#indieweb 2021-01-29
2021-01-29 UTC
Jon, timotimo, omz13, AkyRhO, BinyaminGreen[m], micro, johnridesabike[m, aciccarello[m], astrojl_matrix, cbradford[m], kolaente, jamietanna[m], dor[m], rinfo and Ixlldr joined the channel
Ixlldr joined the channel
Ixlldr, Jeena, Alex[m]12, alvinsj[m], moftasa[m], nekr0z, johnridesabike[m, sknebel[m], nloadholtes[m], Matthew[m], marinin[m], benpa[m], lionirdeadman, coaltown1 and rknLA_ joined the channel
jaduncan[m], voss[m], tgys[m], fredcy_, JackyAlcin[m], PaulB[m], sanae[m], Salt[m], calebjasik[m], drhitchcock[m], cli[m], BudaDude[m], ecrosstexas[m], smacko[m], pauho[m], bw3, cidney[m], coaltown[m], TeeKayZA[m], petermolnar[m], jamietanna[m], aciccarello[m], cbradford[m], sknebel[m], alvinsj[m], moftasa[m], benpa[m], lionirdeadman, nekr0z, Jeena, Alex[m]12, nloadholtes[m], marinin[m], Matthew[m], paulopinto[m], dor[m], kolaente, Caleb[m]1 and BinyaminGreen[m] joined the channel
# hello, here is some news Facebook is building a newsletter product, designed to court independent writers and journalists it could be similar to offerings from startups like Substack and Revue https://www.nytimes.com/live/2021/01/28/business/us-economy-coronavirus/facebook-is-said-to-be-planning-newsletter-tools-to-court-independent-writers ( twitter.com/_/status/1354970698934935553)
Mikaela[meow] joined the channel
jdormit[m], astrojl_matrix, johnridesabike[m, [pioneer][m], perflyst[m], freekurt, fredcy_, benpa[m], Salt[m], Matthew[m], lionirdeadman, cli[m], bw3, nekr0z, PaulB[m], sanae[m], kolaente, paulopinto[m], jaduncan[m], ecrosstexas[m], pauho[m], smacko[m], cbradford[m], moftasa[m], alvinsj[m], voss[m], nloadholtes[m], petermolnar[m], TeeKayZA[m], drhitchcock[m], jamietanna[m], BinyaminGreen[m], aciccarello[m], calebjasik[m], Alex[m]12, coaltown[m], Jeena, dor[m], Caleb[m]1, cidney[m], marinin[m], BudaDude[m], sknebel[m], Mikaela[meow], tgys[m], JackyAlcin[m] and [snarfed] joined the channel
chkilroy, rektide2_, nolith2, Zegnet and ben_thatmust joined the channel
[pioneer][m] joined the channel
calebjasik[m], kolaente, rinfo, aaronpk, reidab, dragontamer5788, Matthias1, perflyst[m], quite, cli[m], Salt[m], Matthew[m], tgys[m], lionirdeadman, paulopinto[m], kensp, ccchapman, treora, [KevinMarks], [tantek], micro, timotimo, jetter, a_chou, [jeremycherfas] and yar joined the channel
beehiveth, kensp, gRegorLove and schmudde joined the channel
anotheryou, [Rose], lanodan, markopasha, kensp, [Murray], gRegorLove and [KevinMarks] joined the channel
# @esglaude Well, @esglaude, since you ask. 😁.... I will start by highly recommending @jkosseff's The Twenty-Six Words that Created the Internet; it is excellent history and explanation. Here is summary: 1/ ( twitter.com/_/status/1355125054133202947)
ambroisie, hs0ucy, perflyst[m], cidney[m], Alex[m]12, petermolnar[m], nekr0z, astrojl_matrix, PaulB[m], TeeKayZA[m], BinyaminGreen[m], ecobos, drhitchcock[m], petermolnar, benpa[m], stevestreza, GWG, cli[m], aciccarello[m], jaduncan[m], moftasa[m], Jeena, bw3, johnridesabike[m, [pioneer][m], nloadholtes[m], dor[m], ecrosstexas[m], genehack, coaltown1, lanodan, pauho[m], sanae[m], Caleb[m]1, smacko[m], coaltown[m], paulopinto[m], marinin[m], BudaDude[m], kolaente, marinin[t], elioat, Matthew[m], KempfCreative, fredcy_, Salt[m], alvinsj[m], JackyAlcin[m], tgys[m], reed, voss[m], Mikaela[meow], freekurt, lionirdeadman, jamietanna[m], jdormit[m], calebjasik[m], cbradford[m], sknebel[m], pncl, qa5, anotheryou, [KevinMarks], [mapkyca], joshproehl and [snarfed] joined the channel
marinin[t], joshproehl and [tantek] joined the channel
jessehattabaugh, joshproehl, gRegorLove, hs0ucy and [Raphael_Luckom] joined the channel
# We’re holding our first community webinar on 17 Feb at 17:00 UTC. There will be a live Q&A session with Open Web Docs team members, focusing on how we work, our goals, and how you can get involved Public calendar: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/u/4?cid=Y19vbGpyaTVyYmN1dGJmczkyb2ZwYTN1ajVzOEBncm91cC5jYWxlbmRhci5nb29nbGUuY29t Submit questions: https://forms.gle/z46q8QaXQy3Y67hp8 ( twitter.com/_/status/1354849636004073475)
elioat, hs0ucy, [tw2113_Slack_] and joshproehl joined the channel
# Software Engineers - let's collaborate on a project! Who is planning to build or overhaul your current personal website in the next 3 months and would be open to trying to do it in a new tool? Fill out the Google form to get involved! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMi-_tcctQ0YzUAikwkKMF6RZaCVgEfmHCNVbN2onW-nR4kg/viewform ( twitter.com/_/status/1355203825464987651)
j605 joined the channel
raucao joined the channel
[schmarty] joined the channel
elioat, joshproehl, [chrisaldrich] and [benatwork] joined the channel
[Rose], neshpion, [jeremycherfas], elioat and [tw2113_Slack_] joined the channel
[KevinMarks] joined the channel
neshpion, [schmarty], jdp, hs0ucy_ and voxpelli_ joined the channel