should do more research
tantek documented this in 2016(!) on /block 🤯
oodani, goku12, leg, IRCsum, dhanesh, kensp and [jgmac1106] joined the channel; leg left the channel
[chrisaldrich] yes but that was right when it lost autoupdates so experiment was short lived
@mblaney ihazawebsite is a reeally good multi-site collection. I have been keeping everything as simple as possible though. Just playing with HTML on glitch and doing everything in Teams
some students choose to do websites as final projects
ShadowKyogre, [colinwalker], mauz555, hs0ucy_, [jeremycherfas], kensp, goku12, [Rose], nickodd, [jgmac1106], coaltown and [tantek] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
morning y'all
sebsel++ please document the additional citation! worth having multiple links about this
sebsel has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (7 in all channels)
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
How would your dream social media platform work?
pengolod joined the channel
wow there is a lot of nonsense in those threads [KevinMarks]
LOTS of anti-patterns / common mistakes/misconceptions to document
ooof really poor S/N. might take a look at extracting some signal later in case it's improved later tonight
I mean Holly's question is a decent one, though I might question the very framing of "social media". It's the responses that show that we have a LOOOOONG way to go to raising a broader understanding of what works / doesn't work, and really good underscoring that "what people ask for" is more often (nearly) completely wrong and should be ignored (so cook for yourself first before you try to cook stuff for others that they ask for)
I was interested in how many were "like this place I used to like" (including mine, tbh)
I think that's a daft answer because it assumes staticisim or worse privilege supporting status-quoism.
jamietanna joined the channel
It's not enough to design a place that is "good" for the moment/day/year, it must be created with explicit knowledge that it will change & evolve over time, and with mechanisms & systems to do so more along positive pathways than negative ones.
All the "this place I used to like" systems evolved chaotically badly (or amplifying default dominant culture bad behaviors) because they failed to do this
KempfCreative joined the channel
Well, it's a starting point for "what was good about that place and time?" and how you separate that from the "Grail quest for the Eternal August"
[schmarty] and [fluffy] joined the channel
I really dislike the Eternal August / September framing because it's too associated with "old guard / old boys" Internet elitism/classism
KempfCreative, goku12, lahacker and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
[KevinMarks] it's difference between: "I liked this still life painting", and "I like this plant"
and people mistaking plants for still life
how's that for weaving in the gardening metaphor?
shoesNsocks1, leg, [Raphael_Luckom], ShadowKyogre and pauho[m] joined the channel; nickodd and leg left the channel
pengolod, coaltown, KempfCreative, [snarfed], BigShip, neshpion and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
For a few weeks now I've been working on an introduction to building cloud systems for personal use. I just finished a post that outlines my main design idea-so-far: https://raphaelluckom.com/posts/practitioner_inn_000.html
[KevinMarks] and goku12 joined the channel