#indieweb 2021-01-29

2021-01-29 UTC
Jon, timotimo, omz13, AkyRhO, BinyaminGreen[m], micro, johnridesabike[m, aciccarello[m], astrojl_matrix, cbradford[m], kolaente, jamietanna[m], dor[m], rinfo and Ixlldr joined the channel
Ixlldr joined the channel
Ixlldr, Jeena, Alex[m]12, alvinsj[m], moftasa[m], nekr0z, johnridesabike[m, sknebel[m], nloadholtes[m], Matthew[m], marinin[m], benpa[m], lionirdeadman, coaltown1 and rknLA_ joined the channel
[Cory Doctorow] Pluralistic: 28 Jan 2021
jaduncan[m], voss[m], tgys[m], fredcy_, JackyAlcin[m], PaulB[m], sanae[m], Salt[m], calebjasik[m], drhitchcock[m], cli[m], BudaDude[m], ecrosstexas[m], smacko[m], pauho[m], bw3, cidney[m], coaltown[m], TeeKayZA[m], petermolnar[m], jamietanna[m], aciccarello[m], cbradford[m], sknebel[m], alvinsj[m], moftasa[m], benpa[m], lionirdeadman, nekr0z, Jeena, Alex[m]12, nloadholtes[m], marinin[m], Matthew[m], paulopinto[m], dor[m], kolaente, Caleb[m]1 and BinyaminGreen[m] joined the channel
hello, here is some news Facebook is building a newsletter product, designed to court independent writers and journalists it could be similar to offerings from startups like Substack and Revue https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/01/28/business/us-economy-coronavirus/facebook-is-said-to-be-planning-newsletter-tools-to-court-independent-writers
Mikaela[meow] joined the channel
they do realize you don't have to compete with every product, right
jdormit[m], astrojl_matrix, johnridesabike[m, [pioneer][m], perflyst[m], freekurt, fredcy_, benpa[m], Salt[m], Matthew[m], lionirdeadman, cli[m], bw3, nekr0z, PaulB[m], sanae[m], kolaente, paulopinto[m], jaduncan[m], ecrosstexas[m], pauho[m], smacko[m], cbradford[m], moftasa[m], alvinsj[m], voss[m], nloadholtes[m], petermolnar[m], TeeKayZA[m], drhitchcock[m], jamietanna[m], BinyaminGreen[m], aciccarello[m], calebjasik[m], Alex[m]12, coaltown[m], Jeena, dor[m], Caleb[m]1, cidney[m], marinin[m], BudaDude[m], sknebel[m], Mikaela[meow], tgys[m], JackyAlcin[m] and [snarfed] joined the channel
seems like no, they don’t
where they don't compete they're leaving user data on the table, and that's just not acceptable
facebook's mission is to become the world in which we live and breathe
chkilroy, rektide2_, nolith2, Zegnet and ben_thatmust joined the channel
neshpion: I mean after they bought Oculus, they're like 80% there lol
rip oculus
they're gonna have shadow moderators sending footage of people behaving in unsanctioned ways, connected via facebook to real identities. VR was meant to be an escape but they will make it a prison
[pioneer][m] joined the channel
calebjasik[m], kolaente, rinfo, aaronpk, reidab, dragontamer5788, Matthias1, perflyst[m], quite, cli[m], Salt[m], Matthew[m], tgys[m], lionirdeadman, paulopinto[m], kensp, ccchapman, treora, [KevinMarks], [tantek], micro, timotimo, jetter, a_chou, [jeremycherfas] and yar joined the channel
snarfed, not sure I agree with "one of the first serious attempts i’ve seen to review the space overall". there's been various such "reviews" about once a year since the Internet Archive did dweb conf 2016. I recall one from EthanZ that was quite similar.
also, I'm quite disappointed in how much it's focused on plumbing, and nearly zero on actual top 10 social media / social web / distributed / decentralized UX problems.
the marketecture block diagrams didn't really help either
beehiveth, kensp, gRegorLove and schmudde joined the channel
I briefly read through the decentralized topic, and my conclusions could be summarized in ::sigh::. First of all: "X is broken" implies X doesn't work - the web, as technology works, email, as technology, works, etc. They are not "broken" in the actual meaning of the word, therefore it would be nice to stop implying it is. It it very hard to take dat:// seriously after building dat:// for years, only to suddenly become hyper-{x,y,z,a}
Putting these aside, the other thing that itches is the "decentralize" wording with an implicit thought towards p2p, while both dat and IPFS would rely on always-on nodes for any kind of data that is not read and stored by half the world - in reality leading back to servers. The sole difference between the current web and, say, and IPFS based "web" would be the one runs on DNS and the other runs of essentially torrent, without the addi
simple clarity on how to set it up? IPFS is fantastic, but it's also one of the most wasteful solutions I've seen in my life.
tional benefits of DNS, such as automatic service discovery outside the web. Overall, I'm not convinced this really is a way forward.
