#indieweb 2021-01-25

2021-01-25 UTC
djmoch, ecobos, robla, seekr, jessehattabaugh, [snarfed], KartikPrabhu, coaltown, deltab, KempfCreative, ShadowKyogre, pengolod, markopasha, kensp, gxt, swentel, KartikPrabhu1, schmudde, john-doe and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
This is an eccentric essay about indieweb goals https://www.robinrendle.com/essays/newsletters
[tantek], markopasha and [Nicolas_Hoizey] joined the channel
yeah it's a bit odd
dbohdan, MrHyde, oenone, hs0ucy_, deathrow1, jeremycherfas, sebsel, IWSlackGateway, yar, egoexpress6, KempfCreative, [Nicolas_Hoizey], elioat, DanC, kensp and [tantek] joined the channel; dg left the channel
I'm still working on automatic location display presentation. My current code gave me things like Florida, United States
When I could do better
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Should I omit country when it's my home country?
schmudde joined the channel
How would that read to non Americans?
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
it makes sense as disambiguation, given how many name collisions there are
Georgia, USA
[KevinMarks]: Adding the United States or not adding it?
I don't think there is an Atlanta in the other Georgia though
Also, I'm exploring country and state codes over full names
[schmarty], [pfefferle], coaltown1, leg, elioat, anotheryou, a_chou, hs0ucy_, [chrisaldrich] and hs0ucy__ joined the channel; ShadowKyogre and leg left the channel
GWG, you could use ABBR for this
What is ABBR?
It looks like we don't have a page for "ABBR" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "ABBR is ____", a sentence describing the term)
GWG, I mean you could show only the "local name" that has relevance to you and then offer an expansion in the code
Going to #indieweb-dev for more code/markup talk...
I am more thinking about human readable
I think it's ok to use short names that have contextual relevance to you and then include details in markup
Should I omit USA?
Also, three or two letter country codes?
omit from the your default visible text? yes I think so because your whole blog already has an implied context of USA
schmudde and pengolod joined the channel
[tantek]: Maybe I will make up a list
Like...how should I display being at the Empire State Building? An airport? Trafalgar Square? The Western Wall ..that weird radio tower in Berlin...
Then I can come up with some logic
I am currently letting the reverse geocoding provider dictate the display.. instead of generating my own using the pieces they give me
wonders if he is obsessing about minutiae
[schmarty] joined the channel
GWG: you are obsessing about minutiae. :}
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
It is a hard problem. Remember flickr reverse engineering names for locations from tags in photos?
[schmarty]: Is that always a bad thing?
[KevinMarks]: No, but can imagine
[KevinMarks]: How would you write a descriptor for the Tower of London?
I got a bit annoyed about several data sources putting the Western Wall in Palestine...but that's a political firecracker
schmudde, rsheftel, ShadowKyogre, KartikPrabhu, [colinwalker] and [timothy_chambe] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
By the way, is there one implementation of a Indieweb reader toolset that has evolved further along than the others? Are Monocle and Indigenous still in active development? https://indieweb.org/reader
i haven't made many changes to monocle recently, but that's because it's working well for me. i still use it literally every day
[eddie] joined the channel
Hey Tim πŸ‘‹ Indigenous for iOS is not in active development. I'm not sure about Android, swentel can speak to that.
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
Hey GWG πŸ™‚
[eddie]: I miss your website
I miss my website too 😞
misses your website too
ShadowKyogre left the channel
Thanks Loqi! :smiling_face_with_tear:
you're welcome, [eddie]
I set up a new server, so hopefully my website or some form of it will come back to life shortly πŸ™‚
ShadowKyogre and lahacker joined the channel
[eddie]: Will it still snow when appropriate?
Lauven and [tantek] joined the channel
Yep. Although we haven’t gotten snow lately lol
[eddie]: I have no snow gauge alas
[eddie]: If you are free, you should join us at HWC Americas on Wednesdays.. would be great to see your digital presence
hs0ucy_, anarchivist_, voxpelli_, ramsey_, genehack, qa5_, bigbluehat and willnorris joined the channel; Lauven left the channel
Thanks! I do think about it occasionally. I’m hoping to join one of these weeks πŸ™‚
gxt joined the channel
[eddie]: I will keep a light on
elioat, neshpion, paulopinto[m] and [chrisaldrich] joined the channel; ShadowKyogre left the channel
It's cold enough here that the rain was coming down as snow for a few minutes here in Los Angeles. Then it quit after about 5 minutes. I've seen hail half a dozen times in 20+ years, but never snow.
KempfCreative, pengolod, jjuran and bltavares joined the channel