anotheryou, [Rose], lanodan, markopasha, kensp, [Murray], gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
@esglaude Well, @esglaude, since you ask. 😁.... I will start by highly recommending @jkosseff's The Twenty-Six Words that Created the Internet; it is excellent history and explanation. Here is summary: 1/
ambroisie, hs0ucy, perflyst[m], cidney[m], Alex[m]12, petermolnar[m], nekr0z, astrojl_matrix, PaulB[m], TeeKayZA[m], BinyaminGreen[m], ecobos, drhitchcock[m], petermolnar, benpa[m], stevestreza, GWG, cli[m], aciccarello[m], jaduncan[m], moftasa[m], Jeena, bw3, johnridesabike[m, [pioneer][m], nloadholtes[m], dor[m], ecrosstexas[m], genehack, coaltown1, lanodan, pauho[m], sanae[m], Caleb[m]1, smacko[m], coaltown[m], paulopinto[m], marinin[m], BudaDude[m], kolaente, marinin[t], elioat, Matthew[m], KempfCreative, fredcy_, Salt[m], alvinsj[m], JackyAlcin[m], tgys[m], reed, voss[m], Mikaela[meow], freekurt, lionirdeadman, jamietanna[m], jdormit[m], calebjasik[m], cbradford[m], sknebel[m], pncl, qa5, anotheryou, [KevinMarks], [mapkyca], joshproehl and [snarfed] joined the channel
tantek oh, great! i hadn’t seen those. 😁 i should!
marinin[t], joshproehl and [tantek] joined the channel
snarfed, the EthanZ paper is in /to-do I think as something (now “old” 😜) to write a response / follow up to since it completely ignored anything IndieWeb (and anything people are practically using? Like most “dweb” projects of 2016)
That's the bit I find frustrating. The original web project was tying together a lot of different protocols into a useful form, whereas a lot of the soi disant web3 stuff is monoculture
jessehattabaugh, joshproehl, gRegorLove, hs0ucy and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
From my perspective, part of the problem is that a lot of those who are available to work in this space are interested in having and presenting _new ideas_. I'm skeptical that there are any ideas we need that aren't already staring us in the face. The kinds of capabilities people _want_ already exist in a million forms. The economic incentives that underpin the current implementations are largely f-ed up, and lead to some seriously dark
places. But we (humanity) has done a pretty good job of exploring the decision tree wrt those systems, so it's likely that we'll do better by reconfiguring what we already have to avoid some of the problems we see, rather than trust ourselves to start over at the theory level and build from there.
[Raphael_Luckom]++ strongly agreed
[Raphael_Luckom] has 2 karma in this channel over the last year (6 in all channels)
you might enjoy a couple indieweb talks i’ve given on that same idea: https://indieweb.org/events/2016-06-09-dwebsummit-indieweb , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkc5afFohmI
it's just, if your primary interest is putting a flag in something and having it carry your name forever, there's no useful new territory to support that goal
(you’d probably also enjoy some of Kevin Kelly’s stuff for a good counterpoint, notably his book What Technology Wants. really great. the thesis is basically, “You are not too late.“)
(can take follow-ups to #-chat)
this might be interesting for those of us who have been contributing to MDN https://twitter.com/OpenWebDocs/status/1354849636004073475?s=20
We’re holding our first community webinar on 17 Feb at 17:00 UTC. There will be a live Q&A session with Open Web Docs team members, focusing on how we work, our goals, and how you can get involved Public calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/4?cid=Y19vbGpyaTVyYmN1dGJmczkyb2ZwYTN1ajVzOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t Submit questions: https://forms.gle/z46q8QaXQy3Y67hp8
elioat, hs0ucy, [tw2113_Slack_] and joshproehl joined the channel
Hey folks this looks very IndieWeb collaboration like. Be your usual kind & warm selves! https://twitter.com/EmilyKager/status/1355203825464987651
Software Engineers - let's collaborate on a project! Who is planning to build or overhaul your current personal website in the next 3 months and would be open to trying to do it in a new tool? Fill out the Google form to get involved! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMi-_tcctQ0YzUAikwkKMF6RZaCVgEfmHCNVbN2onW-nR4kg/viewform
j605 joined the channel
for those of us that use social readers on the daily, how important is 'feedback' for y'all?
feedback, in this case, can be a few things: interactivity (and the speed of it) and flexiblity (does content tend to adjust and present itself in a way that 'makes sense') to start
raucao joined the channel
I have nothing to offer this conversation but I'm _very_ interested
[schmarty] joined the channel
jacky: i have some thoughts!!! i use Indigenous on iPhone multiple times a day and have a few nits that sound related to what you are asking.
one interactivity issue relates to the Like button on an individual feed item. it gives no feedback that it has been touched, but even if it did i would want it to give feedback on the process of actually making a like post on my site. right now it requires faith that everything will work.
related to content presentation, the content view in the app often shows... nothing. so i'll see a post's title in list view, swipe to view it, and just get a blank white page. i then have to tap the Open in Safari button to go visit the site.
hope that is the kind of thing you're looking for!
elioat, joshproehl, [chrisaldrich] and [benatwork] joined the channel
I use readers pretty regularly and wish that more readers (and micropub clients in general) would support "read posts" natively for saving (usually longer articles). Indigenous for Android is the only one that does so presently.
sounds like you want a post like "add this to my personal digital library"
for others, I'll sometimes add them as private bookmarks with a read tag and just manually change them later.... they're all roughly equivalent
[Rose], neshpion, [jeremycherfas], elioat and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[schmarty]: that's exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for!
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
I kinda want to make a similar report that Twitter did but more focused on what can make social readers feel a bit more "first-class" (such a loaded and opinionated term tbh) so it'd be easier for me to suggest to others
[chrisaldrich]: I promise you that this is something I'm in desperate need of myself lol
[tantek]: I don't know re: adding to digital library, tbh - at least for me! Like I'd like to keep a 'journal' of sorts of the things I'd read as well as anything regarding those books that I've captured (highlights/quotations, photos of a page [I do that a lot, lol], etc)
jacky, I do copy/paste (most of) the articles/links I read into my plain text personal journal (text file lol) just as a way to find them later like what was the thing I read about something (and local plain text search still beats anything web)
fair enough!
neshpion, [schmarty], jdp, hs0ucy_ and voxpelli_ joined the channel